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Hey there beautiful soul. How are you feeling today? So, I wanted to share a little message with you about choice. This might sound a little bit crazy for some of you listening but it’s very true and kind of hard to get your head around and that is that some people don’t realize that they have a choice that sounds nuts because we as human beings are sovereign souls, and we get to choose 24/7 365 whether we’re going to go left, whether we’re going to go right, whether we’re going to engage, whether we’re going to disengage, whether we’re going to follow the rules, the regulations of this system, or whether we’re going to make up our own rules and regulations like un-fuck-with-able beings, sovereign soldiers, that do what they want.
Some people don’t realize that they can do this. The government puts out messages, narratives, and everybody thinks that they must do it like wearing one of these, like getting one of these, people think they must do it because they’ve been told to do it. They don’t realize they have a choice. Parents think they must send their children to school to be manipulated and brainwashed because the government tells the parents if you don’t send your kids to school, we’re going to find you, we’re going to do this to you, we’re going to do that so you’re going to be in trouble. People think they must be a certain way around other people so that those people like them and love them. They think that they must fit in. People don’t realize that they can be who they are and who they want to be, and it saddens me that people don’t realize that they’re just awesome powerful beyond measure and there is nothing that can stop you doing what you want.
it sounds quite crazy right that people don’t realize they got a choice, but we all have choices. When you make a choice, a firm decision, and you decide right this is what I’m doing, you create this vortex of energy around you. It like spins in behind you and all around you and all that energy, all that commitment, all of that decision, that choice, it anchors into an arrowhead focal point, and it heads towards its target. With that universal vortex of energy that’s sweeping through your space, it carries you and you get support when you start to trust in the natural flow of things. You are backed up massively 24/7 365. The universe has your back. This invisible force when one door closes, another one opens. When you say no to what you don’t want, I guarantee you that a yes door is going to open and give you something beautiful.
You might have to say no several times. The universe tests you but when you stand in your sovereignty and you stand in your truth and you listen to your instincts, your guts, your intuition, magical things just start happening it’s like a million fairies are floating through your space with little ones sprinkling stardust into your path to help it unfold naturally in front of you. Life becomes effortless in a way. I’m not saying it’s easy because you’re still faced with challenges and things happen and how you respond to those challenges is important. Your perspective is important because you can perceive something as negative and destructive, or you can perceive the same thing as a growth opportunity and a chance to expand and elevate the same situation and how you respond is important and those that are in tune with themselves choose a response and don’t fall into a reaction because there’s a zero to 2.5 second window between stimulus and response when you’re bouncing around in your heads.
It’s easy to react and fire back and explode or get angry, or whatever or go into fear but when you’re living in your hearts, you create space, and that window of space allows you to perceive and observe whatever is taking place around you in your space far away, and you can have space and choose this. This isn’t that bad once you create a little bit of space and you can just observe it and feel it, and then decide what to do and then you’ll make a better choice with decision with precision with energy, and then that vortex will spin through your space again and carry you on this.
Right, you’re a gangsta man, a spiritual gangsta, a divine sovereign soul that came from the stars to earth. If you ever looked into the mirror and gone past your physical form and into your eyes and taking a real deep dive, a real deep look, at the magic that lies inside of you. That light it’s so powerful and it’s in me, it’s in you, it’s in everyone. But no one can make you see that, no one can make you experience it. We can all act as divine mirrors and show you what you are internally, but you govern that by your vibrational frequency that you’re emanating out into the field because if you’re putting out fear and you’re putting out worry and you’re putting out this and that that could be destructive or negative or chaotic. That’s what the universe is going to mirror back to you through people events situations circumstances but once you step into your sovereign soul your sovereign self, into that un-fuck-with-able nature, your train cannot be derailed, and you start to move. You start to flow, and everything supports you.
Even when things don’t seem to be going quite right the universe is still supporting you. It’s just bringing a few challenges and testing to grow you because you don’t grow in your comfort zone man. You grow when it’s uncomfortable, when you’re stretched, and you’re pulled, and you’re bent, and you’re twisted, and you’re pressurized like diamonds in the mountain are birthed from pressure. When you’re growing in life and you look up, there’s this kind of clear ceiling. It’s like glass and when you bust up through that glass into the next level of consciousness, the next level of frequency, you’re going to get cut a little bit as you break through that level. You might get cut arms like when you jump off a cliff and you learn to fly as you grow your wings on the way there because most people stand on the cliff edge, and they never jump off because they’re scared that they might not grow their wings and they might not fly, and they might crash and die and burn.
Those fearless souls they just dive into the unknown and they know that they’re going to be supported because they took that risk, they took that leap of faith, and when you take that leap of faith boy does the universe support you. But you’re never going to know if you keep standing on that cliff edge. So, sort your life out and take a jump now but don’t wait. Realize that we here on this planet can make choices 24/7 365. We can railroad our lives, we can join forces, we can change reality. We’re quantum architects, the building blocks of physical life. It is the essence of the invisible field the quantum field, the geometry, the mathematics the building blocks, of the universe that lie beyond this physical form. That is where the real magic takes place, and you can access that 24/7-365 through your hearts through your right brain, through your pineal, for your light body, your Merkabah field.
You are a wizard, you are a white witch, you are a god, you are a goddess, a lion, a lioness, a spiritual gangsta, an earth angel. Look into your soul and feel this. Feel it with all of you. You never know you might be surprised at what you might find, and it might just make you smile. It might just light up your life and your wings they just might appear wherever you are on this planet beautiful soul. Go out and hug your sisters and your brothers. Go out and hug them tightly, so tightly and remember never being the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon.
Remember to check out our website Come and connect with your tribe. There are thousands of us and we’re all on a mission as sovereign source so come and join the party and check out at spiritualgangsta1 on telegram. Connect with us daily. I love you, beautiful soul as my sister or my brother. Wherever you are I love you. Know that you’re supported always.
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