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5D | There’s a Glitch In The Matrix | The System Is Collapsing

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My gosh there’s a glitch in the matrix. The system is breaking down. It is crumbling all around us beautiful soul. I love you with my heart with my soul with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?

So, this is just a quick message today okay just to remind you that you are amazing, and I love you and so do your sisters and brothers of earth and so do your extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters from beyond the veil of illusion and so do the fairies and the angels and the pixies and the unicorns. If you thought all that stuff was fairy tales  you couldn’t be so mistaken because it’s real baby and what we’re seeing right now on planet earth is a massive glitch in the matrix. Those people that have told you for many years that unicorns were mythical beings the angels were a figment of your imagination that pixies and fairies danced in the gardens of minds of crazy people, those people that fed you those stories, they’re the people that have held a matrix in place so false that people have believed it. This is the crazy thing because it’s so false and the vibration is rising on the planet right now.

Consciousness is being cracked wide open and the fakeness of this reality that we’ve been told was all there was in the universe looks faker than ever. The mind control programming, the MK ultra baby is crumbling, and the glitch is in people’s consciousness. They’re like getting f***** up, and it is sad to see in a way but at the same time it’s hilarious because we all chose to be here on this planet right now and incarnate and play this game so we’re all playing our roles perfectly to help each other remember and navigate our way through this crazy matrix life play in this game on this green and blue ball that we call home, that we call earth. You know the heart chakra of the galaxy, the living library. We’re here playing a game on it and instead of experiencing its true magic and beauty we’ve been cooked inside a prison for many years millions of years but the energetic upgrades that hit in the planet, the frequencies that hit in the planet, the energetic upgrades that we’re going through are helping us see the massive picture.

Movie stars they all sign into a contract,  pop stars they will sign into a contract, they do a deal with the devil himself. Okay they sign their soul away when they enter those contracts in those roles they’re controlled. They’re MK ultra to the max, they’re monarched to the max but these programs are breaking down and even some of these movie stars that have been scared to come out and speak their truth are starting to speak their truth because there’s a glitch in their programming and this is what’s crazy and funny because they’re coming out and speaking. I mean you’ve got to look at John Lennon’s misses. I saw her speaking at some kind of  gathering. They were being interviewed and she started talking about President Obama and I saw an amazing video on YouTube. I can’t remember who put it up there. Whoever did if you’re watching this, I love you amazing brother, but someone put a video up.

It was explaining about President Obama before he came into presidency. He would go and meet pop stars on the rise you know. Feed them full of crack cocaine and get them to give him ‘blow’ jobs and stuff in his car and John Lennon is obviously one of those people because his missus kind of spilled the beans on camera because her programming broke down and he was put on the spot, and these are the kind of things that I find hilarious at the same time. It’s sad to see human beings going through this but it’s given us a real glimpse of the madness and the corruption. A real glimpse of the madness and the corruption but what is crazy. It is so fake. People think that couldn’t possibly be true and so they carry on believing in the lies. It’s crazy but this is what’s going on.

All we can do is trust our intuition. All, you, me, we, as a global family can do is trust our heart. Our gut instinct it will never see us wrong. Frequency never lies. You can’t lie to the heart. The heart will catch you out every time. The heart will slap you around the face. You’re lying again, you’re trying to kid yourself again. You’ve got to be truthful when it comes to the heart and if you listen to your heart, it’s not going to tell you a lie. If you listen to this thing yeah it might probably will ninety thousand times a day because we have sixty-two thousand and ninety subconscious thoughts a day and most of them are lies, most of them are patterns, okay belief systems. That’s another story. What is important is that you follow your heart through this process as the matrix is glitching.

Just stop, close your eyes, feel the situation. Is it glitching? Is it glitching? Yes, glitching baby. Okay it really is that crazy. Wow, so many people’s minds are going to be blown when all this stuff really comes to the surface, the child sex abuse rituals,  this stuff’s coming out into the open but it’s so far-fetched that people think that couldn’t possibly be true. How could our government do that? How could our bankers do that? How could there be people in the world that control the bankers and the government? I thought the government were the top. No, the government are way down the chain. There are many more ranks, many more layers, but it’s so hard for people to get their head around this stuff. Okay, when you’re asleep and you’re eating at McDonald’s and you’re drinking beer and wine and you’re shoving m & m’s down your throat and you’re having sex you know many times a week and you losing all that sexual energy opening your crown infiltrated by negative beings. It’s hard to see the truth.

So, what we’ve got to do as more evolved humans is just keep our hearts open, hold the vibration for others, and just stay focused on our path. Don’t buy in to the madness. If you give the madness attention, that attention will divert your energy there so what you’ve got to do is turn your attention somewhere else. It’s why we at star magic are building communities, healing communities spread around the Christ consciousness grid of the planet. This is what we’re focused on. Bringing people together and creating a new way of life, a new way of being on this planet. We’re stepping away, we’re creating something new. The system’s falling apart. Feel this. It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful, I’m beautiful, we’re all beautiful inside and out mesmerizing, indescribable, unquantifiable, undefinable magical beings, galactic titans from the stars.

Never underestimate yourself, beautiful soul, do you hear me? Do you feel me? Feel this in here. This is truth baby, your truth, your wisdom, your knowledge. You’re an exciting being with so much power and potential. So go in here and unlock it. Tap into it, don’t be scared to let your potential out. It doesn’t matter what other people think. This is about you, beautiful soul, and if you don’t like my language that’s cool too. I’ll still love you anyway. Wherever you are on this planet go out and love your sisters and brothers. Hug them so tightly, never be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Hug tightly and never be the first to let go. Otherwise, your heart which might give you a slap around the face.

Love fiercely and ferociously beautiful soul and I’ll see you again real soon very soon, in fact maybe in the quantum field maybe in the ether, maybe in the physical who knows. But I’ll see you again real soon. If you’re watching this video on YouTube, remember to hit the notifications button, and subscribe and share it with your sisters and brothers. Together we can really make this world a much more harmonious place. Teamwork is the key; tribe work is the key. It’s the answer baby, communities all the way to the golden diamond emerald ruby age. We’re bringing it home. We’re bringing it across the line you me and everyone else like one big global family. I’ll see you again real soon.