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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, this message is about the red pill and the blue pill and relationships. As we wake up and we see the cracks through the illusion, and we gain more knowledge and understanding of what’s taking place in the world and naturally as humans we want to tell other people and help them too because naturally as humans we’re caring and we’re kind and we don’t want other people to walk into a brick wall or fall off a cliff or get hurt or burn themselves in a fire we want people to be safe and to enjoy life and to love life and when we discover the truth. We want to share it. What often happens is people aren’t ready to hear it and so they look at you or me or whoever’s sharing the information like they’re nuts, like we’re crazy, like we should be locked up in a straitjacket and the key thrown away, or maybe drowned or burnt like a witch. This is okay and how we navigate this.
It is important because if you’re sharing this information, you know you’ve had this kind of awakening. You know you’ve red pilled yourself when other people look at you and they hear this information, and they think that you’re crazy and nuts and weird and you’ve lost the plot. We must be kind to ourselves, but we also must be kind and patient with them also, and to be kind to ourselves is to not keep forcing the issue, not to keep trying to ram that information into someone’s consciousness, down their throat and to get them. To accept it it’s often difficult to accept things the first time around until you’ve had that kind of personal experience. That big wakeup call, that slap right in the face, that punch in the jaw, and you’re like whoa and it just hits you like a steam train. You can’t deny it from that point onwards.
When you’re just sharing it with someone else from your own personal life, knowledge, and experience, it’s hard for them to get it. Now if you keep trying to push the matter and they keep telling you you’re nuts and you’re crazy. Often people can feel like they’re not hurt. They can feel a little bit hurt. Sometimes people take the backlash to heart, and they feel verbally mentally abused, and their vibration can drop. Why would you want to put yourself in that situation? It seems a little bit crazy. What I feel is the best thing to do is to drop these pieces of information like little seeds into the earth or like little droplets into the vast ocean of the sea and just let them spread you know you drop a little pebble into the pond and the ripples spread out you don’t need to force the ripples.
Just plant the seed in someone’s consciousness and leave it and then someone else will plant another seed and eventually these seeds they start to grow and people start to feel it and see it and then they start to wake up and they’re red pilled and they go on their journey and then they’ll go down the same road and try and share it with someone else and probably have a similar experience where they either plant the seeds or you know they get called crazy or strange. All of us on this journey that have been on it for a while have lost friends and family members because they think that we’ve lost the plot. That’s okay as you wake up and you discover the truth and your vibration elevates, your consciousness expands, you start living from the heart. You start seeing through the bs, you naturally gravitate away from people that were once close to you.
The thing is those people that were close to you when you’re on the same frequency, they get scared when you start to expand because their environment starts to change. You see you were part of their environment, part of their daily life, weekly life, whatever it is. Then when you start to move on, they get scared because things are changing human beings. Most human beings naturally don’t like change going into an uncomfortable place where things are different, and it scares most humans. So, when you start to grow and expand it freaks them out because their life is changing because you’re no longer going to be a part of it, and they can see and feel that on a deep level even if they don’t consciously link him with that at that moment in time that’s okay, they still feel it and it scares them.
So, what we’ve got to do is we’ve got be patient with these people keep sharing the knowledge keep planting the seeds and then keep coming back to your heart and just moving on and doing what you’re doing and don’t expect a reaction don’t expect confirmation don’t expect acceptance don’t have any kind of expectations in how the other person should react allow them to just be as they are share the knowledge share the wisdom and then come back to your heart and carry on what you’re doing. Just allow them to be as they are. If they call you crazy that’s cool, if they agree with you, that’s cool. Whatever happens is okay. You’ve just got to go with the flow and roll with the punches.
When two human beings’ frequency shifts, they can grow together. When one stays stagnant, and one elevates like I’ve just mentioned we separate like oil and water, and it happens naturally and if you can be an acceptance of that process. Whatever happens for each human in that relationship or maybe more humans in a family dynamic, is going to unfold perfectly because everything always flows. It always works out perfectly even if it’s a little bit painful on the way. Sometimes we need to go through those pain points, have those experiences that grow us and nurture us and feed us. They’re not always pleasant like going into the gym. If you work out properly, it’s hard, it’s not always pleasant but you get to love the pain.
Eventually when you break up from a relationship it’s not always easy, but you grow from it, you learn from it. Then you move into a new space, and you might be on your own for a little while and when the time’s right you bump into a new man or woman, and you have a new relationship based on new principles and new values and new frequencies and things just expand and evolve it’s all just so perfect. So be patient with those that you’re sharing knowledge and wisdom with and be patient with yourself. Be understanding with both you and the other human in the equation. All the other humans and just know that we’re all here as mirrors to reflect to each other how we’re truly feeling on the inside. It’s magical, it’s beautiful, it’s a great big crazy beautiful game that we’re playing, and we’re blessed to be here on this planet in these avatar bodies to interface through them with other souls’ other energies to talk to make love to have fun to hug to explore the planet together to play in nature there’s so many incredible things we can do, eat amazing incredible tasty foods.
Wherever you are on this planet, beautiful soul, go out and hug and that’s probably the best thing. You can do it regardless of what anyone says to you. You’re crazy, Jerry gave them a hug. Jerry makes complete sense giving them a hug. Just give them a hug anyway and hold on tightly and never be the first to let go. You know that’s the golden rule of hugging. Never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon.
You are amazing, beautiful soul. Go and shine that powerful light. Express your divinity, shine so bright and remember to check out our website where we’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet and join our new telegram group spiritual gangsta one and gangsta is g-a-n-g-s-t-a numerical number one. I love you, beautiful soul. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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