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“We are giving away a healing package worth £33,000 pounds with free entry to any single workshop along with the private healing we’re giving away.”
I love you with my hearts with My Soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
My new book, “Activate Your Superhuman Potential”, is coming out. It is a set of incredible tools that I’ve pulled together to enable you to optimize your human potential and activate that superhuman within you. Qigong, meditation, breathwork, urine therapy, cold showers, headstands, exercise. Several different activations and light code sequences, different healing techniques. There are several different tools that have been pieced together in a unique fashion to amplify your light body, activate your pineal gland, enable you to grow in confidence with clarity to activate that lion, that lioness, inside of you so you can walk around this earthly plane switched on ready for life and the challenges that are laid down in front of you.
In the book I share some of my life experiences which are pretty crazy, eventful to say the least, and some of them will stretch your consciousness in many, many, ways. We dive into so many aspects of consciousness and reality, and I show you how to use healing techniques to change your geometrical structure, change the mathematics. We dive into the mathematics and the codex of the worlds, the galaxy, the universe, and I explain and show to you how this mathematical codex has been skewed. How it’s off-kilter. It’s not a hundred percent correct and because of that many human beings are struggling on this earth plane.
I give you the tools the solutions that you can Implement into your life to re-engineer that codex so you can connect to source seamlessly and effortlessly, so love can pour out from your heart, the labyrinth of this cosmic mysterious Stargate in the centre of your body so you can access new knowledge, new wisdom, which isn’t new. It’s ancient. You’re just simply embarking on this journey of remembrance because there’s nothing that I can teach you. I am not a guru. I am not a teacher. I’m simply a lad from the streets which has woken up after a series of crazy incidents in my life which have taken me from a life of crime to a life of sharing love and compassion and traveling all over the world sharing what we call Star Magic, a healing frequency, to help people step into their power. It’s a massive, 180-degree U-turn, and in the book, I share how this happens.
It all started with a crazy car crash in Romania back in 2006 when a lady came through the windscreen and hit me in the face whilst I was asleep in the passenger seat of a taxi. The chain of events that happened after that led me to Star Magic and I lay all of this out in the book. What is really important to share with you right now is that you can do it. If I can do it, you can do it. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you came from, what kind of upbringing you’ve had, what kind of path you’ve led. everybody can change everybody can shift and this book will help you make powerful choices. Powerful choices that set you on the path of freedom and sovereignty. So, you can connect with the multi-dimensional playing fields and bring all the versions of you all of the Soul fragments playing throughout the quantum field back home so you can ground them into your body into this now space.
We’re going to dive into the magnetics and the electromagnetics of our amazing universe and how you are an electrical being and when you tap the magnetic fields and the electromagnetic fields, your energy levels are going to surge. Your consciousness is going to expand and you’re going to start to read the information beyond the veil. Your right brain is going to switch on and you’re going to become a completely different human. Layers of you are going to die. You’re going to shed layers like a snake shedding its skin and you’re going to die over and over and over on this journey but each time you rebirth you become a different aspect of yourself. More and more energy, more and more potential. Telekinesis, telepathy, healing at distance, bilocation by location. All these things are possible, and they lie within your DNA and the light frequencies that you can bring into your space from down in the planet and up in the cosmic grids will trigger a powerful activation sequence.
You’ll switch on your multi-dimensional merkaba Fields. You’ll switch on your cosmic platinum light body which plugs you into the Andromeda galaxy into multi-dimensional Fields full of celestial bodies, our sisters, and brothers from the stars in their planetary forms once you connect at this level there’s no turning back and waves of love will cascade out from every cell of your human vehicle. You’ll switch on like never before and your superhuman abilities will be activated. You will remember how to live and thrive in a in a fifth dimensional reality but at the same time operate throughout multiple frequency bands within our 15th dimensional system across five harmonic universes.
The information in this book is succinct, powerful, and it has all the ingredients you need to put the puzzle back together and live an amazing life, beautiful soul, to live an amazing life.
To promote the book the team and I are putting on a competition. We’re giving away a six-month energy healing package worth £33,000. We’re giving away a three-month energy healing package worth twelve thousand pounds again with me personally. We’re giving away free entry to any single workshop along with the private healing. We’re giving away ten one-year Infinity subscriptions which gives you access to all our ascension tools, meditations, light languages, masterclasses, telegram groups, Fearless Focus sessions, nutrition, cosmic yoga videos. Everything we’re giving away free. Quantum architect card packs worth 231 pounds this is more than 55 000 pounds worth of prizes.
What you need to do to enter the competition is go to Amazon and buy a book on a very specific day within a 24-hour period. Write a book review and put it on Amazon. Take a picture of your book review and then upload it onto the form on the competition page on the Star Magic website. We will pick the names out of a hat, and we will contact you and give you your prize.
So, beautiful soul, join me, the star magic family, help us promote this book. Let’s get the message out to humanity because this book carries the potential to massively shift consciousness on this planet. Every single human has the power to use these tools and to change them from the inside out so let’s start a new way of being on this planet. Let’s work together as a global family. Let’s unify as one with divine sovereign codes merging the masculine and The Feminine into wholeness, mastering dark and light because only those that step fully into the darkness and into the light and merge them in the zero point are going to truly access their power. All the tools to enable you to do that are inside. Be superhuman, powerful beyond measure.
Wherever you are on this beautiful planet, I love you. You’re amazing. Go out and hug your sisters and your brothers. Love them fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever be the first to let go.
Go and get your copy of “Be Superhuman” and I will see you again real soon.
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