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“I’m riding out this golden age timeline, this diamond age timeline, and I’m going full throttle into 5D 40-100 hertz, the Schumann frequency, minimum 40Hz maximum 100. This is the 5D spectrum. This is where everything oscillates and vibrates at a different spin rate and your vibration goes through the roof and your heart expands and you feel the joy. It’s your natural default statement. We are in a spiritual war, but this is the thing. This spiritual war is already won. We’ve already done what we needed to do but we’re not holding the frequency of that impeccably and this is causing distortions in the field.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? We are at a pivotal point in human history, and it is so incredible to be here and it’s time right now for you, beautiful soul, as a warrior of light, as a fierce strong galactic titan from the stars, to stand up and be your truth. The time of speaking your truth and stepping into that space, they’ve gone. It’s time to be your truth, to live your truth, because our truths change and what happens we sometimes hold on to those truths because we know them, we believe in them, we are accustomed and acclimatized to them. It might be the truth that you’re in a crappy marriage, you’ve got a dead-end job and you’re just angry and unhappy. Better the devil you know then better the devil you don’t. This is old thinking baby. The timelines are there for us. There’s a high-speed motorway into 5D or there’s the low frequency highway into the depths of despair. Which one you going to choose? I know which one I’m on.
Right now, we are in a spiritual war, but this is the thing. This spiritual war is already won. We’ve already done what we needed to do but we’re not holding the frequency of that impeccably and this is causing distortions in the field. What do I mean by this? Ok, so if you look around this world right now, I mean in London yesterday there were earthquakes in London. There’s been lots of things blowing up in America. You know why these things are blowing up, food storage places seem a bit weird right. They’ve been right for the last 30, 40, 50, 100 years and now suddenly they’re blowing up. There are earthquakes in London, the roads cracking, people’s houses are shaking. Well, there could be other reasons for this like an underground battle and bases being blown up and children being rescued but that’s a whole other story.
Maybe Mother Earth is purging because we’re purging as a human species. Maybe she’s purging too. It doesn’t really matter what matters. There’s chaos and strange things happening around us and you get a choice. You can buy into that. You can buy into 5G, you can buy into vaccines, you can buy into children being taken from schools into quarantine camps, you can buy into the food shortages, you can buy into all this stuff. Of course, you can, and millions of people are, maybe billions of people are. But I know there are millions of light workers, warriors, truth seekers, truth knowers, galactic titans from the stars here right now on planet earth that are holding the sacred light and holding the sacred space and creating the pathway from the 3D space, the bridge to the 5D space through their own essence. I’m one of them. You’re probably one of them too.
If you’re watching this video and listening to me right now there are millions of us and what we’ve got to do is to shine our light even brighter because the further we get down this tunnel towards the end game which is really the start of a beautiful new world, it’s going to get darker and darker and people are being forced to stay in their homes. They’re trying to bring out new laws in the UK where you’ve got to be tested before you fly. There are loads of crazy things that they’re saying they’re going to do and are doing. Look at Australia in Melbourne. It’s crazy but we all know the real reasons for the lockdowns. There’s the underground reason and the overground reason, there’s the children and there’s what’s going on above the surface. Some people are aware, and some people aren’t. Again, it doesn’t really matter.
What matters is you and me and all of us what we’ve got to do is to hold the creative frequency because right now in this month of September what is happening and unfolding right now are massive creative energies. When a baby is in the womb of its mother it’s lying there in that amniotic fluid all tucked up and cradled and kind of squashed and in there but it’s in the womb of the mother being fed, nurtured. Light codes are pouring into it, nutrition is pouring into it, and that baby is growing and developing and nurturing and expanding because it’s inside a creative energetic space and we as a human species right now were in the amniotic fluid. Now you can choose to feed off the amniotic fluids and you can create the most magnificent experience and hold the light and the perspective of the new world we’re stepping into.
The battle is already won, or you can focus on the madness that’s being presented to you everywhere you look. I can look here. It’s everywhere but you see, beautiful soul, I’m aware of it but I don’t buy into it, and I like to be aware of it to see the game and the cards that the other players are dealing. Otherwise, I’d be a crappy poker player because we are in a game right now and you could play it like a game of roulette, you could throw your dice red or black. You see gambling and hoping are for losers. Winners, they know so they observe their other players, and they play the hands that are guaranteed to win and the hand that is guaranteed to win in my reality is the lights freedom and sovereignty me speaking up standing in my truth and living my truth and saying no to what it is that I don’t want and yes to what I do want.
You see silence is dangerous because silence is consensus. If someone offers you something and you don’t say no to it, you’re consenting to it and all around the planet right now there are offers being made left right and centre and you get a choice. You can buy into them and accept them, or you can say listen this is what I’m focused on, this beautiful new world over here come on lads come on girls come and jump onto my timeline. This is where the truth is or you can stay in the dark, heavy low vibrational low frequency energy space of control, of manipulation, of vaccines, of 5G, of no food, locked at home and can’t travel, can’t work, got no money, life is crap. Of course, you get the choice to buy into that timeline. Me, no way baby, me, and Alana here, my beautiful unicorn, we are choosing another timeline.
You see what is happening during September which a lot of people don’t realize, and a lot of light workers don’t even realize this too. There’s a rainbow bridge that’s being assembled. My team and I are playing a part of this, and I know there’s some other quantum architects around the planet and they’re playing a part in this too. There is a rainbow bridge that’s going to be solidified come the end of September which is going to link 3D to 5D in a magnificent way and the transition for those that are asleep and those that are waking up is going to be so much easier. They’re going to be able to walk through that tunnel of darkness looking at the light, like a walk in the park, have a cup of tea, chat to their friends, do whatever it is, a bit of yoga, a bit of meditation.
The demons and the ghouls are like see you later buddy, no time for you because you’re just cool as a cucumber, you know the end game. It’s a done deal baby. It’s been written into the scriptures, and I am not changing my scriptures for no one. I’m riding out this golden age timeline, this diamond age timeline, and I’m going full throttle into 5D 40-100 hertz, the Schumann frequency, minimum 40Hz maximum 100. This is the 5D spectrum. This is where everything oscillates and vibrates at a different spin rate and your vibration goes through the roof and your heart expands and you feel the joy. It’s your natural default statement.
Start to play with these creative energies, start to enjoy being in the darkness which for me is just a place to create the new, the inspiring, the intentional. It’s all about your intentions, your thoughts and your emotions are recalibrating and restructuring your DNA on a super conscious level 24/7 365 so make sure you choose the light, make sure you see the darkness as a chance to grow. All these challenges, all these illusions, you’re like a tomato plant in the black peats in the earth, and it’s giving you nutrition. if you take the tomato plant out of the earth, out of that black peat, out of that compost bag, the plot, tomato plants going to die because the roots need to go into the earth to get the sustenance.
We are all dark and light. We’re all God’s, devil, high vibration, low vibration. It resides in all of us so we can fuel ourselves from all aspects of reality and this is where you become a master alchemist. If you want to truly transition into 5D, you’ve got to accept all aspects of reality and blend into perfect equilibrium and know that everything is there to fuel you. Everything is there to help you grow but whilst you’re focusing on it and seeing it from a different perspective, that crappy low vibrational perspective you’re messing up your own consciousness. That’s the truth. So let go of your old truths and start holding on to your new truths and as you move past those truths maybe some new truths will come into your reality, and you’ll be a high vibrational unicorn riding human a superhuman baby.
There are beings in this space all around us supporting us and nurturing us. Connect with them, connect with the planet, connect with the stars. We have so much energy to sustain us and see us through these troublesome times which are just unfolding perfectly even though it doesn’t seem like it. Okay so wherever you are on this planet go out and start loving. Go out and start hugging even those people with masks on. Go and give them a great big hug and say I love you, beautiful soul, I love you as my sister or brother. I don’t see you as different from me, black, white, rich poor. It doesn’t matter, Chinese, Japanese, Australian, from New Zealand, French Polynesian, American, English, Irish, Scottish, it doesn’t matter.
We are a human family, and we are rising together, and we came here to make this world a better place and all this darkness is pushing us together and bringing all the honeybees back to the hive so that hive can grow out geometrically and the world will become a sweet place. Go out and hug your sisters and brothers, beautiful soul, and remember never ever be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously fiercely and ferociously. Share this video with your friends and your family remember to hit the subscribe button and the notifications tab.
Even if you have subscribed and got your notifications, keep coming back and checking because YouTube are not showing a lot of this content because this content activates people, this content shifts and changes people. It’s positive it’s inspiring and it changes you on a DNA level and the most important thing it expands your cosmic heart and allows you to step into your own truth and that is dangerous for some but for you is where you want to be. So, I love you, beautiful soul. thank you for listening, thank you for being here thank you for being on this planet right now. I salute you; I respect you, you’re awesome.
Remember to check out our website where we got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. They will raise your vibration and catapult your consciousness into extraordinary high vibrational spaces. I’ll see you again real soon beautiful soul.
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