When we wake up we become woke and dangerous and keeping us locked into the matrix is very difficult because we become open-hearted, critical thinking, sovereign human beings. We create a new way of living and the old system falls apart. Unification is the key to birthing a new vibration on this planet we enter 5th density or the 5th dimension.
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How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? High fives baby, high vibes raising the roof, expanding your consciousness, elevating the vibration.
What else is there to do on this planet right now? Get out of the matrix, get out of the chaos, get out of the mayhem. This is what we got to do, woken dangerous. You can’t control a man or a woman that knows who they are do you know who you are. Do you know who you are you might look in the mirror and say, well you know I know who I am because I’m looking at myself in the mirror. You might know your name and your age and what you do for a job and the people in your family and all that sort of stuff, but do you know who you really are?
Do you know who you really are? It’s a big question because most people don’t because most people are bouncing around inside of this matrix lost, and they’re lost for a very good reason: because they thought they were found. That’s the problem they don’t realize they’re in a game. They don’t realize that they’re in a game where every single part of the game is pitted against them. They’re in a matrix that they can’t get out of. They’re on an ever-revolving carousel that goes around and around and around, and it goes so fast that they can’t jump off because it goes so fast that the spin creates a wall an illusion around them. They’re stuck in their seat on the carousel getting sicker and sicker and sicker.
If you were one of the richest people on this planet and you had so much money you didn’t know what to do with, I’m talking trillions of dollars, like the ones that try and control us, and do control many. I’m not controlled. I’m a free human. I do what I want. Do you do what you want because you have the choice to but if you had all the money in the world and you’re a sick and twisted individual, an evil individual, and you liked to see other people under duress, stressed out, poor, ill, sick? What would you do with your money? What would you do with your time? Because there’s only so many things you can buy and only so many things you can do. You’d get a little bit bored. Do you realize that you are entertainment. I am entertainment, we are entertainment for the extremely wealthy. They own the army, they own the police, they own the banks, they own the in entire whole monopoly board.
So, they’ve got so bored this time they thought what should we do to these people now? I’m getting really bored you know let’s create a virus, let’s tell the whole world that they’re going to die and let’s get them all to wear masks and make them look stupid and humiliate the f*** out of them. This is the game; this is the entertainment. This whole world, this monopoly board, is like a giant cinema screen to those rich and twisted evil men and women. So, we’re waking up the whole planet is waking, high vibes, high vibration. We’re seeing each other as the beautiful souls that we are and we’re realizing because we’ve opened our real eye, our third eye, our pineal gland. We’re seeing the truth; we’re seeing the lies and the corruption. The matrix is crumbling and when you walk you become something dangerous.
We are dangerous baby because we can’t be controlled. We’re undefinable, immeasurable, unquantifiable beings. We’re multi-dimensional beings. We are galactic titans from the stars, and we cannot be controlled. You know why? Because we know the truth about who we are. What lies in here immense power, immense energy and when we unify as a global family that power is unstoppable, and the truth is coming out. One of the main things that these evil and twisted men and women who are not just men and women, but you know beings also that are far from human, they are trying to do their best to confuse. They’re trying to do their best to confuse children and confuse adults, but their main target is the children. Their main target has always been the children if you look, okay.
When I was a kid there were straight men and straight women, there were bisexual men and women. So, you had like straight and bisexual okay or gay people like three types of genders. Do you not know there are I think it’s 56 or 57 types of gender. You’ve got transgender and pangender and all these different genders. I don’t even know what half of them are, but I’ve seen the list and I was blown away, but you see they’re trying to confuse us that much. They don’t want boys to know their boys or girls to know. They want us to be all confused at five years old. At certain parts of the UK there are certain schools that are bringing in sex education where they’re going to teach children at five years old to play with each other. I mean that sounds a little bit crazy to me, but this is what’s happening. They’re teaching children to stimulate and play with each other.
Do you not see what’s happening. They’re stripping the children’s childhoods; they’re stripping that beautiful stage of life when they’re experiencing and getting to know the world away from them. There’s a huge attack on the pineal glands through hormones and chemicals. When a person hits puberty their pineal gland stops growing so if they can get a child to come into puberty at six or seven years old, eight years old, some kids are having babies at that age. Now especially some of the ones that are bred into the satanic ritual abuse situations. The people that are involved in the rituals, there’s some sick and twisted stuff going on but if you come back to children being taught sex education, if you come back to all these different genders that they’re trying to introduce into society, it’s making people confused.
You’ve got twitter setting up platforms within twitter so paedophiles can share their experiences. I’ve seen posts all over the internet where it says that men or women that have sexual orientations towards minors or children is just exactly what it says on the tin and a sexual orientation and it’s perfectly okay. Now I’m going to paint a picture of something really disgusting in your head but just for a split second. For older men and women to have a sexual orientation to children, okay if you know a youngster just picture them in your mind. Then imagine them with Bill Gates or with Hillary Clinton or with President Obama, or one of these other sick men and women that get involved in all these crazy things with that child. Okay someone you love at a very young age being with one of those men or women. Now erase that from your memory.
I’ve got my point across okay. This is real talk okay if you don’t like it turn the camera off, but this is real talk and we got to share these messages with our sisters and brothers because you have a voice. I have a voice. There’s a rule in law and it says he who leaves the battlefield first loses the battle. So, in other words if someone says something to you, they write you a letter, it could be a court, or someone says something to you okay and you don’t respond then you’ve consented to what they’re asking you to do. If someone tells you to go and wear a mask, if someone tells you to have an injection. If someone passes a law, a government for example passes a law and the people don’t rebut that law then that law becomes the law. It becomes a legal statute not actually a law but a legal statute because law is the common law of the land.
Law is cosmic law for as long as you don’t kill someone, harm someone, steal from someone, encroach on their property. If you’ve not harmed another human being, you’ve not broken the law. You’ve not committed a crime but these statutes that they make up because they control the police, and they control the army, and they control this whole entire matrix. It’s easy for them to make up these statutes and get their minions the police and the doctors to enforce these rules and regulations and if we stay quiet beautiful soul, if we stay quiet, they just trample all over us so what we got to do is raise our vibration. Smile, dance, laugh, have fun, and say no to everything that is thrown our way – children wearing masks in classrooms and the playgrounds, staying two meters apart from each other. What do you think that’s doing to their psychological programming. It’s doing exactly that programming them psychologically to be a slave, to be conformant.
This morning I had to go somewhere with my son. We had to go into a building and when we got to this building there was a lady there and she had one of those little lasers to measure the temperature where they put it up against your head. She also had a mask on, and my son and I walked up to the building, and she said, “stop there please where’s your mask”, and I said, “I’m exempt. I don’t have to wear one and neither does he”, and after a little bit of a confrontation she backed down and then she went like that. She pointed this laser towards my head, and I pushed it out of the way, and I said do not point that at my head. If you want to take my temperature you take it on my wrist, otherwise don’t take it at all.
So, she did and then she went to point it at my son said and pushed her arm down and said you make sure you do the same for him and she did. Okay now if someone goes like that and points something at you and then presses a button. I mean this is your pineal gland in here. It’s also like you’re being shot, it’s like a program, it’s a new program that they’re putting in place getting people used to having something pointed at their head and a trigger being pulled. This is psychological programming. Never let anybody put something against your head and pull the trigger whether it’s to measure your temperature or whatever it is. You know you do not let it happen. Okay, if they want to measure your temperature they can measure on the wrist. Simple, as what we’ve got to do is to say no to all these draconian rules and regulations. We’ve got to say yes to what we want and no to what we don’t want. It’s the only way we’re going to make this world a much more harmonious place.
This is the thing, beautiful souls. Right now, on planet earth we’re in a dog fight, we’re in a little bit of chaos. We’ve had that first wave of COVID-19. There’s a second wave coming. They closed some northern cities in the UK. Just this week Manchester and a couple of others, and it’s starting, Spain okay. Loads of British holidaymakers were told they could go to Spain on holiday and two or three days after they got there, they’re told if you don’t go back now, you’re going to have to quarantine for 14 days, and your flights are going to be expensive. You might not even be able to get back because the flights might stop. Fear, fear, fear, so lots of beautiful souls on holiday who you know follow the system, believe what they’re told on the news, believe what the mind control tells them. So, they end up coming back home but that people’s lives are being ruined, beautiful soul, because we as a species are not standing together.
If we were rising together and unifying as a global force, they wouldn’t be able to do this stuff and it all starts in here. It all starts in this magical mystical heart chakra baby. This is where the magic is. This is where the love is. But you got to open it and allow your life compass to guide you through this game and it will take you up above the matrix so you can look back down at the matrix and realize it was a game. You’d be like an eagle flying over the storm because that’s what eagles do. They fly up over the storm, wait for the storm to settle and then fly back down again. But most people are sheeple and are following these rules and regulations. They’re going through the humiliation; they’re going through the road of slavery ready for old Billy no mates nano vaccine. It’s crazy baby. It’s crazy, all the stuff I mentioned to you about the children, what you think is going to do to them psychologically, mental trauma.
Do you realize how much healing this planet is going to need once we’ve got through all of this or on the flip side of the coin, we can use this as an exercise to heal. Yes, we can use this as an exercise to heal. Boom high fives baby. Let me say that again we can use this as an exercise to heal because right now we are being shown what we do not want. We’re being shown what we do not want so let’s use this as a springboard to bring up all these old emotions, all the programming, all of the belief systems, all of the total global worldly trauma that has been held as a collective for millions of years. Let’s bring it to the surface and let’s transmute it because if all of us decided to do that at once, or 7.5 to 8 billion of us, we’d work with the trees, we’d work with the animals, we’d work with the ground, with the land, with the earth. We’d work with the stars. We could transmute all that trauma so quickly but we’re not unified and like these transgenders and pan genders, there’s more segregation, that’s more division. Even now with the masks there are people arguing put on your mask, you’re endangering me. Say no and straight away there’s a confrontation. You’re separate from that person because you’re not going to go and put the mask on just because they tell you to. This is a smart game that the cabal are playing, and you can buy into it, or you can choose to take a different approach to life and walk a different path and ride on the new roads but only you can make that choice. I can’t make it for you, but you have the power to make that choice.
This is what is so frustrating. When I see all these people just being subservient acquiescing like slaves, like good little boys and good little girls, like good little citizens, I love all these people. But it frustrates me because I know that we all have the potential, the enormous potential in our heart to love and to be free, to be compassionate, to care and share, to self-heal, to realize that when our immune system is skyrocketed high because we’re exercising, we’re doing our breath work, we’re doing our qigong, we’re doing our meditation, we’re eating the photons, we are sun gazing. When we’re eating all that good stuff and feeding our system with all that good stuff physically, chemically, electromagnetically, we are high vibrational beings, and it doesn’t matter what viruses are in the empty space. It doesn’t matter what viruses there are in the world, what diseases. You aren’t going to catch it. It’s that simple.
What is going on, baby. High vibes in my world. I know that and hopefully and trustfully I trust there’s high vibes in your world too. So, you got a choice. You know you’re in a spiritual battle and you know things are going to get even crazier coming into this winter period when you’ve got like the flu, when people have common colds, there’s going to be a lot more people going to the doctors and to the hospitals and you know what they’re going to say, don’t you. Let me stick one of those swabs up your nose – oh you’ve got COVID 19, you need an injection and if you don’t have the injection, you can’t go back to work. You can’t go home you can’t leave the hospital. You’re a prisoner. Are we really going to let this happen? Oh god it’s so frustrating.
I love you so much beautiful soul we’ve come to a crossroads. What’s happening right now. We’re like lions backed up in a cage. We’re like a boxer in the 12th round of a championship fight, a world title fight, and that person is down on points. They’re getting beaten up and they’re up against the ropes. The only way they’re going to come out is fighting hard and knocking that other person to the ground. Now I’m not saying that you’ve got to go out and you’ve got to punch someone. No, but you’ve got to come out with some fierceness, some ferociousness. Go hard or go home. What are you going to do because this is real talk. This is where we’re at right now and it isn’t just going to go away unless you decide to do something about it, beautiful soul. Unless you decide to do something about it, unless I decide to do something about it, and we all decide more importantly to do something about it together. Let’s unify as a human species.
Let’s come together and make this world a much more harmonious place. Let’s get out and hug the trees, let’s get our shoes and socks off and work walk barefoot on the earth, drink your veggie juice drink your fruits, stay hydrated qigong, deep breath work, breathe consciously, meditate, exercise, yoga. Let’s start raising the vibrations of our bodies, let’s get our immune systems ultra-high. We were designed to self-heal. Woke and dangerous baby. Choose right now, draw a line in the sand, step over it. What are you going to do? Stay this side of the line and get swallowed up in chaos and mayhem or step over, breathe some fresh air and go and live a new life with your sisters and brothers.
Wherever you are on this planet, beautiful soul, I want you to know this. I love you as my sister or brother, I love you beyond measure, I love you unconditionally and I want you to be free and freedom is a choice. Sovereignty is a choice but only you can make it. So go out and hug your sisters and brothers, hug them so tightly and remember the golden rule of hugging. Never ever, ever, be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously, fiercely, and ferociously.
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You’re amazing. I love you beyond measure. I’m going to say it again, woke and dangerous, woke and dangerous, and I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
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