Star Magic Facilitator Training Level 2

Star Magic Facilitator Training Level 2

Multidimensional Light Body Activation,
Planetary Grid Work & 6D Earth

We turn average healing facilitators into Jedis.

Ready to have your world incredibly rocked?

This workshop is only for Star Magic Facilitators who have completed the 5-day Star Magic Facilitator Level 1 Training.

In Level 2, extremely profound knowledge and tools will be shared, while potent activations will bring the core of your beingness into action. You will be given frequency upgrades and Star Magic consciousness download programmes that will open your super-human toolbox, awakening your avatar blueprint.

You will know your soul mission and contribute to the ascension of humanity on a planetary and cosmic scale by connecting to the 6th dimensional Earth Grids and their respective Star Gate structures. This is next level ascension work.

Five days of online Galactic Training + two free bonus days

This 5-day (plus 2 free bonus days) Cosmic Mystery School Training consists of two very important parts: Multidimensional Light Body Activation and Planetary Grid Work including the 6D Earth structure.

The training is designed to assist with the biological and bio-chemical ascension process. It’s for souls that are ready to embody the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine as one conscious code and fully embrace their ascension journey and soul mission. This is about crystalising the next genetic leap in human consciousness and accessing the divine quantum architecture available in our human/avatar blueprint.

In this Advanced Esoteric Training, you will experience the power of knowing first hand. You will push the barriers of science and spirituality and lay the foundation for a lifetime of miracles.

Galatic Training session by Jerry Sargeant

Multidimensional Light Body Activation

Light body at full capacity

Our light bodies are extraordinary and unless yours is functioning at full capacity, you will not be able to hold a high enough frequency to activate your full super-human potential. This is why Level 2 training is essential.

Your multidimensional architecture

Throughout the super-sonic training journey, your galactic multi-dimensional architecture will be switched on. You will be able to understand and remember this very specific process from ancient times as you move through it, step by step.

God World frequency

The God Worlds lie beyond our 15th dimensional time-based matrix. You’ll be shown how to run God World frequency (D-12 currents) through your newly activated light body. This ensures you maintain a high frequency, blocking any low frequency interference from your field, no matter the external reality.

Planetary Grid Work & 6D Earth

Cleaning Earth’s grids

Get ready to understand the full scope of planetary and cosmic grid work. You will be shown how to run frequencies through the Earth’s grids and clean them. You will go through several upgrades and activations, accessing a potent toolbox of keys and codes that will enable you to facilitate the work.

Star Gates

You will be introduced to Star Gates and your connection to these Star Gates will catalyse a colossal transformation within you.

Live missions

Jerry will guide you on several live missions. You will work in real time and on specific grid points and locations that need clearing or re-gridding on and off planet. This will put your new skill set to the test.

6D Earth grid structure

You will be given information on the new 6th dimensional grid structure around Earth and its specific purpose. It’s imperative to plug our own architecture into it so we can start the frequency shift from 5D to 6D and prevent the devolution of humans and the planet.

6D activation

You will take part in a huge activation to connect to the 6th dimensional Earth grids and their newly opened Star Gate structures so that we can truly ascend.

Five days of Galactic Training + two free bonus days

Galatic Training session by Jerry Sargeant

This 5-day (plus 2 free bonus days) Cosmic Mystery School Training consists of two very important parts: Multidimensional Light Body Activation and Planetary Grid Work including the 6D Earth structure.

The training is designed to assist with the biological and bio-chemical ascension process. It’s for souls that are ready to embody the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine as one conscious code and fully embrace their ascension journey and soul mission. This is about crystalising the next genetic leap in human consciousness and accessing the divine quantum architecture available in our human/avatar blueprint.

In this Advanced Esoteric Training, you will experience the power of knowing first hand. You will push the barriers of science and spirituality and lay the foundation for a lifetime of miracles.

Answer your soul’s calling

People gesturing, related to own healing.

Facilitator Training Level 1 left you extremely equipped, but Level 2 is a whole new ball game! The training is about your own healing, your transformation and your mission. As a galactic guardian here on earth, you will feel an immense pull to this training. Something deep inside the core of your being, in the depths of your soul will know that the very reason you came to Earth was for this!

This is where you become a walking, talking real-life action hero, a super man or woman in the Quantum Field, a spiritual warrior! This is the real work, and it’s extremely fun, exciting, rewarding and very much needed on earth right now. Remember, it’s why you are here.
We are meeting to share, love, transform, remember, explore and dive deep into our own consciousness through the Star Gate of our own Cosmic Hearts.

Any lingering doubts?

If you have any doubts whatsoever regarding whether this massive frequency upgrade is right for you or not, know this:

High amounts of Plasma and Aurora frequencies are streaming into your energetic template and are going to be building. This is also happening to the Earth’s grids. Our planet and your electromagnetic field need to be adjusted, upgraded and rewired to absorb and assimilate this higher krystalline frequency. This is where your role as a galactic titan comes in!

The divine ancient wisdom on Galactic Initiations that we will share, and the mystery teachings of activating the Divine Human biochemistry for the Diamond & Platinum Age are for the very advanced souls: souls that are here to walk the path only those with activated columns of Krysted Light can walk.

If you feel the calling, the pull deep in your heart, then you know you are home!

Jerry Sargeant in nature

Any lingering doubts?

Jerry Sargeant in nature

If you have any doubts whatsoever regarding whether this massive frequency upgrade is right for you or not, know this:

High amounts of Plasma and Aurora frequencies are streaming into your energetic template and are going to be building. This is also happening to the Earth’s grids. Our planet and your electromagnetic field need to be adjusted, upgraded and rewired to absorb and assimilate this higher krystalline frequency. This is where your role as a galactic titan comes in!

The divine ancient wisdom on Galactic Initiations that we will share, and the mystery teachings of activating the Divine Human biochemistry for the Diamond & Platinum Age are for the very advanced souls: souls that are here to walk the path only those with activated columns of Krysted Light can walk.

If you feel the calling, the pull deep in your heart, then you know you are home!

It’s 5th Density and above

It’s time to shred the 3rd Density matrix once and for all and start operating in a space of 5th Density and above, always.

If you have been on the Facilitator Training Level 1, then you know perfectly well what lies in store. Well sort of, because this will be like Level 1 but on copious amounts of steroids. Fasten your seat belt and be ready!

You will switch your frequency into the 40-100Htz range, the 5th Density Spectrum of Light!

Integration is key

After the training, you will need to integrate this extremely deep and powerful work. This is why you will be provided with a plan to move forward and go through this process once you complete the training. We will dive into the Star Magic Lifestyle and what is required to hold the frequency at this level. This is where you are starting the road towards Jedi Training.

Be prepared to have your world rocked!

Do you really know your true potential?

This is an intense healing workshop for human beings who want to take their extra-sensory abilities into the multi-dimensional stratosphere, pushing the boundaries of science and spirituality. This will elevate your ability to heal and be of greater service to your brothers and sisters and Planet Earth herself, an experience like no other.

What happens on these training weeks is indescribable with human words. If you have been on Facilitator Training Level 1, then YOU KNOW! It’s powerful beyond measure.

Our mathematics

The human template is not only a fractal aspect of the entire universe, but it is also the measurement/geometry/mathematics of the universe. The problem has been that our mathematics have been slightly out of sync. We will be reconfiguring our natural DNA template with that of the purified Krystal New Earth frequencies/codes and catalysing a massive shift in our human genetics.

All sentient life within our universe is programmed to naturally awaken and evolve through the full spectrum of consciousness and this Training will give you access to this encoded information.

Human beings have the potential to activate the entire universal ascension process within them and this is a part or aspect of what it takes to become a super-human of this Earth plane and join our sisters and brothers from parallel dimensions, held in the fabric of our beloved cosmos.

When I say that this energy healing training experience is the most powerful on the planet, I DON’T SAY IT LIGHTLY! It is off the cosmic chart!

We are the spiritual space pioneers leading humanity into eternal bliss. This upgrade is going to expand your inner galaxy through the cosmic web and beyond.

New healing technology

With an upgraded light body, you will elevate your ability to heal yourself, others and Planet Earth herself. You will be handed new and empowering Star Magic healing tools that were not shared in Facilitator Training Level 1.

You will remember how to shift a client’s frequency into the 5th density matrix using spiralised geometry and Star Magic Frequency codes, heal using the code embedded within the Krystal Spiral and so much more.

Ready for five extraordinary days + two bonus days?

Are you ready for this super-charged, love driven, crazy, beautiful, mind developing, frequency elevating, consciousness expanding, cosmos traversing, super-human healing ability unleashing Star Magic 5-day Training!

The first bonus day will be immediately after the training to provide any clarifications you may need.

The second will take place three weeks after the training to go over what you’ve learned, giving you the opportunity to share your experience and ask questions. The date will be set on the last day of the training in agreement with everyone participating.

Investment: £4444.00

discounted to £3333+ 2 Free Bonus Days

All 5 days: Training will start at 3pm (BST) and will end at 11pm (BST).

Payment plan

You can pay the full price now. Alternatively you can pay a 25% deposit and the balance 5 weeks before the course starts. If you wish to do that contact us here.

If you wish to have a tailor made payment plan that suits your personal needs and requirements then please contact us here.

Jerry and thousands of Star Magic Facilitators say YES!
Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced healer, you can use Star Magic to elevate your skills.
View some of the testimonials from our facilitators.

Hi Jerry
Thank you for your workshop yesterday (Sunday 5 March), one of the effects from the group healing that I have noticed today is a huge improvement in the field defect in my left eye, I would estimate a 90% reduction of the defect allowing much improved vision for which I am very grateful.

Phillip, UK

‘My daughters language improved after her energy healing session. The week after the appointment she went to bed earlier every night and slept through to the morning. It was such a relief.’

Thank You Jerry

Karen Butler

Hi Jerry!,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your work. I only recently discovered your video meditations. Your energy penetrates me on all levels taking me deeper than ever before. I have desired this type of experience at the quantum level. So deep…so spiritual. I really enjoy your work. You definitely take me into another dimension. I appreciate the spiritual growth. Thank you!

Jen Mink- U.S.A

Hi Jerry,

Thank you for your workshop yesterday (Sunday 5 March), one of the effects from the group healing that I have noticed today is a huge improvement in the field defect in my left eye, I would estimate a 90% reduction of the defect allowing much improved vision for which I am very grateful.

Phillip, UK

‘My daughters language improved after her energy healing session. The week after the appointment she went to bed earlier every night and slept through to the morning. It was such a relief.’

Thank You Jerry

Karen Butler

Hi Jerry!,

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for your work. I only recently discovered your video meditations. Your energy penetrates me on all levels taking me deeper than ever before. I have desired this type of experience at the quantum level. So deep…so spiritual. I really enjoy your work. You definitely take me into another dimension. I appreciate the spiritual growth. Thank you!

Jen Mink- U.S.A

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