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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, we are being called to act, to stand to co-create in the physical and in the multi-dimensional. Many of us have heard the call and that’s why we came down to this planet because we heard the cry and certain energies were needed down on this planet and we came here for these times that we’re undergoing and finding ourselves in at this incredible time in human history. We’re going through one of the most interesting and fierce psychological attacks. We’re going through one of the strangest and craziest attacks on human health, on our physical, mental and emotional well-being. But we chose this.
We came here this time. we heard the call when we were up in the stars, and we were like yes this is me. I’m going down, send me down on the next ship baby. Send me down through the next wormhole, the next vortex. My soul is going into that womb in that family. I’m going to grow up and when 2012, 2021 come I’ll be ready, my DNA will be triggered and I will remember why I came here for the liberation of earth from those demonic dark controllers, and this isn’t the first time that you’ve done this here on this planet. You’ve done this on other planets and other stars in this universe and other universes many times over. You’ve already taken the practice runs you’ve been in the gym in the training room for thousands of years, maybe millions of years, and now it’s the final showdown, it’s the world cup final, and you are there with your sisters and brothers ready to make this world right.
How do you do that? How do we do this together? How do we unify and create heaven on earth, energy, frequency. When your vibration is high, things cannot hold in your system like graphene oxide for one. When your vibration is high it can’t handle that system, it can’t take control over that host. It will dissolve and leave. It will transmute when your frequency is high. Now your space is the same when your energy is high. Those demonic entities that hang around in the invisible fields can’t come anywhere nearby. They’d rather go off and get some lower hanging fruit, some men and women, children, souls in human bodies that haven’t woken up, that are still locked hook line and sinker into this 3D space drinking alcohol, shovelling crappy foods into their bellies engrossed in the television, on their mobile phones, 25 hours a day. 25 hours a day yep 25 hours a day.
Those human beings are easier to go after they can feed off their energy but when your frequency side, you’ll dispel them from the space. It’s like this force field barrier: they can’t intrude the alarm systems too strongly. Your light is so powerful, beautiful soul. You carry this galactic essence not just in your heart but in every cell of you. it’s locked into your DNA code, your computer code, your genetics, your biology. It’s locked into every biophoton of light in your light body, these divine immaculate codes, this light can change anything, and what you’re being asked of right now is to hold this fierce light, to project it out from your heart and hold it tightly on the inside of you in your heart, in every cell within your energy field, within your light body fields, within your auric field, within your multidimensional transmission centre. That pillar from the cosmos down into the earth’s grids hold this Christed light because when you hold that fiercely nothing can challenge you they can try but they’ll come short as long as you stand strong in it.
Now what we’ve got to do is we’ve got to emanate this light and hold the vision of what we’re creating 24/7, 365. It doesn’t matter what you see, what you feel, what you experience. You’ve got to stay grounded in your vision, strong and courageous in your heart and hold that vision of the earth that we want in the most powerful light that you can ever imagine. This crystalline diamond high-vibrational light beyond anything that you can possibly describe. Frequency, a light of the highest order and you know what I’m talking about. You’ve seen it, you felt it. Otherwise, you would not be listening to me right now. This light is what you are. It’s your divinity, it’s your essence, source. You are deeply rooted and deeply connected into the primary light and sound fields of source energy, the geometry, the mathematics.
Every day when you wake up don’t rush into your day. Just take some time for yourself and connect with this frequency. See it burning like a flame in every cell of your physical body. Feel it burning in your heart, feel it burning through your space, through your home, through your town, through your city, through your country and see and feel it connected to every other light on this divine planet. As our lights blaze together, hold that vision in your heart through your third eyesight of the most incredible planets, a planet full of creativity and joy, love and healing, courage, and unity. A planet where the world’s resources are shared equally between all men women and children, a world where there’s no suffering, a world that is connected on the frequency of love, a world that wants their sisters and brothers to rise, to have fun to laugh to play to be like little kids on this great big planet, on this beautiful playground. You are here to liberate planet earth.
This multi-dimensional element of the work that we’ve got to do is imperative. It’s mission critical at the same time. We’ve got to do the physical work. Number one: look after our sacred temple, the home of our soul in this reality. Number two: take the action necessary to create new pathways in this world, new openings, new channels, new ways of communication of operating in this physical reality as divine sovereign beings where we create our own system, an expansive system that sees everybody based on love and equality, oneness, and freedom. Make sure you’re exercising your body, beautiful soul. Meditates your body, qigong your body, breathe your body. Feed it light in drenched foods, intermittently fast your body, put sacred water into your body. Fuel your sacred temple.
We are here for the liberation of humankind and the liberation of our mother planet earth. It’s the big responsibility that you took on, why did you take it on because you’ve been training for this for thousands if not millions of years. So now the time is here. Don’t stick your head in the sand and bury it. Rise up and take control of your consciousness, of your life, and be a walk-in talk and shine, an example for your sisters and your brothers on this planet. Be the lion, be the lioness. Rise with your prides, activate that goddess, activate that god frequency, masculine and feminine in divine equilibrium. Dark and light. Own it, own all of you your wholeness. Don’t run around this planet pretending everything’s love and light and you want to bury your demons and your darkness somewhere in the labyrinth of your consciousness. That’s not what spiritual warriors do. That’s not what sovereign soldiers do. They own their wholeness. They allow it all to rise to the surface and they balance it at the zero point. Don’t tip into the darkness and think that the light and the love is weak.
You must honour all of you. I cannot stress this enough and I don’t expect you to believe a single word that comes out of my mouth, beautiful soul, but feel this information and then decide. Is it your truth. isn’t it your truth only you know the answer to that. I’m just here to share. Wherever you are on this magical planet go out and love your sisters and your brothers. Go out and hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously, beautiful soul, fiercely and ferociously like a lioness loves her cubs and the lion protects his pride.
Remember to check out our website where we’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet for raising your vibration and activating your soul code. Remember to check out our new telegram group. Join it spiritual gangsta one and gangster is g a n g s t a numerical number one. You are amazing, beautiful soul, you are extraordinary, but you must realize this. There’s no point me telling you. You must know this for yourself, deep in here. I am the I am, so powerful. I’ll see you again soon, beautiful soul. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.