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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, I wanted to give you a simple technique that will radically change your world, and it is to help stimulate and activate your third eye, your pineal gland. This will take you no more than several minutes every day and the benefits that it is going to give you are just mind-blowing.
So, I would do this standing. Okay, I have my feet shoulder width apart. I would have a slight bend in my knees to take the pressure out of my lower back and then what I would do is I would connect with mother earth’s heart down in her centre. She has a Merkabah, two tetrahedrons.
All you have got to do is set an intention and that intention is to connect to Mother Earth, and specifically the bottom tetrahedron where there is a platinum frequency. What you are going to do is you’re going to visualize that platinum frequency flowing up through the rocks and the minerals, up through the surface of the planet and into your perineum. Your perineum muscle is between your legs. When you squeeze them, that is what you squeeze when you want to hold yourself going to the toilet. You squeeze those muscles.
So, you are going to visualize that platinum light coming up into your perineum. Now once that platinum light hits your perineum, you are going to bring your awareness and your attention into that area. You are going to squeeze your perineum, your buttocks, and your genitals, and you are going to pull your abdominals back towards your spinal column as best you can. You are not going to squeeze your abdominals, you are just going to pull them back towards your spinal column, and then what you are going to do is you are going to take a deep breath in.
When you take that deep breath in, you’re going to have the tip of the tongue on the roof of your mouth and you’re going to breathe in like this through your nose and when you breathe in, you’re going to pull the light from your perineum straight up through your central column in line with the breath breathing up through your body and you’re going to connect it to your pineal gland which is in the centre of your brain and back slightly so that platinum frequency is going to run from mother earth up into your pineal whilst you’re following the breath and the platinum light up to your pineal gland.
Remember, wherever your awareness goes, and your attention goes your energy follows. So, by following that platinum light up there, you are going to be drawing the light codes from the earth, the feminine magnetic goddess celestial frequencies from mother earth up into your third eye. You are going to be breathing and following the oxygen and light up into your third eye. You are also going to be pulling cerebral spinal fluid which is going to be squeezed up through your spinal column up into the ventricles which feed into the pineal gland. Now what is going to happen, once you breathe up into the pineal you pull the lights up into the pineal. You are going to put all your awareness on your pineal gland and then you’re going to hold your breath for 13 seconds.
Whilst you maintain the squeeze, once you get to 13 seconds, you are going to let go of the squeeze and you’re going to breathe out and then once you’ve fully exhaled, you’re going to wait for two or three seconds. Then you are going to squeeze and then you’re going to breathe in again and go through the process. Follow that platinum light and the breath back up into the pineal, squeeze everything, hold for 13 seconds, and then exhale and let go of the squeeze. You are going to do 13 sets of 13 seconds.
Now what is going to happen is you are going to create this pressure around the pineal gland. It’s called the piezoelectric effect; it adds mechanical stress to the pineal gland inside your pineal gland. You’ve got lots of these tiny little calcite crystals. They are stacked together, perfectly aligned, precisely aligned, and when you squeeze them, they start to vibrate and they let out this charge, and this charge goes out into the empty space.
As you continue the exercise, the charge contracts and expands, and it creates this field of energy which starts to collect data. It becomes like an antenna. So, your pineal gland starts to activate. It downloads data and it starts to transduce this data. You might see images, pictures, geometry, colours, patterns. Now the logical brain is not going to understand that so don’t try and understand it with your logical brain. Allow your body, allow your energy field, to absorb that information and you will start to know what it means. You will start to feel and intuitively translate that data. This will change your life. Do it every day. Make this a must.
This is not something you do for 10 days. This is not something you do for a week. This is something you do for the rest of your life. I do this every day along with many other kinds of protocols and rituals that help me expand my awareness and get more in tune with myself and the universe at large. This is basic and simple. I am going to run you through it one more time. You connect to mother earth fast. The bottom tetrahedron is platinum. You visualize that platinum light coming up into your perineum. You squeeze your buttocks, your genitals, and your perineum. Then you pull your abdominals back towards your spinal column. Then what you do is you breathe in through your nose, a big, long deep breath, and then you pull the platinum light up into your pineal gland which is in the centre of your brain and back slightly.
You’re pulling the lights up; you’re following the light with your attention so when your attention gets to the pineal gland or all of your awareness and focus is on your pineal gland okay the tip of the tongue is on the roof of your mouth throughout the whole process you keep the awareness and attention on your pineal glands the cerebral spinal fluid is being pulled up with your intent intention and attention and focus and awareness but also the squeezing of the perineum genitals and buttocks and the pulling back of the abdominals. Okay, squeezing all of that and pushing as well that cerebral spinal fluid up into your pineal gland and there’s DMT in your cerebral spinal fluid. There’s DMT in your lungs so all of that is getting pushed up too.
Okay, this is magic. You know your body is like a pharmaceutical factory. There are so many chemicals in it, and this is a process that activates many different chemical processes. Once all your awareness is on your pineal gland and the light is there and the oxygen is in you hold it for 13 seconds. You then let go of the squeeze, you exhale, you wait for two or three seconds. Then you re-squeeze, you re-engage the pull, the perineum, genitals, the buttocks, the abs, back towards the spinal column. Then you breathe in again and you repeat it 13 times. 13 is the sacred number of the divine goddess, and 13 constellations in our zodiac. We bring in 13, we bring in sacred numbers wherever we can.
Do this every day for the rest of your life. Put the comments in the box underneath this video. Okay, I want to know what happens in a week, I want to know what happens in two weeks, in three weeks because this gets better and better and your intuition is going to go through the roof. Okay, share this video with your friends and family. Share it with your loved ones. Everybody needs to activate this little pinecone in the centre of the brain. Your third eyesight is mission critical to being an evolved, expanded, high vibrational being living in this multi-dimensional universe.
Remember beautiful soul, go out into this world and shine your light, express yourself, express your magic, your divinity. Allow your wholeness to permeate every cell of your body and be a beacon of lights of geometry of codes and inspire your fellow sisters and brothers love them love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously hug them tightly and never ever be the first to let go ever. That is the golden rule of hugging, beautiful soul.
Exercise, eat clean, eat those photons. Do everything you can to be a high vibrational being. I am off to the gym right now. I must go every day. I have already gone for a run this morning. Now I am off to the gym. Exercise is a massive part of my life, and it should be a massive part of yours too. It does not matter who you are, what colour you are, how much you weigh, how tall or short you are, go to the gym, run swim , dance climb trees, chuck rocks around in the garden to exercise you know you have got your body, you know you can do pull-ups on branches. You have got push-ups squats jump squats burpees sit-ups, the plank There are so many bodyweight exercises. Not exercising because you have got no money that is no excuse not exercising because you have got no equipment that is no excuse find a way, beautiful soul.
Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet to raise your vibration, expand your consciousness, and be a superhuman. You can get free access right now to all our tools for seven days. Go to, go to infinity, and register seven days free. Check it out for yourself.
Our new telegram group, okay, spiritual gangsta one, and gangsta is about g a n g s t a numerical number one and join our new TikTok channel. We started a couple of weeks ago. We are putting up three-minute activations every single day. Again, they are free. Go and tune into them, activate your soul, your amazing, beautiful soul.
Follow us on TikTok as star magic healing, and I will see you again real soon. Go and smile, dance, and have some fun.
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