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How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, I guarantee you this transmission is going to activate your soul, shift your frequency, and align you with the frequency of love so that abundance and prosperity can flow into your life because you are the frequency – the commands, the connection to all things where there is no separation.
So, I invite you to close your eyes and just be in this space with me. Open your heart, bring your awareness into your chest, and allow your heart to blossom and bloom and open. As you do, just breathe into your body, breathe in through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out. Take slow long slow deep breaths as you bring your awareness into your chest, breathing and being.
As you’re breathing and being with your awareness in the centre of your chest and your heart opening allowing us to connect heart to heart, light to light, soul to soul, consciousness to consciousness. We are one. We are all one energy consciousness manifested into different forms so we can experience this game of life from multiple perspectives.
Breathe Into Your Body Beautiful Soul and melt into this moment, this present moment, and as you’re breathing and being you’ll become aware of an inverted Diamond pyramid around the outside of your physical body. The pyramid is three meters from the base to the apex, the apex down below your feet in the ground, the base up above your crown. This beautiful high frequency diamond pyramid starts to rotate clockwise, and as it rotates clockwise picking up pace, it starts to draw a frequency into it from the ether, and a beautiful amethyst and rose gold light starts to flow out from the cosmic fabric into your space and is drawn into the pyramid as it rotates clockwise.
As this beautiful high frequency amethyst and rose gold healing lights flow towards your body and start to swell around the outside of it in a clockwise Direction over your head underneath your feet around your chest around your back swirling getting brighter and stronger whirling around the outside of your physical-ness, like a powerful high frequency amethyst and rose gold healing tornado.
You start to breathe this frequency and you breathe it in through your nose up into your mind. It flows into your left brain into your right brain. It flows around the outside of your skull down through your head your face, your neck, your throat, through your shoulders your chest and back. It flows through your spinal column
middle back lower back into your buttocks through your hearts your lungs your rib cage down through every vital organ, through your hips, your groin. It swirls through your thighs and your hamstrings down through your knees, your calves, past your shins, into your ankles, through your feet, all the way to the tips of your toes. It moves through your shoulders down your arms, through your elbows your forearms, your wrists, into your hands, fingers and thumbs.
Continue to breathe in this powerful light until the inside of your body is completely full, from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, from the tips of your fingers and thumbs to your crown. Once the inside of your body is completely full in your mind say thank you and keep breathing. As the light flows through every cell every atom every molecule, every fibre of you. your cells they dance and smile communicating with each other like one big happy family.
Your heart expands and expands filling up your chest expanding out past the boundaries of your physical body and into the space through the amethyst and Rose Gold Tornado. The frequency of your heart and soul illuminates your space and fills up the inside of this inverted diamond pyramid merging with the frequency of the tornado. Your whole Space amplifies as you breathe, and your body vibrates.
The diamond pyramid it starts to slow down as the tornado carries on spinning. As the diamond pyramid comes to a stop it starts to glow and vibrate faster. A stream of frequency flows from the apex up into your room, up through your body and into your heart, and then four streams of frequency, diamond in nature, flows from the four corners of the base down towards your crown. They connect with your crown and start to swap creating a small diamond vortex that swirls clockwise.
A stream of diamond lights flows from this vortex down into your heart where the two streams of diamond frequency merge and your heart opens and blossoms and blooms. This diamond light pours out from your heart rapidly filling up the inside of the pyramid and then flowing out into the space as your diamond heart dances free expressing itself loves spilling far and wide.
As you vibrate in this space, we’re going to set the intention to become the frequency and to bring abundance and prosperity into all facets of your life, health, relationships, business to amplify your connection to the cosmos so that you can be one with all things at one with all nothing. Be in this space as your heart expands and expands.
Light language transmission
With your heart expanding and the boundaries of your physical body merging with the frequency that you are knowing that you are a multi-dimensional being playing around in this avatar body for a short period of time giving your consciousness, your soul, your spirit the chance to express itself in human form. Thirteen electrical streams of light start to flow out from your heart into the space around you connecting to multi-dimensional soul fragments, avatar versions of you in other reality fields that are prosperous, abundant in every which way. Bring your awareness from your hearts up into your higher heart and feel the frequency.
Light language transmission
Feel the frequency flowing from your higher heart up into your crown and the frequency flowing from your crown down through your body and into your perineum connecting to your genesis cells, activating. As the frequency flows from your genesis cells down between your legs and into your Earth Star which activates and sends frequency down into your Omega transmission centre. From your Omega the frequency runs straight back up through your body up through your crown up through your causal transmission centres, soul star, stellar gateway, and up into your alpha transmission centre.
As your whole central column turns diamond, amethyst, and rose gold, the central column inside your body starts to expand. It grows wider out past the boundaries of your physical body until it’s a meter and a half wide. It stops. It vibrates and high frequency diamond crystal white and chromium codes start to flow from the cosmic grids above and from the Earthly grids below down and up through this cylinder. There are masculine and feminine frequencies, electromagnetic and magnetic, flowing up and down through that cylinder. As they flow through this cylinder, your physical body absorbs these frequencies and these codes, and they’re downloaded into every cell of your physical body, all 75 to 100 trillion.
As you vibrate, that diamond pyramid starts to rotate clockwise once again. As it rotates clockwise it starts to shrink, spinning faster, getting smaller. It shrinks down and down and down until it fits neatly inside the centre of your chest, inside your heart centre, where it stops and continues to spin drawing in frequency, drawing in code. That cylinder starts to shrink returning to its normal size. It shrinks down rapidly fitting neatly between your Alpha and your Omega running code and frequency up and down your central column, that Central Channel feeding electrical and magnetic coding into your spinal cord, your central nervous system, flowing through your body.
Just be here for a moment as your heart continues to expand on the frequency of all that is and all that is not. Be love realizing, knowing in this space that you are divine majestic whole free sovereign, a child from the start, a galactic guardian, an Earth Angel powerful beyond measure knowing this is your life. You are an alchemist co-creating.
As you move through time and space and as you vibrate just being in this space every cell in your body tingling there’s this prosperity and abundance. Go communicate with each other, every cell in your body, electrical streams flowing out from each cell into every other cell. This advanced communication network in full flow, those 13 multi-dimensional soul fragments of you and other reality fields start to dissolve into pure frequency, pure geometrical gold. As they flow through these 13 electrical streams, through the space back into your heart bringing these 13 multi-dimensional fragments prosperous and abundant back into this nice space as the geometrical coding, the mathematical building blocks, dissolve and flow through your physical body reminding you of the truth, your own inner wisdom, your own Galactic Magic.
As you’re a vibrating being in this space, whole and free, you start to become aware of your physical body, the vibration in your bones, the tingle in your cells, the frequency in every muscle. We’re going to count from five back to zero. When we get to zero open your eyes, come back into this space and just be. Take your time, there’s no hurry. Three, two, one, zero. Whenever you’re ready open your eyes, come back into this space and just me. We are whole we are sovereign. We are free and abundance is our birth right.
Your amazing, beautiful soul. Thank you for being in this space with me and giving us the opportunity to connect, to share, to grow, to expand, to elevate, to become more. I recommend you come back and do this transmission as often as you like taking you deeper into the labyrinth of your own heart unlocking more wisdom, more truth, more energy, more power.
This world is amazing. Be inspired from the moment you wake to the moment you sleep and in your dream time. Go out into this world, shine your light. Love who you are. Love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever, be the first to let go. That is the Golden Rule of hugging, beautiful soul.
Remember to check out our website where we have some of the best ascension tools on the planet. You can go and get access to hundreds of meditations and light language transmissions like this. Shorter ones, longer ones, meditations, and light language transmissions for many different aspects of healing, cosmic yoga videos, master classes, private telegram group to connect with our tribe inside Infinity. You can get access right now for seven days completely free by going to
You’re amazing. You truly are extraordinary. Know this and explore this. All the answers are inside your heart I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. I’ll see you again real soon beautiful soul.
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