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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, today I wanted to talk to you about competition, and being real with yourself. I mean first up the only real competition that you have is yourself, and what you want to be doing every single day is bettering the position that you were the day before. You want to elevate and expand who you were the day before, the week before, the month before. You want to consistently and continually grow and that takes self-discipline. It also means that you have got to be real with yourself.
You have got to be honest with yourself because so many people sugar coat where they are really at. They lie to themselves; they say to themselves well you know I did all right today, I give myself a pat on the back, I did good i went to the gym. I walked through the door; I got a workout done. That is okay because there are other people on the planet that don’t even go to the gym so I’m ahead of the game. That is the kind of mentality that gets you nowhere. That is what I mean by sugar-coating it. There are people that might be out there writing a new book. They might be on a project, some new business project, and they are like well I worked on it for a couple of hours today, that is good.
Well, you had an extra two or three hours you could have worked on it, but you decided to go and watch the TV, or you decided to take a nap, or you decided to get caught up in some other distraction, and so you didn’t achieve as much as you could have achieved that day. So, the project or the book or whatever you are working on gets delayed. In your mind you tell yourself that you’ve done something good because you worked on it for a couple of hours. Just like you tell yourself that it was great that you went to the gym, and you got on the treadmill, you got on the cross trainer, and you worked out for 30 minutes on each machine. You got a little bit of a sweat up, had a shower, and you left feeling okay. You have released a few endorphins; you are feeling better than you did before you went into the gym, but did you push yourself. Did you really grow and expand?
You have got to be honest with where you are at. You have got to be honest with your standards every single day of your life. People that really achieve, and people that really get somewhere, and people that you know accomplish phenomenal feats in this world are disciplined and they have high standards. They do not just go to the gym and just think it is okay to sit on the bike or go on the cross trainer or roll the rower at a mediocre level. They push themselves; they have targets, they have times to beat, they have miles, or kilometres, that they need to row in a certain period, and they want to beat where they were the day before, the week before, the month before people set deadlines for projects so they can get more stuff done. Then they can go on to the next project and achieve something else.
You have to be focused and disciplined and do one project at a time. Nail it, accomplish it and then move on to the next one. You have got to go to the gym, and you’ve got to nail that workout and then come back the next day and go again. Don’t rest on your laurels and think that because I have been to the gym and had a great workout, I can have a few days off. No, you come back the next day, and you go again.
Now I am not saying that you don’t ever need to rest because rest is important. Balance is important but you have got to hold yourself accountable, and if you don’t hold yourself accountable, and if you don’t raise your standards, and if you don’t try and beat your targets and push yourself and elevate yourself, you’re going to do one thing. That is to stay stagnant and what happens when you stay stagnant is you start to slide backwards. That is the ultimatum that is not even up for discussion, you cannot just maintain your standards and stay at a level because if you stay at a level the rest of the world, they keep raising their standards and you end up going backwards by default because you just can’t stay ahead of the game or up with the game.
Life is brutal. Life is cruel for every single human being in all the different fields of life whether you are in arts, music, whether you write, whether you’re a healer, whether you are a magician, whether you are a builder, a craftsman. It does not matter what kind of profession, what kind of pursuit you are in life, people are always getting better and if you don’t hold yourself accountable, and compete against yourself every single day, and raise the bar on where you were you’re going to get crushed. It is that simple.
So, you’ve got to decide, beautiful soul. You have got to decide to be disciplined enough to follow your life compass, your heart, because it will lead you in the direction of your dreams. You have got to be disciplined enough to follow it and disciplined enough to take the action that is required as you follow this path which knows the fastest route between where you are now and your most extraordinary version, your greatest self, your best life. It knows how to take you to where you want to be but you’re the one that has to take action on the feelings and the magnetic pulses of the heart that’s drawing you here and taking you there.
So be real with yourself. If you are overweight, be honest and say listen I am fat. If you are being lazy, be honest and say that I am being lazy. Right now, I need to sort it out, I need to start acting. If you are staying in a relationship because you fear hurting the other person’s feelings if you leave, or you are scared about not being able to survive without your partner because of money or because you’re used to just being with them, get real with yourself. Leave the relationship. Put yourself first, act, and move on. Stop hanging around in jobs, stop hanging around in relationships that aren’t serving you, that aren’t giving you the opportunities to be your highest and greatest, your most extraordinary version.
You are an amazing, beautiful soul and you have so much potential you have so much capability, but you have got to put it into action be real with yourself be honest with yourself be truthful with yourself don’t mince your words your thoughts, your emotions. Just get straight to the point, cut away the dead wood, and that even may mean cutting a piece of yourself away, a piece of you that is not serving the whole anymore, the part of you that feels guilty, the part of you that feels rejected, the part of you that gets angry. Transmute that stuff. Heal that stuff.
Utilize those emotions to fuel your behaviour and take you to the next level wherever you are on this magical planet, beautiful soul. Go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers but most of all love you because you are the most important human being on this planet. You are a sovereign soldier and earth angel. Stand in your power, speak your truth, be authentic, and go out and crush life. Accept the challenges and overcome them. Go and love your sisters and your brothers fearlessly and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Go out and laugh, dance, smile, and have fun on this crazy planet, and I will see you again real soon, beautiful soul.
Remember to check out our website where we got some of the best ascension tools on the planet to raise your vibration and take you to the next level. They will support your growth in ways that you never knew possible.
Remember to check out our new Telegram channel spiritual gangster one, and gangster is g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one. I will see you again, real soon, beautiful soul. I am going into the gym to push myself beyond.
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