{"playlist":[{"title":"Cosmocity Galactic Dance Party","artist_name":"WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! You have been warned. This meditation is NOT for everyone. If you are in recovery from alcohol or drug addiction, you may be triggered by this meditation. Recorded during the Infinity Weekly Meditation Group. You will go on an epic journey to a spacecraft deep in the Universe. You will go to a Galactic Night Club and foam party, walk the diamond carpet, drink shots of Light Codes, dance with extra-terrestrials, have the opportunity to consume Life, a cosmic drug that is available in the empty space everywhere. Bob Marley is the guest DJ and much more happens on this mind expanding, heart opening journey. Please stay hydrated!","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/starmagicorg-1cf69.kxcdn.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/03\/8575f97b-5a53-43e8-836f-f44d158b9170.jpg","duration":"51:11","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":52857}]}