Keys To The Solstice Portal

{"playlist":[{"title":"Keys To The Solstice Portal","artist_name":"Millions of years ago it was written into the quantum scriptures that you would be here on Earth at this time to experience and support your sister & brothers in the birthing of the Aquarian Age. We are moving into the age of light and truth, Satyuga, and out from the last Yuga, the Kaliyuga... the age of darkness. It's by no coincidence- you signed up for this. We are blessed to be here on Gaia at this time. \r\nDuring this meditation we connected as a Tribe\/Community to anchor massive plasma light waves. We continued our work from the Lions Gate Portal and solidifying the Rainbow Bridge, the 5D Timelines and the activation of our Cosmic Templates\/Blueprints! It's time to ground New Earth Frequencies from the Central Sun into Gaia on a multi-dimensional level. The Suns, Moons and Celestial Templates are in place, not just in our frequency band but multiple others! It's a perfect cosmic multidimensional alignment and to be here to experience it is a blessing. We are however here, not just to experience it but to be the Divine expressions of it in this physical reality!","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2020\/12\/Meditation-keys-to-the-solstice-portal.jpg","duration":"56:29 ","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":49069}]}