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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, this is why you should not give up. Therefore, you should never stand down because you, along with all your sisters and brothers on this magical planet, have immense firepower. You can sustain heavy duty attacks energetically mentally physically the body the minds can go through so much and it’s quite often at that point when you’re about to give up when you’re about to turn in and call it a day when you think that you can’t keep going because you’re on this slippery slope to nowhere. The world feels like it’s weighing down on your shoulders. It’s at that point when you really think that you can’t do it and that the world is crushing your life, is beating you up, that the tides turn,
It’s at that point when you’re learning to swim as a child in a swimming pool and you’re trying to swim. Get that front crawl going and it just won’t work. You might go for a meter or two and then you start to sink and it’s at that point when you think I can’t do it anymore but at that exact moment when you think that you can’t do it anymore you just give it one last go and you swing your arm over and you kick your legs but you do it in a way that you’ve never tried before. This is because when you’re trying hard to do something you often get in your own way because the energy is wrong because you’re trying too hard. It’s that simple but at that moment when you you’re about to give up you think it i can’t do it but you give it one last ditch attempt with a different kind of energy, an energy that is very carefree, an energy that is very present, and what happens at that pivotal moment, the tides turn and you start to swim because you try and swim without wanting to swim, and you just do it.
The same happens when you’re learning many different things. It could be shooting a hoop on a basketball court. It could be serving on a tennis court. You’ve served a thousand times and you just can’t get it and then 1001, you just give it one last attempt. You go through the motions without thinking. You just swing effortlessly because you’ve kind of already given up, but you give it that one last ditch attempt and what happens there’s this kind of crossover. You enter that present moment, and a vortex is created, and that vortex enables you to serve the eighth shot of the hoop, hit the golf ball whatever it is, swim through water, glide through water effortlessly. It’s at that point when you think you’re going to give up or you think that you can’t do it and you’re about to give up, but you give up in your mind, but your body goes through the motions and at that moment you enter the present moment, and everything starts to work.
You see, your mind is dangerous. Your mind is what inhibits most things. It gets in the way. It gets in the way when a healer is trying to facilitate the healing of a client. It gets in the way when a golfer is learning to hit the ball down the fairway. When you think too much about things you overthink it and those thoughts, they have an energy, and the energy is disruptive and stifled and jagged. It’s not smooth, it’s not present. You see, a thought can only take place in the future, in the past. You can’t have thoughts in the present moment because the present moment is still empty now when you’re learning to do something. Thinking is important because what thinking does is it starts to lay the foundation and the building blocks to put the pieces of the puzzle together, but the pieces of the puzzle never complete the full puzzle. Whether you’re trying to play the piano, play a trumpet, play a violin, play sports, the pieces of the puzzle are never complete until whoever is creating the puzzle stops creating the puzzle and enters the present moment when all the pieces are there because you can’t see the puzzle when you’re building it.
It’s only when you stop, and you step back, and you look down at the puzzle that you can observe all its beauty. In that moment you’re present. Inside you, inside me, inside every single one of us there is serious firepower, but we must be connected to source, we must be connected to that infinite divine intelligence that flows out from the zero point through all things out from your cosmic heart through your physical body through your cells up through your crown down through your roots into the earth up into the cosmic grids and the stars connecting you. To enable that energy to flow properly you’ve got to get out of the way and whilst you’re trying to make it flow by thinking and directing, you are part of the problem.
Now intention is important and to have an intention you’ve got to think but once you’ve set that intention you don’t carry on thinking about that intention. Now, if you carry on thinking about that intention, you’re just going to intend it over and over again. You’ve got to set that intention like an arrow. You pull it back and you fire the intention and then you let it go. You stop thinking about it. You never think about it ever again. It’s already set in motion. Once you’ve fired it you can’t change its course. It’s going to hit the target along the trajectory that you set it. Set it towards when you fired the arrow out of your crossbow, out of your bowl, same as a bullet and a gun. You aim the gun, you look at the target. You think about it and then you empty your mind, and you squeeze the trigger, and the rest is history. If you think about it up until the point, then when you squeeze, you’re probably going to miss your target. You’ve got to be present when you take the shot.
Right now, on this planet you’re having everything thrown at you, the whole kitchen sink man. It’s easy to handle life when you observe it but when you think about life and you try to construct and deconstruct and reconstruct life, you become the problem. Let life flow and navigate your way through and around your manoeuvre. Right now, on earth you are being tested and I’m here to share with you this message. To say don’t give up, do not give up. It doesn’t matter what comes your way. Right now, I’ve seen in New York they’re starting to go and collect people off the streets. They’re kidnapping people. Now when that happens you’ve got to ask yourself what are you going to do? I want to make this clear. This spiritual war that we’re in, we’ve already won it. Okay but that doesn’t mean that you can sit back idly and do nothing. We’ve still got to play the game because we’re here in this physical field and that means that we’ve got to stand up and say no. It means that we’ve got to stand up and exercise our rights as sovereign beings. It means that we’ve got a fight with our sisters and brothers if that time comes.
What I like to do is go into the future, in the past. I like to go into the past to connect with all those multi-dimensional aspects of myself that have fought in wars, that have been alchemists and architects, that have been healers, men, and women that my soul has experienced or is experiencing in the soul called past right now. I like to bring all those avatar aspects back into my now space to help me fuel my present-day reality, to give me more ammunition, more firepower, more knowledge, more wisdom. I don’t go back into the past to look at things that went wrong. Nothing went wrong in my eyes. I just had experiences and there’s firepower in all those experiences. So go and collect it. I like to go into the future to see down certain timelines to see potentials that are unfolding depending on the choices that I make, the choices that humanity makes so I can prepare myself.
You see a lot of people who like to bury their heads in the sand and then when something happens in their life that’s traumatic or a little bit untoward, they could be sitting in a restaurant, and you know you look up. You’ve got the old bill there where’s your magical potion, passports, we’re arresting you, you see those people they don’t understand, they don’t understand the law, human rights. They don’t know how they’re going to handle themselves in that situation because they’ve never put themselves there. They haven’t done the research. What are you going to do if the man or the woman and his children at the next table, the same things happen to them? Are you going to carry on eating your meal or are you going to stand next to them as a soul sister or soul brother? I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to stand next to them. They could be a stranger off the street, it doesn’t matter.
There are divine elements of the same source that created me. when I look into their eyes, I see myself, I feel myself. We’re one and the same divine intelligent energy source. I’m not going to stand by and let them get kidnapped. If I end up getting kidnapped too, so be it. What we’ve got to do as a human species is to act like a pack of lions. If one lion gets broken off the pack and a bunch of hyenas are around that lion or that lioness nibbling their legs and their tail and taking chunks out of their flesh, what do the other lions and lionesses do? They dive in and they fight for their pride because that’s what lions do. They’re warriors. So, what you need to do is you need to find that warrior within yourself and you need to realize right now that there are going to be challenging times ahead, but you can handle it. You need to go into your heart, dive into your cells to tap that cellular memory and connect with parallel life, past life experiences that you’ve had or are having right now in the quantum fields. Go and connect with those powerful aspects of yourself and bring them back home into this now space. Invite them back in, connect with them, raise your energy, be fearless.
Take yourself into the future to observe scenarios playing out and when they do play out, you’re going to be ready for them and you can act like a fearless warrior, a brave ninja, a Jedi knight, and not some weak man or woman that buries their head in the sand and hopes it doesn’t happen to them and doesn’t give a about their neighbour. That’s not what lions do, and you have a lion inside of you waiting to roar and burst through the seams out into this world, beautiful soul. You have a lioness, you’re a god, you’re a goddess, you’re extraordinary wherever you are on this magical planet, beautiful soul. Go out into the world and hug your sisters and your brothers. Hug them fearlessly and ferociously and remember the golden rule of hugging: never be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule. Hug tightly man. Hug your sisters and your brothers and release that oxytocin and let that heart chakra pump.
I love you so much. You’re divine, magical, powerful. Look into your own eyes and realize the magic that you are. Remember to check out our website, beautiful soul. It is We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. We run the most powerful energy healing training sessions in the world. We’ve got a meditation library; we’ve got so many tools just waiting for you to get stuck into. So go and check it out and remember check out our new telegram group spiritual gangsta one, that’s g-a-n-g-s-t-a-1 for gangsta. Your amazing, beautiful soul. Go and laugh like crazy. Smile, light up the lives of everyone around you with your frequency. Be the beacon of light that you came from the stars to earth to be and I’ll see you again real soon.
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