Right now, on planet earth, it’s time to activate the genetic code. Inside every single one of us is a wild woman or wild man. Its time to tap the potential of these fearless, courageous aspects of us, move to a higher state of consciousness and exercise our divine sovereign rights as human beings.
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“Calling all wild men and women, wild men, and women. It is time to rise.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? I’m out here chilling and I’ve been contemplating something strong and fiercely lately and it is to do with wild men and wild women, or wild women and wild men. It’s to do with wild human beings in general and we’ve been going through some crazy times on planet earth right now. It’s been wild man. This planet is run by a bunch of crazy psychopathic lunatics, and you know they haven’t really got our best interests at heart. The only way that we’re going to get through this and create a whole new paradigm, a new world, a new future, a new beautiful golden age, is by you, me, all of us, unleashing our own cosmic codes. Something has been woven into us since the dawn of time and that is this wild crazy aspect of us, this element that lies deep in our core.
We’re like wild lions and wild lionesses in human form. We have that fierceness, that passion, that courage, but it’s been dampened down and locked away. Now if you look at a lion in the jungle or a lioness in the jungle no one can go into the wild, into the jungle and tame a wild lion or a wild lioness. What they’ve got to do is they’ve got to shoot that lion, inject it with some poison, put it to sleep and then go and pick that lion or that lioness up, stick him in the back of a lorry, drive them to the circus, chain them up, and when they wake up they’ve got to beat them, they’ve got to inject them with more poison, more drugs, keep their spirit dampened, keep manipulating them and controlling them and beating them and get them to do certain things that wild animals don’t want to do until that wild animal that lion or that lioness loses their spark. That sparkle in their eyes goes dull and dim and they lose their own connection with their own soul, and they forget that they are fierce, brave, courageous, powerful, fierce animals of the jungle. They forget this and they submit. They become subdued, submissive, passive acquiescent beings that do as they’re told.
We as humans, we’re very much like the lions and the lionesses in the jungle. We’re the lions and the lionesses of this crazy concrete jungle that we live and play the game of life in. It’s a wild old place run by psychopaths but luckily there are a few that aren’t psychopaths and they’re helping us from the inside. We’re also getting help from our galactic sisters and brothers but the one thing I can tell you they are not going to do it for us. We’ve got to go out, reclaim our sovereignty and stake our own claim on this planet and decide to create a better world for ourselves and a future world for our children and our children’s children.
Now for us to do that, beautiful soul, we’ve got to connect or reconnect with this aspect of us that we’ve lost and it is that inner lioness, it’s that inner lion, it’s that fierce aspect of us, it’s that craziness, that crazy look in your eye, when you know what you want and you’re prepared to walk through mountains to go and get it. You’re going to stop at nothing to achieve your goals. That spark of divinity that lies deep in your soul, in the core of your human consciousness woven into your cosmic blueprint, the fabric of your human blueprint, is a wild crazy fierce and dangerous being, person, human, whatever you want to call yourself.
What you’ve got to do is connect with that wild side, connect with that crazy side, because when you connect with that crazy side and you allow this part of you to rise to the surface, you pick up your sword, you pick up your shield, you draw a line in the sand, you step across that line, you create a boundary and you say no. No one is stepping across this boundary anymore. When you band together with your sisters and brothers and you create one big powerful boundary where a group consciousness is solidified with a common goal, with a common outcome, those crazy, dangerous, beautiful, powerful, compassionate, loving, divine, fearless beings create a force immeasurable. This is a force so powerful and when we open our hearts and we have that balanced in complete harmonization with the crazy dangerous aspect of us, we create this wave of consciousness that is impenetrable, and we can go out and make and create a better world, but we’ve got to do this.
What I’m saying to you right here, right now, my message is this. Close your eyes, go into your heart, breathe deeply, meditate and search for your inner warrior, search for your inner warriors, search for your superhuman, your superman or your superwoman, the lion or the lioness, the crazy dangerous aspect of you that you know with every fibre of your entire being lies deep inside of your own consciousness, and when you connect with this aspect of you, give it a great big hug, roar like a lion or lioness, and say I’ve missed you. Let her or him rise to the surface and blend with the being that you are in this moment. Life is magical, beautiful soul, and it’s time to let out your wild side, it’s time to let your craziness, it’s time to let out that part of you that creates chaos and mayhem. In a constructive positive fashion, it rips things up, it tears things down that no longer serve it. It destroys the platform that has been holding it in, prison, and it builds a new foundation. We can do this if we rise as one fearless, fearsome, dangerous, powerful, loving, creative, magical, inspirational force.
If we do this as one, we are unstoppable, immeasurable, unquestionable, undefinable. There are no names, no labels for a group, a tribe of individuals coming together and unifying like that. It’s impossible to box us up so beautiful soul go into your heart, reconnect with this aspect of you and then go into the mirror and see that lion and that lioness sparkle in your own eyes. Looking at yourself back in the mirror and just like those lions in the circuses they remember that they’re not supposed to be tamed and they break free from those shackles and chains. They leave a great big scar across the chest of the lion tamer who took the piss out of it for far too long. They let off a great big roar, but they don’t kill the lion tamer because the lion tamer just had to learn a lesson, that controlling someone else and manipulating someone else through corruption, through force, through mind control, is totally unacceptable. For the rest of that lion tamers life, it’s going to look down its own chest as a reminder to say no, no, I’m never going back there again just like the lions and the lionesses breaking free from their shackles and chains.
When we the human species flip the pyramids on the head and the base becomes the top, we will rise to the top of the pyramid with all our sisters and brothers and then those that were at the top of the pyramid that are now at the bottom that have been inverted in their own control matrix have got a choice. They can stay at the bottom of the pyramid in that inverted section, the minority licking their wounds, or they can rise to the surface, up to the top and join the rest of us and be free spirits once again. Beautiful soul, you are magical and divine beyond measure. We live in a magical world with multiple opportunities and potentials so don’t settle for second best. You know what you deserve. I know what I deserve. We deserve this golden age, this diamond age, this emerald age, so let’s go out and create it together as one unified force. We can do it.
I love you so much as my sister or brother. We’re human beings, we’ve got eyes and nose, ears and mouth, teeth, and tongue. We’ve got a heart that beats thousands of times every single day, we’ve got blood that pumps around our veins. We’re the same, there’s no difference between you and me. I don’t care whether you’re a man or a woman, black, white, rich, poor. It doesn’t matter what country you come from, what language you speak. It doesn’t matter how you grow up, how much money you’ve got. I’m not bothered. I see you as the same as me, I feel you as the same as me. Be compassionate, let’s be kind, zero judgment and pure acceptance. Let’s create a new world, beautiful soul. Wherever you are on the planet, go out and hug tightly, so tightly. Hug your sisters and brothers and remember the golden rule of hugging is never, ever, ever be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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