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Beautiful soul, good morning. How are you feeling? So, I wanted to share a little message with you and it’s about the universe lying to you or me.
A few people have said this recently that the universe keeps lying to me. I get these signs and I get these synchronicities and I get these guideposts, see numbers on number plates 1 1 1 3 3 3, 44 22, triple three, whatever it might be.
People are showing up in people’s lives and these people are delivering messages and so the human being that is receiving these messages is thinking yeah, I’m on the right path, everything is awesome. Keep going. These are signs from the universe and then what happens is a little bit later down the line after following all these signs the human being that has been following these signs, doesn’t feel too clever, or things are unfolding within these circumstances that have presented themselves after following these signs and these synchronicities, and they’re not exactly what the human being expected.
They were expecting to feel amazing and be in this awesome space and beyond this kind of like magical roller coaster ride where it’s all like sunshine and rainbows and beauty and magic and what they’re experiencing is some of their deepest darkest fears their shadow side is rising they could be in fear they could be triggered by another human being in a real close relationship and they think what is going on I’ve been getting all these signs from the universe and now I’m in pain. Now I’m suffering. It could be you know a man or a woman that has been getting these signs to move into a new relationship. A man can meet a woman and the woman says something that has deeper meaning or deeper purpose and they’re listening to the conversation and the information.
Again, they’re like this is right this is perfect this is the one for me you know this human being has had a similar upbringing they’ve been to similar places. They’ve got similar interests their favourite holiday destination is the same as mine their favourite colour is the same as mine this is definitely the universe telling me this is the soul mate this this is this is my this is my one this is the one that I’ve been waiting for on planet earth and then it turns out after a few weeks or a month or a couple of months that this human being is maybe narcissistic or this human being is you know really not what you thought they were going to be in the first place. It might not be a personal relationship it could be a business relationship it might not even be any kind of relationship it could be other sign it could be that you’ve just followed these synchronicities and signposts to start a business or move to a new town or city or maybe even a new country or an island somewhere, but you get there and it’s not what you thought it was.
A lot of people start to look outside of themselves. The universe has lied to me. I’m going to blame this person. I’m going to blame that person. The last thing they want to do is to accept responsibility for their own actions. Now the universe never actually lies to you. What the universe does is helps you grow and expand as quickly and efficiently as possible and we all know that growth doesn’t happen in your comfort zone, growth happens in the unknown, growth happens when you step outside of your comfort zone into uncomfortable territory. That’s when you get stretched, that’s when you get poked and prodded, and through the pain or suffering or uncomfortableness, you start to grow and you start to expand, and the universe itself wants you to expand into everything because this is what source energy is, God, universe, infinite intelligence.
All it knows is vastness and expansiveness and greatness and beauty and magic and it knows what the best route for you is to get to your most extraordinary version and if you follow signposts and synchronicities people call them angel numbers you know whatever you they you know they’re just signs and synchronicities you know from the universe. Call them angel numbers if you want but if you follow these signs and these synchronicities and it leads you to a partner that is just like all your other destructive abusive partners, or it leads you into a business that doesn’t go 100 how you thought it was going to be, but it was like all the other businesses you’ve been involved in
What the universe is trying to do is squeeze you and crush you in such a way that you have an awakening that you start to realize that you wake up very quickly because you’ve been through little bits of pain right for the last 10, 15, 20, 30 plus years and we as human beings are motivated by pleasure and pain. We move towards pleasure and away from pain but the problem with most human beings is they bounce between pleasure and pain. They never fully go into pleasure; they keep bouncing back to pain and the reason is because they only experience a little bit of pain. It’s not harsh enough. It’s not harsh enough to crush them. It’s not that this pain isn’t wielding a strong enough sort to completely decapitate you and put you into a position where you can’t function.
So, sometimes people must experience a real whole heap of pain to be catalysed in the other direction to move towards pleasure and stay there. Pain is like a trampoline. If you bounce up and down on the trampoline a little bit, you only go a certain height, but if you start to put more energy into the bounce you start to fly up into the sky and it takes ages for you to come down. What we’ve got to do as human beings is allow ourselves to go through whatever the universe is presenting us with and realize that there’s gold to be mined from every situation. Pain is only pain if you decide that it’s pain. When you go to the gym, and you do a certain exercise you know if you’re on the running machine and you’re trying to get a personal best on a two-miler and then you try and beat it the next day or the next week. Your heart’s going to be in it. Up in your head your lungs are going to be on fire, your legs are going to be on fire, but you’ve got to go through that to get to that next level of greatness.
If you’re working out your shoulders or your biceps, you know it’s not reps 9 and 10 and 11 that really do the work and rip those muscles open so that they can grow. It’s reps 13, 14, 15, 16 until failure when your muscles are burning and they’re hot and they’re raw. They’re the ones that grow you, but you see that kind of pain becomes enjoyable and as you go through life, and you start to master life and yourself and your own consciousness. Everything that you start to experience in life becomes enjoyable even those moments where you’re pulled out of your comfort zone and into the unknown and you’re going through some kind of shitty situation. That’s the universe looking after you. That’s the universe saying I love you; I love you so much that I need to be cruel to be kind.
I need to put you through this because if the universe didn’t put you through that pain and suffering, it’s not doing you any favours. It’s allowing you to stay average, it’s allowing you to stay mediocre, it’s allowing you to stay in that space where you’re never going to access your full potential. If you truly want to access your full potential and grow into a superhuman, access those multidimensional abilities, create massive success on planet earth, and live a truly happy and blissful extraordinary life. You got to go into those arenas, those gladiatorial arenas, where you’re going to have to fight. It’s just the way it is but you should relish that and welcome that and make peace with that instead of fighting it and thinking it’s bad and thinking and believing that the universe has lied to you because nothing could be further from the truth. The universe has always got your back. How do I know this because you are the universe. You were created out of this intelligence that is manifested through all things.
So, because it’s manifested through all things it’s also manifested through you. You are it. You are everything, so am I. We’re all manifestations of this same intelligence. Just experiencing life in many different forms, it would be boring if we were all the same. If there were 9 billion Jerry’s, or 9 billion Stevens, or 9 billion Jane’s all the same that would be boring. So, what we’ve got to do is just follow those signs and just keep trusting but when we follow these signs, and we go into these spaces that are uncomfortable we don’t back down. We stand our ground; we honour and respect the experience that we’re in, and we move through it, and we take all the knowledge and the wisdom and the growth from it and we expand and just keep moving on to the next stage of our journey.
I’m sure as you move on to the next stage there’s going to be another uncomfortable piece of the puzzle but that’s okay. If I look back through my life there have been multiple uncomfortable pieces of the puzzle, but when you put them all together, every single one of them was needed, every single one of them was required for me to gain the skills and the knowledge. What I needed to be where I am right now if you track and look back through your life, I guarantee you’ll be the same for you. At the time it seems like a disaster but without that disaster once you’ve been through it you realize that the disaster was mission critical to you becoming successful. It was mission critical for you to be furnished with the skills you needed to start the business that you’re in.
Right there everything has a place, everything is important so just be with yourself, love yourself, love the space that you’re in and just ask the right questions. What am I learning right now? How am I growing right there? I’m in this situation to remember certain pieces of information. Please show them to me. I welcome them with an open heart and an expanded mindset and I’m ready and willing to accept everything that comes my way and once you step into that space of acceptance, magic truly starts to flow in every which way possible.
You are a magical being, a beautiful powerful immortal soul, a sovereign soldier, a galactic titan, a lion , a lioness, a god a goddess so allow yourself to be all of who you are and let the world nourish you in the best way possible. Welcome the pain, welcome the suffering, and realize that it’s not really pain and suffering. It’s the universe being your coach or your guides showing you the way of the force so you can be a Jedi Knight.
Wherever you are on this magical planet, beautiful soul, go out and love your sisters and your brothers. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again very soon. I’m off to the gym right now so I’m going to go and tear that gym up and put myself through some uncomfortable routines because I know I’m going to grow from it. I’m going to become stronger, faster, more mentally disciplined in every which way possible
Remember to check out our website where we got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. If you want to expand your consciousness and raise your vibration, go and check it out. Remember also to check out our new telegram channel and join it. Spiritual gangsta one and gangster is g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one.
Infinity is the ultimate ascension toolkit for your mind, body, and soul. It will bring you into perfect alignment. I’ll see you again soon beautiful, soul. Have the best bliss filled day ever.
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