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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, Beautiful Soul? So, why is it that they fear us? Why is it? Why is it that they fear us? Human beings are so powerful. We are multidimensional beings and the answers to the magic and the mystery lies in our DNA. In our DNA templates. Human beings are very special. You are magical. So am I. We all are, and they’re scared of us realizing how truly magical, phenomenal, and extraordinary we truly are.
Right now, we are here on this planet. But, you know, we came from the stars. We are carrying the genetic encoding of DNA fragments of a multitude of species and all that power resides inside of us and we can tap that and harness that potential. But not only that, whilst we are here on this planet, in these frequency bands running around in these suits that we interface with each other in this human world, these bodies there are parts of us, components, elements of us that are playing out on other worlds, on other frequency bands. Also, on this planet too, there are other versions of us.
There is corruption on this planet, you know this. There’s also corruption on other planets and in other dimensions, frequency bands up, down, left, right through. Nothing is linear. Everything is in the same space at the same time. So, you can decide your perception on that, whether it is up there, left, right through, backwards. It doesn’t really matter if you heal here in this body, on this Earth plane, you are going to heal in other dimensional spaces too, and that means the corruption is here and the corruption there, and the corruption in multiple other places, spaces is going to start to dissolve too. Because we do not just wake up here. We wake up everywhere. We don’t just heal here. We heal everywhere and the games start to fall apart.
You see, they want good little boys and good little girls that go to school and get educated with the devil’s knowledge imparted. So, when we grow up and those blue flashing lights sound behind us, we do what we’re told. When the letters come through our door to pay our taxes, we do what we’re told. They don’t want men and women that think outside of the box. They don’t want men and women that journey into their hearts and discover the truth, that can teleport, that can bilocate, and who can communicate telepathically. They can heal themselves without the assistance of anything external, like drugs and hospitals and these kinds of things.
They do not want us realizing our power, because if we realize our power, we become uncontrollable, and this is a prison planet system. The system was designed to keep us controlled. It is why they locked us in time. It’s why they created the plandemic to pen us and cage us like gorillas and lions and cheetahs in the zoo. Because those animals are wild, and they roam free, and they can take out anything in their path when they are on the loose. Just like us humans.
We are crazy powerful babies, super humas and we are remembering and rediscovering our power. But the only way to go is in, into your heart where all the answers lie. It is why they want to keep us locked in this external world. We humans in our cells and our DNA and our templates we have keys and codes to operate stargates, to travel into dimensionally, multi dimensionally and human beings carry specific coding that keeps stargate systems in order.
Without human beings on this planet, stargates would not function. Therefore, they want to keep humans here. They need humans on this planet to keep the Stargate alive so other beings can use these Stargates. There are good Stargates and not so good Stargates, but we humans carry the crystal keys, the crystalline keys, so they have got to keep us dumbed down and stupid so that we cannot remember this information and knowledge.
That is why our memories are a blank slate when we incarnate into this physical world, and they do everything in their power to keep us dumbed down and stupid. That is why they pump all the chemicals into the foods to bring on puberty a lot faster because when puberty starts the pineal gland stops growing and developing. So, if they can bring puberty on at six, seven, eight years old, instead of 14, 15, then there are several years where the pineal glands are underdeveloped now over so many species and incarnations. Women give birth to children; they give birth to children through generations and generations. The species becomes even more dumbed down, even more forgetful, even more lost, even more dependent on the external structures that our so-called Governments that we are supposed to trust have created for us.
You know, the governments are just pawns in the game too. Okay? But they put these systematic structures in place. They like systems because systems are linear. They operate from the left brain, the male brain, the limited logical side of the brain that processes limited information they want to keep us out of the right brain, that processes billion bits of data per second that sees frequency, light information that feels emotional love, they want to keep us that of a heart because this is the stargate, same as the pineal gland, the Stargates to absolutely everywhere, internal Stargates that give us access to everything, all things.
They fear us and that is a good thing. They want to lock us down like animals. That’s a great thing. What you must do is decide no more, line in the sand, draw it, cross over it, step into your power stand and your crystal lights in your masculine and feminine power in divine equilibrium. Be an unfuckwithable man or woman, you are unfuckwithable, but just decide that you are, and you are not some weak and measly human. There is a slave to this prison planet, this society, this way that they’ve created for us on this planet.
We can bust the programming apart here and now. We can heal and expand and elevate, raise our vibration and as we do it here, we do it everywhere and the whole systematic structure falls apart because those are the multidimensional versions of us. We are all supporting each other, you’re supporting me; I’m supporting you, and our own individual versions of ourselves are supporting each other. You see, this is why unity is mission critical, and this is why they want to keep us separated. You are powerful so decide, right here, right now, to do the inner work, to eat the clean foods, to sun gaze, to eat those bio photons and trigger an activate your pineal gland, to do the breathwork, the qigong, and exercise your body. It is very important that our bodies are strong that we are mentally, physically, and emotionally aligned.
If our physical bodies are not strong, we cannot handle the frequency that’s coming into our local environment to help us on this ascension process, to activate a DNA and help us remember the mathematics, the geometry, the inner workings of our own beautiful, magical, expansive, undefinable structures, we’re mathematical equations, we’re lights were frequency with sound, light and sound. This information in our cells is connected to all information everywhere. Nothing is separate. Go into your heart, take the journey, do the work. Open your heart. This is our time. Your time, my time. We time unification. Raise the vibration, expand consciousness, and let us completely obliterate and crush and dissolve and transmute everything around us.
All those illusory barriers that segregate and separate and once again, let us be free sovereign beings. It has been a long time, beautiful soul, thousands and millions of years, billions of years. If you go all the way back to the start, since we have been truly free, there have been times that we have regained our freedom but then we have given it away again. No one stole it from us. No one took it from us. We allowed it to happen. So as an earth angel, as an angelic human, as an extra-terrestrial sister or brother from the stars, what are you going to do? Are you ready to step up? Are you ready to step in? Are you ready to take control? Because it is on you. It is on me; it is on us!
We must take responsibility and realize we are powerful wherever you are on this planet. Beautiful Soul go out and hug your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously, hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously. Like a lion. Like a lion is protecting their cubs in the jungle because we are in a jungle reality. It is time to fight with love. It’s time to fight with honour and respect. Respect you. Respect your sisters and brothers and remember, beautiful soul, go and check out our website We have got some of the best ascension tools on the planet, meditation, light language.
We have got the most comprehensive energy healing training across four different levels on the planet. Online, in person. Go and check it out. There’s so much free stuff, paid stuff. Go and get involved and I will see you again real soon. Go and shine that magical ferocious light. Be fearless, Beautiful Soul.
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