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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, this is just a quick message about spiritual equity and the goodness that we are doing as a collective by opening our hearts and sharing the truth and expanding our consciousness. The other side are on the run. You got to look at these masonic lodges that are going up in flames man. Why is that happening? They’re burning evidence, they’re scared. We’re seeing it in the physical reality. A lot of the times this stuff goes unnoticed these wars are fought in heaven these wars are fought on the spiritual planes even though they play a massive role in this physical 3D reality that we’re playing the game of life in.
Things are often buried and hidden and go unseen. But now they’re coming into the forefront of everyone’s consciousness. In Dublin the masonic lodge went up the day before yesterday. It’s a potent place, a space grid point on the planet. A lot of information in there, massive connection points to other parts of the planet. You got to look at Australia in Canberra. What’s happening underneath those spaces that are being taken down courts where elders are going and reclaiming their sovereignty. They’re putting judges, officials, and officers on notice. Many children get delivered through that space to a lot of off-planet beings that are on the planet. They have bases in antarctica. Children are supplied left right and centre. These places are coming tumbling down.
Now you know if you’re doing grid work you know if you’re doing clean-up work on the planet right now i know i am with other beautiful souls and I know some other groups and tribes around the planet that are and the work that we’re doing in the quantum is having such a powerful effect now whether you know how to do this kind of work or not it’s irrelevant. What matters is that every single soul keeps their heart open and shines and fires their powerful lights out into the cosmic fabric the malevolent forces the one thing that they’ve up on is the amount of spiritual equity that they’ve got coming for them
Okay every time they cross boundaries and they’ve crossed so many there are rules and regulations in the galaxy, there are cosmic forces that monitor and govern the galaxy like there are controlling forces here on the planet and there are certain rules and regulations that galactic beings have to abide by and if they step over those rules and those boundaries they activate streams of spiritual equity from the wrong that they’ve done, and that’s going to come full circle and come smash bang crash wallet back into their space and they’re going to have to pay for their crimes and so at the moment with all of the light that’s shining out across the planet even though if you look into the to the external reality it might not seem that there’s lots of light.
There is a consciousness is expanding people are standing up we’re coming together we’re unifying as a species and they’re scared they’re destroying evidence of bondage of slavery of child murder and trafficking all of this stuff it all links back to the Vatican somewhere along the line but all of these masonic lodges and courts and other places that are being taken down and they’re being physically taken down by the people that put them there in the first place the controlling malevolent forces they’re burning their own evidence but it’s the work that we’re doing by shining our lights and not backing down and expressing divinity, love, unity, and high vibrational energies.
They can’t control us. Love is our greatest weapon. I’ve said this so many times and what is happening, the evidence is there for us to stare at right now. There are other tricks that they’re trying to pull now coming up to the 8th of January with Venus, the morning star, and the transition but that’s a whole other story and I don’t want to go into that because I don’t want to put, I don’t want to give energy to any of their stuff. I just want to let you know that we must open our hearts even more, we must get on that love vibration that love frequency, be the lions and the lionesses with those unfuckwithable attitudes, courage, confidence, mastery, wisdom, divinity.
Let’s radiate it from every cell of our body and every biophoton of light in our light body. Now is the time to turn up the heat and love even more fiercely, more ferociously. Now is the time to really go to town and to love everyone and everything. Open our hearts, meditate, be in that divine space beyond the physical body and radiate your light to all things, not just on this world, but throughout the galaxy, and beyond. Connect with your multi-dimensional selves and through your heart and your intention to open their hearts and get them to shine their lights too.
You’re a multi-dimensional being and you exist in so many places and spaces at the same time, so use all these tools to your advantage. Go into your heart and express love. I can’t stress it enough, beautiful soul. This spiritual war that’s been raging for a long time, a long time I don’t even know how long but we’re talking hundreds and thousands of years, possibly millions of years. We’ve got this but this isn’t the time to take your foot off the gas. This is the time to go hard on the accelerator and express divine love, pure love, light, diamond frequency, blue sapphire emeralds, gold. Open your heart and let that rose quartz frequency fly.
Muster and command and demand the highest power that you can muster within your own cosmic hearts and believe you me it’s massively powerful. I don’t know whether you realize your own strength but you’re a formidable force of nature, you’re a galactic light and beautiful soul. Now is the time to exercise this. They’re running scared. Spiritual equity is going to break them. It’s going to hang, draw and quarter them. God knows what’s going to happen to some of these beings but they’re going down. Their time is up. We are more powerful than them. You must investigate your heart and realize this is our time, beautiful soul.
Wherever you are on this planet, go out and love. Spend extra time in meditation, qigong, doing your breath work, amplifying your frequency, putting those good foods into your body, exercising your body. Let’s get our frequency through the roof and keep amplifying it. Love, laughter, smile, and have fun. Be like a little kid and love this ride man. We’re floating on a magical carpet and it’s time to exhilarate. Go out into this world and love your sisters and your brother’s beautiful soul. Love them fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Release that oxytocin, amplify, and pump those hearts and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul.
Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension souls on the planet. Join our new Telegram group spiritual gangsta one and gangsta is spelled g-a-n-g s-t-a numerical number one. I’ll see you again real soon. Shine that powerful light.