Jerry joins Dawn Newton to explain how his system of healing works and how we can access it’s powers.
Is it possible to detect illness and energy blocks using expanded perception?
Can humans tap into the light frequencies of the 5th dimension? Jerry Sargeant, known as ‘The Facilitator’, is the founder of Star Magic Healing. He is a powerful healer, motivational speaker, international bestselling author, and renowned for transforming thousands of people’s mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual lives.
With thanks and credit to Dawn Newton.
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Hey, welcome to the Dawn Newton podcast. I am your host, Dawn Newton. My guest today is known as the facilitator. He is the founder of star magic healing; his name is Jerry Sargent. Jerry is a powerful healer, a motivational speaker, international bestselling author, and renowned for transforming thousands of people’s mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual lives whether his clients are dealing with a chronic illness, business issues, complex relationships, financial concerns, or other mental or emotional problems. Jerry’s here to explain how his system of healing works and how we can access its powers
Jerry Sargent, it is great to talk with you. You are known as the facilitator. You are the founder of star magic healing the list goes on and on – powerful healer motivational speaker, international best-selling author, I mean you there isn’t anything here that you’re not uh tapping into when it comes to mind-body spirit and empowerment.
Thanks for talking with us today. It is a pleasure to be here, Dawn. Thank you for having me. So, let us talk Jerry about your little bit of your history. Reading your bio, it is quite a remarkable story of uh I do not know a previous life that you were leading and the life that you are leading today. I am always curious about that because you had a lot of things that were not really working in your favour, some choices that were not favourable, and how you chose to go a different path and what that awakening was or the aha moment. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Well, I will give you this is kind of a machine gun version of my life story. I mean I was fostered, adopted, grew up like an angry child, drink, drugs, like a lot of teenagers. My life spiralled out of control, and I got involved in a high criminal organization in my late teens and I was involved in drug smuggling, bank frauds, and lots of different things. To be honest with you I really enjoyed it. You know I was making lots of money. I was young and I did not really care. My ego was in full control, and this went on until about 2005.
In 2005, I was involved in a car crash, and again to cut a long story short, I was in a taxi with my ex-wife and children when we heard a loud crash glass and wind flying everywhere. This is when the car came to a stop. There were no other cars on the road, and I thought it was a bit strange so I thought we were in a bad accident you know, and I thought we must have hit something but when I got out of the car, I looked up the road two ladies were lying there, one with her ankles cut off, one that was physically okay. A bit further up the road was what looked like a dead body.
These three ladies were crossing the road. The first one comes with the windscreen smacking me in the face, whilst I was asleep, and got flipped over the car and died. The second one had her ankles cut off and I walked past the two on the side of the road because the guy had come out from a nearby factory walking towards what looked like the dead body and I saw this energy above it which I now know was the lady’s soul. I got closer and closer and it kind of fizzled off into the distance and then you know I was looking down at a body and it was smashed up and it was like someone had taken an old car to the scrapyard like whatever was inside the body. This is the energy it had no use for anymore and it was a real kind of profound experience that kind of changed me and I looked up to the heavens and I remember saying thank you like I wanted a whiskey and a cigarette, and I don’t smoke cigarettes and I don’t drink whiskey.
It felt like a time to celebrate shortly after this healing thing started happening like my ex-wife had a headache and I saw it in her head and I just grabbed it and pulled it out and it was green, and she got off the bed like she should not have a headache. I met my first spiritual teacher. She worked for Scotland yard. She taught me how to remote view, bring my lights out of my body and travel and how to access past lives in parallel dimensions. I had some encounters with angels and some shape-shifting reptilians in human form like lots of different kinds of experiences. I was taken up in a spaceship in New Zealand. I went to Alpha Centauri where I had a big download of light codes and then I started going to these ancient mystery schools underneath the pyramids in Egypt to my meditations and they were showing me how to use the code you know what once I sort of learnt this stuff people just come into my life that needed healing and I was trying the stuff and it was working and then a load of other things happened.
In about 2016 we started star magic healing and you know all of the codes that we were kind of shown and we were using there to train other people and we trained thousands of people in over 40 countries we’re building healing centres and we’re training people to work in the healing centres, and all of this has happened since I got taken up in a spaceship by this blue Lyran being. They have visited me ever since and they’re just guiding me. They told me to write books, they have told me to train people they told me we’d be building healing centres and its happening so I’m kind of just surrendered to this path. I mean I didn’t go on to it easily, I fought it like sitting there or the whole way because all my friends are going to think I’m completely nuts you know.
I was caught talking about angels and fairies and extra-terrestrials you know when all of my friends were kind of into you know darker more criminal stuff so yeah it was kind of like a strange transition but the universe just kicked me up the butt and I in the end I just I just had to do it and I’m so glad that I did you know what was the catalyst for you that made you trusted so I think that’s the thing is that we all have gifts we all have this ability but we don’t trust what made you trust you know what like I think it was it wasn’t so much trust in it. It was just I’m such a curious human being and like when I’m shown something that you can’t deny and that you know is 100% real and it’s kind of far out there at the same time and it bends your whole mindset into a different kind of you know like it remoulds you and reshapes you anything.
Oh my gosh I didn’t believe in any of this stuff but now I know it’s real. Indeed, to know more I need to find out all that I can about this and I just want to know it right now so I just explored it and I welcomed it and I embraced it just because I wanted to see what else was possible and so I never really thought about trusting it I was just so curious all the time you know I was like a dog with a bone. I just needed to know everything, and they just kept feeding me and yeah it was fascinating especially when something like that starts happening you realize you’re just you’re the conduit, you’re the vessel, you’re the messenger.
Talk about healing – what does it mean to be a healer well like whenever we train people, we always say you know the first thing I say because I am not a healer you know I’ve never healed a single human being in my life but if you go to our website there will be loads of people saying oh my jerry did this and jerry did that but all I did was facilitate the process you know like you say we’re a conduit and we’re a vessel and what we do is we create an environment so the other human being can self-heal by changing the changing the frequency by changing the environment they are in by clearing and cleansing and shifting like multidimensional realities past lives just bringing soul fragments into healing, changing the computer code and the back end of their biological computer their body and brain.
There are so many ways to go about it but all we do is create an environment so they can self-heal. That is all we do, and we just facilitate that process. We don’t heal people and it talks about transforming thousands of people, their mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual life. Talk a little bit about that too. What changes have you seen or what are people experiencing when they can tap into the star magic healing. Oh man I give you so many examples I mean I was in India a couple of years ago and this lady had been punched in the face by a husband 20 years ago and he dented her cheeks and she had lots of surgery but no one could fix it so I asked if anyone in the audience had any broken bones she came up and um I did this I used this technique where we sort of put people into sort of a semi-trance state and download new frequencies I did that got up off the floor maybe five six seven minutes later and her whole face is reshaped. The dent in her face had just gone which sounds a bit crazy but these things happen.
I had a guy who was given like 24 hours to live and they said if you make it through the next 24 hours then we’re going to have to cut 10 feet of your intestine out and put a colostomy bag in and this was on like boxing day a few years ago and anyway they gave them loads of drugs and they got them through in the hospital he made it through the next 24 hours they booked him in to have his colostomy bag fitted in February and uh anyway he contacted me we did two healing sessions and um he had he had five – diverticulitis peritonitis e-coli and some tumours in his in his intestine and in his blood and this sort of thing. So, anyway we did the healing session when he woke up, he had an actual real scar across his stomach, and I was in a different part of the UK.
So, he woke up and he looked down he couldn’t believe it and he felt a lot better he went back to the doctor they did that there was no tumours there was no e coli there was no peritonitis none of this stuff and what we did is we took him to like an Egyptian healing chamber which we use underneath the pyramid. Took him there remotely the psychic surgeons just took out the tumours and they did the work and all I did was just watch I didn’t do anything so many kind of stories had a lady that couldn’t swallow you know her throat was just blocked she was quite old, actually like 75 or 80, and her niece or granddaughter, or someone, got in contact and said could you help and I said of course I can help I didn’t have a clue how I was going to help and I always commit to it just and just you know trust that the universe will sort it out
So, I went into the healing session and said the question we always ask when we start healing session is please show me something I don’t know help me facilitate this healing and the first thing I saw was a green frog and the green frog spat some venom into a jar and then a blue light came down from space and mixed with this venom I got an imaginary syringe sucked up this this frog venom and the blue light and injected it into the back of her neck remotely. The next day she walked out of hospital and her throat was cleared and they were about to say you know there is nothing we can do for her any more like we are going to turn off a life support machine because you know she literally couldn’t she couldn’t eat unless she was, she was fed for a drip, so they were just going to kind of let go.
I mean there’s so many experiences I could have gone forever healing health issues just life changes and life empowerment when it comes to relationships the self-talk self-esteem becoming the best person or fulfilling your dreams I mean all of that you talk about mind body and spirit and tapping into all of that how much our body holds so much history in there whether it’s our past life trauma things we don’t even know that we have experience or that we’re still holding onto. You’re able to tap into that to help us release those things. Absolutely, I mean for me I want everyone to be free.
I want everyone to be just happy, healthy, and full of joy or waking up every morning with joy as their natural default thing and just absolutely loving their human experience, but a lot of people don’t and the key to actually enjoying your human experiences is to experience your own wholeness to fall in love with yourself to realize that nothing outside of you can make you happy they’re just experiences and to take like a real big deep dive into your own cosmic heart your own inner being that labyrinth of magic and just really realize the truth that you are a multidimensional being having a human experience you can bring the polarities of dark and light into equilibrium balance all of your inner geometry and from that standpoint once you realize your wholeness everything external just flows anyway.
So it’s really like an inner job this is an inner thing but like you said like we store so much trauma ancestrally from other parallel um lifetimes past and future lives where our souls haven’t experiences on this planet other planets like all of these experiences affect us in the now space so what we do like I said earlier like you know the body and the brain is like a biological computer and just like your computer our body and brain downloads information from the internet and the internet is the quantum field and within the quantum field you’ve got personalized and future lives they’re like hard drives and USB sticks plugged into the computer so what we do is do is go in and up unplug people from those hard drives and USB sticks and change the data stream it’s a little bit like a laptop right if you’ve got a laptop you open it up you go to your website and the website’s blue if you want to change it to white you go into the back end and you change the code and then it changes on the front end on the on the website now what we do is go into the back end of someone’s biological computer
We access the USB sticks the quantum field we change the reality so bring the soul fragments into healing change timelines and then manifest in the physical because the data streams changed like it’s all computer code and that’s the best way to kind of look at it and jerry how long does it take to re-rewire ourselves and to tap into that it depends I mean you could do it with 30 seconds with some people it depends on the work you’ve got to do there are other people where you might need to work within three or four times you know and change a number of different realities over a few sessions yeah I mean we’ve seen miracles happen in um in seconds and minutes and in other times it might take hours and then sometimes it might take a few weeks it just depends you know everybody’s kind of different everybody’s had a whole a different kind of soul history different human experiences different soul experiences when we think about you know our body and energy like our chakras and those energy centres and the vibrations I think that’s one thing that we take for granted or don’t realize is that this is all energy and realizing where energy will settle within our system where it will cause illness or chronic issues where our bodies always trying to talk to us we just don’t we’re not always a really good listener, absolutely.
The body is literally a communication device and every single body part means something so if you’ve got issues with the liver it’s guilt it’s anger if you’ve got stuff going on with the brain it’s the control sense you know there’s control issues like everything means something but we’re not taught at school how to read our body and how to create the environment so we can self-heal we’re taught let’s go external let’s go to the doctors let’s get some drugs let’s get some pills let’s have an operation instead of taking responsibility for our own human experience and realizing that we’re the power that we have everything inside of ourselves to recreate our own reality and create physical mental spiritual emotional healing right now you know, and this is what we really should be teaching all the children and everyone you’ve got your website and you’ve also got books out as well if someone’s wanting to get started jerry.
Where do we start how do we start this process yeah, the best thing go to our website and like join one of our free global meditations we’ve got like an online membership where you pay well it’s free for seven days we’ve got like meditation like language transmissions cosmic yoga videos there’s nutrition there’s master classes there’s telegram groups there’s a whole array of tools and connections that you can make and get involved in that will help you on a daily basis we’ve got plans and programs within that you can try it three to seven days if you like it come along you know download the free meditation that we give to everybody come and try one of our group meditations for free try the seven days free access for all of our tools just secure the frequency see if you like it and get involved.
Jerry, what does this work mean to you? All I think about is all like from the moment I wake up every single morning the moment I go to bed it’s just one it’s just me you know it’s my mission like nothing else really matters apart from building these healing centres and creating a safe environment for the children to come and express their multi-dimensional abilities to help heal the human race and mother earth myself like there’s nothing else that I really want to do like it feels like I was put on the planet to do this you know it’s just it’s everything and more well I appreciate this work and the opportunity to talk with you and just to get this information out where can we go to learn more information about you and your work yeah if you go to and there’s tons of information videos all sorts of stuff you can read up on the on the website and from they get access to YouTube there’s loads of videos up, there’s Instagram, Facebook, like yeah all of our social media stuff so yeah just come and tune in if you if you want to reach out if you have got questions just you can email the team.
if you decide to join our kind of infinity group which is the kind of monthly membership you can reach out and get a free call with our star buddies and what they’ll do is they’ll talk you through absolutely everything that we do you know spend time with you on zoom or on telegram and just walk you through the process answer your questions and sort of guide you in the right direction to get started well again jerry I appreciate this work in this time thank you thank you so much dawn it’s a pleasure hey thanks for listening to the Dawn Newton podcast and a special thank you to my guest today Jerry Sargent founder of star magic healing.
For more information about Jerry and his work, is the place to go and be sure and check out my website too – The Dawn Newton podcast is written produced and hosted by Dawn Newton, a real woman.
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