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If you’ve got pain in your body right now, if you’ve got some kind of allergy, then use frequency. Trust the process. You are your own medicine. You are your own doctor. You just have to trust the process. Get out of your own way and allow your body to emit those tones, those frequencies, those sounds that you need for your own healing. Bring your awareness into the area of your body where you’re feeling discomfort, where you’re feeling pain. You are the medicine. I am the medicine. We are the medicine.
In our own realities our bodies have billions of chemicals that we can trigger and release through breath work, through sounds. Our bodies are like musical instruments. We just don’t play them correctly. If you’ve got a pain in your shoulder, if you’ve got a pain in your belly, if you’ve got a sore lower back, whatever it might be, you can transmute this yourself. Light language is potent. Different tones and harmonics and frequencies are incredible. If you’ve got pain in your body right now, if you’ve got some kind of allergy, if you’ve got something that is taking place in your own physical and mental fields that you want to transmute, get rid of, then use frequency. If you have a pain in your body right now bring your awareness there. Let’s say your pain is in your left shoulder, it’s in your right hip, and bring your awareness into the area of your body where you’re feeling discomfort, where you’re feeling pain.
Close your eyes, breathe deeply into your belly and I want you to ask your body to produce the sounds. Ask your body to produce the frequencies that are needed to bring this part of your body into alignment, into healing, into balance. If I bring my awareness into my belly and I ask for my belly to be balanced and I allow my mouth, my throat, my consciousness, my chest my lungs, my everything to produce the sounds that my belly needs to experience right now. This is what comes as I bring my awareness into my belly right now, I can feel it ever so calm, ever so peaceful. Connect with your body, breathe into your belly, and ask your body to produce the sounds that this particular part of your body needs to feel and experience right now and allow whatever comes through you to come through you. Trust the process. You are your own medicine. You are your own doctor.
We hand our power over left, right, and centre 24/7 365 to big pharma, to the doctors, to our external environment but we are the medicine, and you can produce a whole range of frequencies. There are no frequencies that you can’t produce. You just have to trust the process. Get out of your own way and allow your body to emit those tones, those frequencies, those sounds that you need for your own healing. Your body can self-regulate. Your body can do what it needs to do best and that is self-heal, that is to amplify. That is be its very best version. What is blocking that? You, your thoughts, your own self judgment. So, step out of the way and allow yourself to be free of whatever it is that your body needs to feel and experience right now. Emit those sounds and watch the magic happen. Take control of your own reality. You’re powerful, supersonic.
Wherever you are on this magical planet, beautiful soul, go out into the world and love your sisters and brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever be the first to let go. Hugging is a beautiful medicine just like frequency, the tones, the music, this musical instrument. There are so many opportunities for you to take control of your own personal well-being. Not just to manage it but accelerate it and expand it so you can move to higher frequency states of consciousness and keep expanding because you know as well as I do that there’s always another level.
Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth. Hundreds of guided meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, high frequency nutrition, mystery school teachings, breath work. We meet every Monday, Wednesday, and second Sunday online for high frequency activations, transmissions, DNA upgrades, cosmic journeys. Everything you need to be a high frequency human. Go and check it out at You get 7 days total free access right now. I’ll see you on the inside.