Become free from slavery. You hold the key to your own freedom.
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, are you ready to rise? Are you ready to band together. Are you ready to stand in your power and stand in your truth and realize that you are the one that you’ve been waiting for, that no government is going to save you, no politician, no archetypal figure, no group, no one is going to save you. It’s down to you to stand in your power, step up, and be your own saviour, beautiful soul. You know there’s too many sheep on this planet. Don’t you? Far too many sheep.
I went round to see my mum last night and she opened the front door and she said I’m still self-isolating, you’re going to have to go around the back. So, I was on my push bike, I went round on my push bike, I went right in the back. I said how you are doing, how you feeling? She said I’m really bored; I can’t wait for this to be over. I said, well don’t worry they’ll be around with your vaccines soon and she said I hope so and she was deadly serious and we got into a bit of a debate and a discussion about this stuff which didn’t really go anywhere as you can probably well imagine but it really kind of smacked me right in the face and even I even though I know there are still many people on this planet asleep.
When you see someone that is that asleep it really gives you a big punch in the face and it makes you realize that there’s still so much work to do and there are some people that you just can’t help unless people wake up themselves and decide and realise with real eyes. See with your real eyes and not the eyes of the vision they’ve been telling you through the television, the information they’ve been streaming to you that they want you to believe, and they want you to hear, and they want you to be indoctrinated by. I’m talking about seeing beyond the veil of illusion, seeing into the truth and the manipulation.
Are you a sheep, are you off to the slaughterhouse, are you off to number 19 with the angel of the abyss. For those of you that aren’t aware, in numerology means 3 and in Greek number 3 is the angel of the abyss, the angel of the bottomless pit, the angel of the dark hole, then let’s look over it ok. We’ve separated the sea we know that means angel of the bottomless pit, angel of the abyss, angel of darkness, and then you put over it in Latin. It means sheep and then you’ve got 19 in Hebrew which means the slaughterhouse. You’ve got the angel of the bottomless pit taking the sheep to the slaughterhouse and so many people believe the narrative, they believe the lies, they believe the manipulation, they believe in what the system has taught them. They’ve been conditioned to be good little citizens, good little slaves.
Are you going to put up with this, are you, beautiful soul? Or are you like me and millions of others that have said enough is enough. We are going to rise, and we are going to band together like Robin Hood and his band of merry men and merry women. We’re going to band together as a tribe of awesome souls here on this planet, that a divine and sovereign we came to this planet from the stars. We came to this planet energized full of juice ready and then we were manipulated before we even had a chance to breathe, and that’s the truth, before we even had a chance to breathe. Before you even had a chance to breathe, they started the manipulation process but that’s a whole other story and we don’t need to go into that right now.
What you’ve got to ask yourself is this am I going to roll over and let them steamroll through my space, stick a needle in my arm, so you can be part of agenda 21, agenda 30, whatever you want to call it and have your freedoms stripped from you or are you ready to join your sisters and brothers, all of these beautiful souls, over the planet that are black white, yellow. There might be some green and blue ones. Who knows, maybe some yellow ones and some red ones but they’re a beautiful soul. All over this planet Indians Jews Muslims Christians Americans Russians Spanish Portuguese English Irish Scottish Welsh. There are beautiful souls from all over this planet that have been stuck on pieces of land and divided and split for many different reasons.
If you look at this planet it’s the only planet that someone’s got a pen and drawn all over it and divided it into portions, okay. Nowhere else is it like that. There are countries on different planets, everything is one, everything is beautiful, everything is harmonious, but what we’re living on right here is a controlled planet and the only people or the only person or the only human that can unlock your door and get you out of your own individual prison is yourself. You hold the key in your heart.
When you come into your heart and you realize you are a divine sovereign being, that you came from source, from the stars as a magical powerful being you can open your heart, you can come onto the frequency of unconditional love, and you can take control of your life. You can take control of your soul; you can take control of your body. Your body is your land, and your land is owned by the state. That’s right your land is owned by the state. You are property but you can relinquish that claim to your land if you so wish and my question is are you ready to do that? Do you really and truly want to do that because most of us have been conditioned into slavery and slavery is comfortable, servants like to be comfortable.
To step up and speak your truth to go against the system to say f*** you to the government most people are scared to do that but I’m telling you now unless you decide that you’re prepared to do that and rise with your fellow sisters and brothers this lockdown might become permanent and it might even kill you. That’s the truth. Do you want to become a cyborg ,do you want to become artificial intelligence, or do you want to reclaim your divine sovereignty and realize that you are the technology. Your soul is the technology. We are soul technology and the great thing about the soul technology that we are that resides inside of these physical vessels is it never breaks. It just expands and grows and gets better and better.
We don’t need all this artificial stuff to try make us complete. We are already complete we are already whole but there’s no good me telling you this beautiful soul. You got to go deep into your cosmic huh and you must realize this. You must realize this, with beautiful real eyes. Stop watching the television, stop believing and start knowing. Go beyond the belief systems that keep you indoctrinated and come into your heart and realize that knowing trumps and supersedes believing every single time.
You are powerful, you are amazing, and I love you unconditionally, and I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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