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How To Be Spiritual – Jerry Sargeant

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“When people are sat there meditating under trees, on the tops of mountains, people look at these people and think they must have cracked the code. They’ve got this. But my question is this. Are these people balanced? Because this world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows because when you go out into the real world it’s a whole different story. When you’re amidst the frequencies of people and their lives are chaos, their heads are spinning with crazy thoughts. Can you be around these people and hold the line?”

So, you know like a doctor wears a white jacket has a stethoscope hanging around their neck, maybe a little pair of glasses and a notepad, and people in the hospitals, they trust these doctors. They hang off every word that these doctors share. They believe all the medications that they’re supposed to take from these doctors that supposedly have been through medical school and know what’s best for this human being.

In this spiritual community it’s no different. You get people dressed in robes. They put a few beads around their neck. They put a few beads around their wrists. Maybe they have some kind of massive, beaded necklace or jewellery and people hang off ever word. They think because of what they’re wearing they must be this all-encompassing highly spiritual individual. When people are sat there meditating under trees on the tops of mountains, people look at these people and think, ‘oh they must have it all cracked. They must have cracked the code. Look what they’re wearing. They’re sitting under a tree meditating. They’ve got this. They’re all love. They’re all light. They’re all sunshine. They’re all rainbows, and people hang off every single word that these beautiful souls share.

They are beautiful souls, but my question is this. Are these people balanced? Have these people worked it out? Have these people cracked the code because this world isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. This world isn’t sitting under a tree, meditating, thinking that you’ve worked it all out because you’ve got to be able to go into the eye of the storm. You’ve got to be able to go to the depths of despair and hold the line that shows true mastery when you can be in the eye of the storm. When you can be in the midst of chaos, and hold the frequency, be the mountain whether your partner is upset and you’ve got to hug them and just be still, whether there’s some crazy stuff going on in your business and it’s all kicking off and things are changing. You got to hold the line, and it takes presence and practice and patience to be able to do this, but everybody has the tools. They just don’t apply themselves.

When you see people sitting under a tree meditating, that’s all good. But do these people take that practice into all facets of their life, or are they only good when they’re sitting under a treetop, when they’re in a very quiet zen space? If that’s the only place that they can work, then they’re absolutely totally 100% because when you go out into the real world it’s a whole different story. When you’re amidst the frequencies of people vibrating in a different dimensional field and their lives are chaos, their heads are spinning with crazy thoughts, they’ve got entities and interdimensional beings playing havoc in their consciousness, can you be around these people and hold the line?

Can you hold the line when you go into communities where the frequency is ultra-high, and those communities are showing you the final layers of your own trauma, when they’re showing you the depth of the anger at men, the depth of the anger at women? When they’re showing you the rejection the power the control those diseases and illnesses that are coming up in your body, those skin rashes, whatever it may be? Can you hold the line in a really high frequency environment when your last bits of trauma are coming up and you’re being shaken and the last apples are coming off the tree can you hold the line, when you’re in the midst of chaos with low vibrational people? Can you be in the middle of Piccadilly Circus, hundreds of taxis and cars and people running past you. Can you be in the middle of Time Square on a crazy busy Saturday afternoon on the 4th of July and stay very zen? That’s mastery, beautiful soul. Doing it in the comfort of your own home is easy, peasy. Doing it in a forest is easy, peasy. Doing it on top of a mountain is easy, peasy.

You got to get dirty man. You got to get right into the eye of the storm and test your own metal. This is what sets the warrior God and the warrior goddess apart from the rest. These are the ones. These are the Jedi, and you got to ask yourself, ‘are you a Jedi? Am I a Jedi?’ It’s either black or white, a yes or no. There’s no grey area in this one. You’ve either cracked the code or you haven’t. You can’t crack part of the code because there’s still bits of code left to crack. You’ve either cracked it or you haven’t you’re either un-fuck-with-able or you’re not.

You can either be in a relationship with someone fully embrace the opportunity knowing that whatever your partner is going through cannot derail your train whatever you’re going through. Whatever trigger points you’ve got left in your own system cannot be affected by your partner. Otherwise, you’re not a God or a goddess. You’re a God or a goddess in the making and you’ve not cracked the code. The present moment, the isness is what is going to set you apart from the rest. If you can be present and you can be patient and you can hold the frequency of the heart and just be with this empty, then you’re there. It’s not rocket science. It’s not hard but it does take practice and the more you apply yourself the easier it becomes and the faster you get to where you’re going to. You’re only to realize that you were there all along and there was nowhere to actually get to.

Wherever you are on this planet, beautiful soul, go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly, and never, ever, ever be the first to let go. It’s the golden rule of hugging. It’s a magical medicine. Try it. Remember to be the joker, remember to be the jester, remember to laugh and smile and be a little bit crazy and have some fun on this magical planet because the joker, the jester, the fool. They’ve cracked the code. They’ve set themselves free. They’ve broken free from The Matrix and so can you. The jester, the joker, the fool. They’re the zero point. They’re the sphere they’re the heroes. They’re the ones of that have worked it out.

Remember, beautiful soul, go and check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth. Hundreds of guided meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, high frequency nutrition, breath work, free distance healing sessions, mystery school teachings. We’ve got lots of different trainings that you can take right now to uplevel and go through this ascension process keeping your frequency ultra-high in that un-fuck-with-able mindset, that un-fuck-with-able state of consciousness. It’s on you take responsibility. It’s on me. I’m taking responsibility. When we take responsibility as a global family we walk in the park. I’ll see you again soon, beautiful soul. Go to the world, shine your light, speak your truth, live your truth, and stop giving a flying you know what, and I’ll see you on the other side.