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“This god spark within is the world’s best kept secret because it’s inside of you, it’s inside of me, it’s inside of we, all of us. The separation is everywhere. There’s one place where you can’t be separated, beautiful soul and that’s right here in your heart. Fear is a choice. Danger is real. Love is real. Love is a choice.”
So, let’s talk about this magical, mystical, stargate in the centre of your brain and back slightly. People call it the pineal gland. Some people call it the seat of the soul. It’s known as the third eye. A lot of people say, “Help me unlock my third eye. Help me activate my pineal gland.” Well, here’s the thing. The pineal gland is not actually locked. There’s nothing to actually unlock and the pineal gland itself actually works. It’s not inside your body and switched off. But it’s like a muscle. We’ve all got muscle but unless we work those muscles and exercise those muscles, those muscles just stay smaller and weaker. When we go to the gym and we lift weights, we run, we do different exercises, we become more flexible, we become faster, more explosive, depending on what kind of exercises you’re doing. So, our muscles develop, our ligaments develop, our whole physiology develops. We become mentally stronger.
When we don’t utilize our pineal gland, it just stays there, sits there, doing not too much that we’re aware of, even though it’s always working and it’s always picking up information because that’s what the pineal gland does. It gives us access to information. It’s like a satellite antenna, like an aerial. It picks up information in the quantum field, geometrical building blocks, light, colour, sound, vibration, frequency. But we’re not self-aware enough or we’re not aware of our pineal gland and we don’t tap in and tune into it enough to connect with the information that it’s constantly and consistently picking up. 24-7, 3-6-5. The pineal gland is amazing, and it offers us so much. But just like our body is amazing, it doesn’t give to us that much when we don’t strengthen it, exercise it, meditate it, love it. It just does the basics. It’s like going and buying a basic car. It only ever does what a basic car does. But when you go and buy a better car, a more expensive car, that has a bigger engine and all the bells and whistles, it gives you more. It does more for you. There’s been more engineering that’s gone into that, more time, more energy. When you put time, effort, and energy into your body, it gives you more back. Inside our spinal column, we’ve got electrical energy travelling up and down. We’ve got our central nervous system. In each of those vertebrae, those vertebrae that are running through your spinal column. They all give you different access points and entry points to gateways, stargates, portal systems.
A lot of people don’t realise how phenomenal the body is. There are portal networks all over our body. I mean, inside every single cell you’ve got, some scientists say 100 trillion protons. I mean, I’m not sure whether that’s accurate or not, but there’s a lot of protons anyway, and those protons are like mini universes. They’re like entry points out into the vastness of the whole cosmos and beyond. In our planetary environment, we have stargates. We have them on a planetary level. We have them on a galactic level. We have them on a universal level. We have multiple stargate systems and the micro is always a part of the macro. So, all of these bodily components are linked to these stargate systems out there in the field. When you know how to plug into these stargate systems, you can hear your kidneys, your liver, your gallbladder, your spleen, your heart, your lungs, your sexual organs, your stomach. All body parts are linked to these portal networks.
We can bring in electrical energy and we are electrical beings. When we stimulate our pineal gland electrically, fields of energy flow out from it and it picks up more data and brings it back into us so that we can decode it. Most people don’t know how to decode the information coming from the pineal gland because they try and logically understand it. When you’re looking at geometry, frequency, colours, patterns, lights, trying to understand it logically is the wrong way to go about it. You have to feel this information. You have to internalize and absorb this information, this data, and then you just start to know what it means. It’s like light language. When you speak light language or you hear light language, when you try and understand it logically, it doesn’t work. But when you internalize it and feel it, it starts to translate to pieces of wisdom, information that you can understand through a level of feeling, through a level of knowing. But trying to understand this stuff logically, you’re only going to be going around in circles, but you will understand it logically. Once you understand it internally on the level of lights, information, knowing, feeling, because the feeling and the knowing will translate again to something that you fully understand and comprehend logically. But to go from one point to the other, from this piece of information to understanding it logically, without first internalizing it and knowing it and feeling it, it’s going to be a difficult road to travel.
People talk about enlightenment, light, frequency. Enlightenment comes from the word ‘mentis’, mind, to light up the mind. But it’s not to simply light up just the mind as we know it, it’s to light up the whole mind. Because the mind isn’t just in here, the brain’s in here, but not the mind. The mind is connected to the whole cosmos. The thing is, once you realize that you are whole and you are connected, you will realize that you are already enlightened. Enlightenment isn’t something that happens to some kind of sage or guru or mystic that sits on a mountain top or in a cave for many, many years meditating. What that does is give you access to the information easier, and it helps you internalize and catalyse and use the information that’s held in our whole being, which is part of every being in the whole multiverse, part of the one mind. When you get to that level where you get to realize you are this wholeness and start to appreciate this and tap into the fields and the layers of data held in dimensional fields through meditation, through breath work, then you can start to amplify your life in so many ways.
But you’re not going to get to enlightenment by meditating. You’re just going to discover that you were already enlightened. You were already that light within. You see, inside every single human being is light, frequency, code. Inside every single human being is darkness also. Darkness and light have to be merged together in the zero point and we have to become whole. You can’t neglect the light and you can’t neglect the darkness. You’ve got to be all of it, but you’ve got to be the master, the controller. You’ve got to be the Jedi Knight that understands the force and when you are the Jedi Knight that understands the force, you can choose whether you’re going to access the dark or light and then you’re going to go into a whole new level of Jedi activity when you merge the dark and light into wholeness. That’s when you master the force in its entirety and that’s when you activate your superhuman potential. Your pineal gland is one facet of your multidimensional faculties. You have the ability to electrically connect to the entire cosmos. You’ve got planets, stars, suns, and moons in every cell in your body.
There is massive firepower inside of you because inside of you is also outside of you. As above so below, as within, so without. As an extension of the cosmos and also as the cosmos being an extension of you, there is no separation. If you want to truly get to this deep inner-standing, this deep space, where you fully appreciate the magnitude of what you are, who you are, when you communicate with another human being, go beyond their physical form. Look into their eyes and see the light within and you will see that the same light that’s inside of them is the same light that’s inside of you. Look into your own heart and see that diamond spark, that God spark. Become aware of that god spark in every cell in your human body. When you start to connect to the light, the frequency, the code, that God source intelligence in other human beings, and within yourself, you start to realize that this is where the magic lies, and you realize that enlightenment was never not enlightenment. You were never not enlightened. You were always enlightened. You just didn’t realize it. All that’s happening is you’re waking up and remembering. You’re not discovering something new.
There is actually nothing to learn. I can’t teach you anything and neither can anyone else but what I can do and what others can do is help you remember that which you have always been, beautiful, supersonic, superhuman, extraterrestrial, galactic, angelic. You are planets and stars in this human form. You’re not a human being having a spiritual experience or trying to unleash a spiritual experience. You’re a spiritual being having a human experience. You’ve always been spiritual. People talk about, “Oh, we’re having this spiritual awakening.” Nothing could be further from the truth. The spiritual is never not there. It’s always there. What you’re doing is having a remembrance, a waking up. The humanness, the human being, the part of you that is human is remembering that you have a spiritual element. But when you remember, the spiritual element isn’t waking up, it was always woken. You just forgotten about it because you were pulled into the external reality, into this holographic matrix, which is run off tesseract technology. Cubes, straight lines. Everywhere we go, we’re in a box. But that’s because we play inside the hologram. You can still travel everywhere and be in a sphere if you want to. I decide to shape shift all of my cubes into spheres. Sometimes I change my cubes into octahedrons, inverted pyramids, hyper cubes, multidimensional Merkabah fields, dodecahedrons, icosahedrons, tetrahedrons. We can bounce around in any geometry we want and all of them have got their benefits depending on what you set out to accomplish or what you want to do. We are geometrical beings, spiritual beings. The essence of spirituality is geometry, mathematics, code, frequency. These physical bodies are just a slither of reality. When you take the space out of everything that’s solid, there isn’t much left.
There is not much left at all. It’s interesting playing around in this hologram. I’m not saying you shouldn’t, but just know where you are at all times. Don’t get lost in the maze. Don’t get to that point where you can’t see the wood through the trees. Always know what tree you’re next to, what tree you’re climbing, and which branch you’re on of each tree, like your central nervous system that transports electrical energy and turbo charges this human vessel and gives it the opportunity to truly thrive and function at its utmost with its superhuman abilities fully activated, like healing at distance, communicating telepathically, telekinesis, bi- location. We have these innate abilities inside of us. Like Optimus Prime in the Transformers, he knew the All spark, but the All-spark was in a cube, so the All-spark was being controlled. That’s why this God-spark within is the world’s best kept secret because it’s inside of you, it’s inside of me, it’s inside of we, all of us. But so many humans are unaware of it because they’re looking outwards and not inwards and even when you’re looking inwards, it’s hard to find unless someone tells you it’s there. The truth is in front of us, all around us, everywhere but you’ve got to use presence and patience to access the truth, the cosmic truth, because you are a cosmic being.
You’ve been through so many mystery schools on planet Earth and other planets. You know that everything I’m sharing with you is truth and if you don’t go into your heart and feel it, and if you still think it’s not the truth, that’s cool. Go on your mission, make your own discoveries, come back to this information later on, or maybe this information will pull you into it when the frequencies match. Everything is frequency, beautiful soul. If you want to unlock your third eye, if you want to unleash the potential of your third eye, unleash the potential in your heart, unleash the potential in your gut, start fasting every day for 18 hours. Put clean water into your body, stay hydrated, sun-gaze, listen to your body and give it the food that it needs. Some people are great on plants and vegetables. Some people need meats. Don’t believe that you have to be like somebody else. Do what is right for your vessel. Some of us on a cosmic level come from planets where we ate plants. Some of us came from planets where we ate meat. It’s carried on down through our soul code, through our DNA template for millions and billions of years.
This whole system is designed to separate us. Don’t become separated through music. Don’t become separated through colour. Don’t become separated through one of those books that they want all of us to read. They don’t care which book it is as long as we read one. Don’t become separated in this spiritual community. These people are sharing different ideas and philosophies, pieces of knowledge. The separation is everywhere. There’s one place where you can’t be separated, beautiful soul and that’s right here in your heart. Your heart will connect you to everything. It’s beautiful and the interesting thing is we’ve all got one. It’s why they don’t want us to know how powerful it is. It’s why we’re taken to the fear end of the spectrum. We’re not encouraged to move to the love end of the spectrum because love and fear are on the same spectrum at just completely different ends. Love is the key, the question, and the answer. Fear is a choice. Danger is real but fear is a choice. Love is real. Love is a choice. I know where I want to be, and I know where I am. That’s on the love end of the spectrum. Surrounded in kindness and compassion, inspiration, passion, ecstasy instead of being at that fear end of the spectrum surrounded in chaos, judgment, rejection, guilt.
We can alchemize anything and everything by utilizing our multidimensional faculties, and the heart is one of them, the gut is another, your intuition, your pineal gland. When you eat clean, and you breathe deeply and you sun-gaze, the calcification around your pineal gland, your corpus callus and which links the left and right hemisphere, it starts to dissolve and disintegrate, and everything opens up. It was already working. It just needed uncloaking, decalcifying. If you get a gold coin, you visualize a gold coin. You put the code HF444 into it and you place that gold coin in your spleen energy centre. It will work through your endocrine system and activate your Merkabah field to a very specific resonance frequency, and what that will do, it will stop nanotechnology in the empty space. Anything from sprays and chemtrails and pesticides that we breathe in, your Merkabah field will just spin electrically and magnetically in the correct way and dissolve all of that stuff. You see, there are so many codes that we have in Star Magic that can help you be a superhuman. These are biological computers, these bodies, and brains. When you know how to code them and recode them and access them precisely and efficiently, your body is amazing, and you can get it to do anything. Code is the answer. The heart is a code. Every organ is a code. Every cell is a code. Every bone is a code. Your eyes, your ears, your nose are code.
You are light. You are frequency. You are information. Start communicating with the God spark within. Listen to it and take guidance from it. See the God spark with others when you’re communicating with them and not the physical form. You’ll realize that God is inside you and whoever you’re communicating with and there is no separation. You’re both exactly the same, just manifested in different bodily forms. Just because you look a bit different doesn’t mean that you are underneath. Remember, this physical component is nothing compared to the space because when you take the space out of all human beings on the planet, you can fit what’s left in a sugar cube. So why do you judge most of your reality on what is tiny and minuscule, like the physical component? When what is real and true, the huge, gigantic, colossal, magnificent part of the space, the light, the frequency, the code, why do you disregard that? Tune in to the truth and phase out the BS and let’s create a better world, beautiful souls. It’s inside of us. It always has been. It always will be.
Wherever you are on this beautiful planet, go out and love your sisters and your brothers. Love them fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never, ever, ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Hugging is great medicine too, amazing medicine. Remember to check out our website. We’ve got some of the best ascension talks on planet earth. Hundreds of guided meditations, light codes, light language transmissions to activate your multidimensional faculties. We got cosmic yoga routines. We got hundreds of mystery school teachings on all different subject matters. So, you’ve got the knowledge and the wisdom. We got private telegram groups so you can connect with souls just like you on the same mission. We got a nutrition section, so you know how to prepare high frequency food. There is everything, breath work, you name it. So go over to right now and get access to all of these tools. Free for seven days and I will see you on the inside. Go and speak your truth. Go and shine your light and stop giving a flying ‘you know what’ and set yourself free on the road of freedom and sovereignty, and let’s create this diamond earth, beautiful souls. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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