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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So, I wanted to just discuss suicide. From a very specific standpoint. I know it is not easy to be on this planet right now. There are so many things happening to test so many souls in so many different, unique ways. There are so many potentials and so many possibilities and I know there are many out there that are struggling.
My message is this. Committing suicide is a decision that is going to leave you stuck in this time-based matrix. If you destroy your physical body, you are going to get stuck here, locked into these coordinates, into these mathematical geometrical coordinates in this time-based matrix, and you are not going to be able to get out and what is going to happen is you are going to go down with this sinking ship.
You see this this celestial body that we’re on Earth and the Stargate Systems within the environment that we’re based, there’s a finite lifespan for us to go through this ascension process and work our inner geometry into a space where we’re recorded mathematically and geometrically recoded to our original template so that we can move through the ascension process, through this Stargate system, hopefully with our body, if not at least our consciousness, and make a conscious choice to go somewhere else. Because Earth herself, the celestial body, our mother, she is never going to abandon her children. But there is a finite life span before she turns back to Stardust and what we have got to do is get our bodies or our consciousness out from this time-based matrix before that event happens.
Now, if you commit suicide, you are locking yourself into this time-based matrix and you’re not going to get an opportunity to go through this ascension process. It is not the easy way out. Committing suicide is the tough way out because if you go down with a sinking ship and eventually turn back to stardust, you have got to go through the whole process, again, just to get back to a humanoid form. It might take billions of years. It is a long process, incarnating into many different forms. The easiest choice is to stand your ground and do the work and work your way out and through this process, whatever you are feeling, whatever you’re experiencing, whatever thoughts are inside of your mind, if you can just decide to draw a line in the sand and realize that whatever’s happened, has happened and from this point forward, you can make it change.
The changes might not be easy, but you can make them. You can decide to walk, to run, to exercise in whichever capacity that you can breathe deeply, consciously, you can do Qigong. These things do not cost you any money. You can start to put better foods into your body. You can meditate, you can connect with other like-hearted souls that are on this mission of expansion and elevation. Raise your vibration. You can train yourself to think correctly, which again is not easy, but you can do it one step at a time. Do not think about the result. Just think about today and overcoming today and mastering today and then the days will turn into weeks and then months and before you know it, you will have turned a great big corner and life will be different.
If you commit suicide now, you are going to be a ghost in this matrix, and that is not where you want to be. You can make the choice to anchor these Krystic frequencies, these crystal light codes, through meditation, through breathwork, through visualization. By anchoring these codes through your body, you are naturally going to change and trigger certain processes. We got all the tools, all the keys, all the codes, all the processes. You can engage on the star magic website. You can go to now, you can join infinity for seven days free and start to access this coding and feel that difference.
You can come to one of our training sessions and you can engage in our free meditations. There are so many tools that will assist you and help you just have to decide. These frequencies are there for the taking. They are there for remembering. You are a magical being and whatever you are going through, there are people out there that want to help you, support you and love you. Ultimately, you have got to engage with them and ultimately, you have got to take personal responsibility for yourself.
You are tough, you are strong, you are powerful, and I know sometimes you might feel a little bit weak. You might feel disheartened, you might feel unable, the confidence levels might be low. You might feel that this whole world, this whole earthly paradigm is just for the B.S. and chaos, and you just want to leave and go. I know I have been that Beautiful Soul. Many have and there are many negative beings that want to pull you into these lower vibrational frequency ranges because they can feed off your energy, they can harness your code, your frequency, light, and they can use it for themselves.
Don’t let anything else harvest your energy. Do not let anything else treat you as a slave. You are better than that beautiful soul. You are amazing. You are so powerful. Extraordinary. You came from the stars, and you have got massive potential inside of your DNA. So, make a choice right now. Go into your heart where all the answers lie. Feel this. I don’t expect you to believe a word I’m saying. I do not expect you to believe a word of anything anyone ever tells you. You must feel the way forward and your heart will always lead you down the right path. This is dangerous but your heart knows the truth.
Feel your heart, it is your life, compass, Beautiful Soul. Trust it wherever you are on this magical planet. Go out into the world. Love your sisters and your brothers. Hug them fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Smile. Dance. Love, hug. Have fun. Exercise. Feed nutritious foods to your body. Look after your Temple, your Templar.
Okay, it is your home, it’s your responsibility? And this body is your greatest ally. It’s your greatest gift. We need our bodies. So, let’s look after them. Treat them with respect. Make them strong, fit, and healthy so we can handle the new frequencies coming in. The upgraded energies Our body must be strong enough to handle these flows of information. Go and shine that mystical, magical, beautiful light and just raise your own vibration. You are an amazing, beautiful soul. Remember to check out our website We have got the best ascension tools on the planet. I will see you again real soon.
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