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The Healing Power of Star Magic Energy

In a universe filled with infinite possibilities, the power to heal transcends the physical and ventures into the realms of the quantum, the divine, and the cosmic. Star Magic Energy Healing, a revolutionary form of energy healing, taps into the frequency of the stars, the universe, and our multidimensional selves to create profound shifts in your well-being.

Star Magic energy healing offers an energy healing experience unlike any other, merging extraterrestrial wisdom with deep unconditional love and advanced energy healing technologies. This article explores the healing power of Star Magic Energy, diving into its origins, methods, and the profound ways it can transform physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.


Energy Healing Evolution


The art and science of energy healing has evolved throughout our ancient history. Ancient practices like shamanic healing, ayurvedic medicine, and the ancient Egyptian mystery schools were around thousands of years ago, and more recently we have Reiki healing, yoga, and qigong. Today there are countless energy healing techniques and modalities, some of which integrate quantum physics and cosmic frequencies based on the understanding that the human body is a complex network of energy fields, chakras, and meridians.

As humanity’s consciousness expands, so does the depth and sophistication of energy healing techniques. Star Magic energy healing is the next step in this evolution, combining ancient wisdom and knowledge from the stars with advanced divine energetic tools to activate dormant DNA and align your energetic fields leading to a healthy physical body, mind, and spirit. This isn’t just about fixing what’s broken. It’s about awakening to your full potential as a multidimensional being.



What is Star Magic? Who is Jerry Sargeant?


Star Magic healing is a powerful energy healing system, channelled and facilitated by Jerry Sargeant. Jerry is a healer and spiritual visionary who has trained thousands of people worldwide to be healing facilitators of this transformative modality. Star Magic healing is rooted in pure love, frequency, and vibration and it uses cosmic and quantum healing energy, extraterrestrial light codes, and multidimensional timelines to facilitate profound energy healing.

Unlike conventional energy healing, Star Magic Energy uses a synthesis of high frequency light codes, sacred geometry, divine and extraterrestrial frequencies, creating a deeply transformative experience. With Star Magic healing you can clear energetic blockages, activate and upgrade your DNA, heal emotional wounds and ancestral trauma, and align with your higher self. Star Magic healing has no bounds or imitations. It offers a holistic transformation that aligns with your soul’s purpose. Star Magic healing will meet you where you are and helps you become the unstoppable person that you’re meant to become. Check it out now for free for seven days with Infinity.



Jerry Sargeant, Star Magic Energy Healing Facilitator


In Star Magic healing, the healing facilitator will channel divine and cosmic energy. A healing facilitator such as Jerry Sargeant does not do any healing. Instead,  holding space for you to align yourself with your innate healing capabilities. A trained Star Magic facilitator channels cosmic energy, creating a bridge between you and the universal energy field.

Jerry Sargeant will use an ascension toolkit of advanced tools like light language, geometric codes, working with divine healing guides and ascended extraterrestrials, and specific activation frequencies, to open energy portals or stargates to other dimensions and facilitate deep lasting energy healing and DNA activation. Star Magic healing naturally works remotely, transcending space and time to deliver its transformative effects. You can explore and book Jerry Sargeant’s Star Magic’s Facilitator Training which will fully prepare you and empower you to heal yourself and others.


Star Magic & Quantum Healing


One of the most profound aspects of Star Magic Energy is its ability to facilitate healing on a quantum level to clear stubborn energy blockages and restore inner balance. In quantum physics, particles are not bound by space or time, and Star Magic leverages this principle to address issues that exist beyond the physical realm. Star Magic energy healing is also effective for releasing your subconscious fears and traumas, activating dormant energy centres, and realigning with higher dimensional frequencies. By working at this level, Star Magic doesn’t just treat symptoms. it addresses the root causes of imbalance, allowing for long-lasting healing.

Star Magic healing works deep into your subconscious mind, and it uses your energetic blueprint, a holographic snapshot of your entire energy body. This is compared with your original divine blueprint and healing takes place with your soul’s permission on a holographic representation of your body which is entangled with your real physical body. Star Magic healing also cuts through the chords and ties to limiting beliefs and outdated patterns that do not serve you. Then your body’s natural ability to heal and regenerate is unlocked and unleashed.



Cosmic Starseed Healing


You may know that you are a starseed, a soul with extraterrestrial origins or connection to other worlds or realities. By healing through Star Magic’s energy, extraterrestrial starseeds often experience a deep spiritual awakening, enhanced intuition and psychic abilities, clearer communication with spiritual guides, and a deeper insight into their soul’s mission on Earth.

Star Magic energy healing activates light codes within your DNA, unlocking memories of past lives in different bodies with special abilities and important cosmic and spiritual missions that you have forgotten thanks to the wiping of your memory and recycling of your soul. Many star seeds will feel a profound alignment with their soul’s essence and cosmic purpose. This isn’t just about exploring otherworldly connections. It’s about grounding those cosmic energies into your everyday life, helping you live with more clarity, joy, and intention.

This healing modality works by activating light codes within your DNA, unlocking memories, abilities, and missions that may have been forgotten. It’s like rediscovering a part of yourself that’s been dormant for lifetimes. You may  describe the experience as feeling like you have come home, reconnecting with your soul’s purpose and cosmic lineage.


Healing Physical & Mental Illnesses


Star Magic energy healing operates on a high-frequency energy and its effects are clearly felt on your physical and mental health. You may experience significant improvements in your medical health when energetic blockages have been cleared. These energy blockages were responsible for your experience of physical pain, chronic illness, fatigue, and anxiety. What makes Star Magic healing powerful and unique is its ability to combine love, light, and frequency, creating a multidimensional healing experience that works on all levels of your being physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.



Mental health conditions are often rooted in unresolved trauma or energetic imbalances. These health issues are addressed through emotional release techniques and vibrational realignment. Energy healing isn’t just about removing pain and discomfort. It’s about restoring harmony and balance to your entire bodily system. Star Magic energy healing doesn’t focus solely on the symptoms, but it addresses the underlying energetic patterns behind the illness, thus making your healing process truly holistic.


Heartfelt Love & Ancestral Healing


At the core of Star Magic Energy Healing is the frequency of love, which is often described as the highest vibration in the universe. This energy not only soothes emotional pain but also facilitates profound healing of ancestral wounds. Ancestral healing involves releasing and clearing patterns, trauma, and karmic imprints passed down through generations.

Star Magic energy healing works to release energetic entanglements, allowing you to break free from cycles of limitation and step into your authentic power. You may also experience a profound sense of peace as if a weight they didn’t know they were carrying has been lifted. By healing ancestral lines, you don’t just transform yourself and you create a ripple effect that heals your family, past, present, and future.


Star Magic Heals via Multiple Timelines


One of the most fascinating aspects of Star Magic is its ability to heal across timelines. In the quantum realm, time is not linear. Past, present, and future all coexist. Star Magic works within this framework to address traumas from past lives, clear present-day imprints, and align future possibilities with your highest potential. By healing across timelines, you will release the energetic entanglements that have been holding you back, allowing you to step into a more empowered version of yourself. This process feels like a reset, a chance to rewrite the narrative of your life and align with your soul’s truest desires.



Star Magic energy healing offers a deeply transformative journey that goes beyond the observable physical reality to address every aspect of your being on the mental, emotional, spiritual, and quantum levels, and beyond. Rooted in cosmic wisdom and divine love, Star Magic healing creates a direct connection between you and the infinite energy of the universe. Whether you’re seeking relief from physical ailments, emotional calmness, or a deeper connection to your cosmic origins, Star Magic energy healing provides you with the tools to facilitate profound healing and growth. Star magic acts as a suite of energy healing techniques that will reveal to you your powerful eternal soul, divine love, cosmic heritage, and your unlimited potential.

As you explore this revolutionary approach to healing, you’ll discover that the answers you’ve been seeking are already within you. Star Magic healing simply helps you access them, illuminating the path to alignment, wholeness, and the limitless power of your own soul. The universe is waiting for you. The stars hold more than light. They hold ancient knowledge and wisdom for your transformation. Be ready to step into your multidimensional self by experiencing the profound healing power of Star Magic energy healing.



Begin your spiritual journey with Star Magic energy healing and unlock your true potential at where you can experience the pure magic of energy healing from the stars for yourself. Star Magic helps you to deeply heal yourself, raise your vibration, and expand your consciousness. Sign up for a free 7-day trial of Infinity now to access our vast library of powerful meditations, light language transmissions, and energy activations to heal and transform your entire being.

If you are to deepen your spiritual journey, Star Magic’s Facilitator Training led by Jerry Sargeant offers four levels of energy healing mastery to empower you to heal yourself and others, and unlock your full divine potential as a powerful unstoppable cosmic being.