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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, you have got to change your vibration for yourself. No, you haven’t got to change your vibration for anyone unless you’re changing it for yourself. you always want to raise your vibration and expand your consciousness. We want to vibrate and oscillate faster. We need to raise our levels of energy but what we don’t want to do is to change our vibration so that we fit in.
I see a lot of people lowering their standards, sacrificing their values, changing their vibrations so that they fit in, especially in close relationships. You know you might have a man and woman in a relationship and quite often what happens is the man or the woman raises their frequency and then they naturally start to separate and then the one that’s getting left behind starts to put the guilt trip on, and you know the manipulation, and the other party gets reeled back in again. They lower their vibration to come back down and make the other
first and person feel comfortable. No, it’s dangerous. If you ever find yourself in that situation and someone’s trying to guilt-trip you or say something to try and bring you back into the bucket like those good old crabs that don’t let each other out, don’t play that game.
I also understand that it might be a little bit scary for you if you are the one that’s raising your vibration and leaving behind other people because you’re moving into the unknown and you’re moving away from your circle of friends and your family that can be a little bit daunting, sometimes going into that uncomfortableness but that’s where the magic is. Beautiful soul that’s where the gains are that’s where the growth is. When you step out of your comfort zone and into that space where you haven’t got a clue, what’s going to happen, it can be a little bit freaky. Some people love it, I love it. I mean when I went on this journey, I had to leave everyone behind. Two people that I didn’t leave behind, my son and my daughter, they came with me. Thank goodness. But my wife, friends, family, they all stayed where they were. There’s one or two of my friends that have continued their expansion too that I’m still in contact with but it’s very slim compared to my circle of soul called friends. Before most associates, most of my family, think I’m nuts but that’s cool.
What matters to me is this mission that I’m on is to help as many human beings as possible on this planet expand and grow and step into their power. That’s why I get up every single morning and do what I do. So, no one is ever going to bring my frequency down to make me fit in but when you start on this journey it can be a little bit tough sometimes. You go out you come back, you go out, you come back, you go out a little bit
Further, you come back. Eventually you just burst through, but you can save yourself a whole heap of pain by just deciding right now that the responsibility is to grow. You can’t change them and make them grow so
what you better do, what you’re better off doing, is just focusing on you, the most important human being on planet earth, the most important soul in the universe. Focus on your mission and keep elevating your frequency. Nourish your soul, fan your flame, surround yourself with inspiring humans that are on your frequency or higher and allow them to show you and guide you as you show and guide others.
We don’t teach others. We don’t lead others, but we just shine our lights and by default we inspire them on a deep level beautiful soul beyond this conscious mind. You came to this earth plane to play at such a large level, a level way beyond extraordinary. You came here to have fun, to laugh, to enjoy, and to experience what it’s like to be human. So, get your vibration up, do the things that make you a high vibrational being, put good sun-drenched foods into your body, eat those photons, sun gaze, yoga, Qigong, exercise, go and hit the punch bag, throw some weights around, do some circuit training, stretch, meditate, hug some trees. One of the best pastimes is to get your shoes and socks off and walk barefoot on the earth and let out your lion, let out your lioness, be the god, the goddess, that you came to this planet to be, beautiful soul. Do not sacrifice your values. Hold the line, stand strong. It doesn’t matter what is unfolding in your environment around you whether it’s far away or close. Keep on elevating. There’s only one way to go and that is up baby. Out there, that’s just for experience. This is where the magic happens. We want to elevate, raise our frequency, hold our values, expand our consciousness, get good at saying no to those that want to drag you back into the mischief and the mayhem and say yes to you and your earthly path on this spiritual mission.
I love you, beautiful soul. You truly are phenomenal so go out into this world and be phenomenal. Love your sisters and your brothers fearlessly, ferociously, fiercely. Love them hard and hug them tightly. Hug them tightly and don’t be the first to let go. You know that’s the golden rule of hugging. Don’t let go first and remember check out our website We’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet for elevating your frequency so go and check it out. I love you and join our new telegram group spiritual gangsta one. Gangsta is g-a-n-g s-t-a numerical number one. Go and have some fun, beautiful soul. Play the game, laugh like crazy, expand your heart and love everyone. Keep loving everyone regardless of what they do, or say, and I’ll see you again real soon.
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