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“We’re here on Earth School to remember how to travel multi-dimensionally in our physical bodies to reactivate that ancient gene code, that ancient DNA code, and to bring our full superhuman potential back on life. It’s simple to bring our consciousness, our light out from our body and to travel through the multi-dimensional playing fields to pick up data, to pick up knowledge, to pick up wisdom to connect with other beings from beyond the veil.”
What is the ultimate goal of a soul being here on planet Earth? There are so many reasons that we’re here on this planet. There are so many things that we have to do, missions to complete. Ultimately, we as a species are going to move on from this planet and pave the way for a new wave of souls, and potentially another species that come and inhabit Earth school and get to experience it for a period of time. Our souls, ultimately at some point, are going to go back to Source intelligence and we are going to reintegrate with the whole once we’ve done our time here on Earth. We get to make that choice. I mean some of us might be crazy enough to come back down but I’m sure most of us that have done the work will want to go on to another planet or maybe just stay in recalibration mode for a little while and kick back, chill, enjoy the process, just float around in infinite space and just regenerate for a little while or maybe not here on planet Earth.
One of our aims is to reconnect with the Holy Grail. The Holy Grail is inside every single human being. The Holy Grail is that emergence that realization of masculine, feminine; dark and light; bringing everything into that zero point. Whilst we’re fighting for the light or fighting for the dark it’s no good. We’re staying in duality in that polarity and the only way we’re going to find our way back to that zero point is to accept all of who we are and bring ourself back into that zero point and become whole. It’s why it’s called the Holy Grail, the wholeness Grail. Another reason we’re here is to bring back balance to planet Earth but there’s no way we can bring balance back to planet Earth and balance back to our human family until we create balance inside of each one of us. It’s up to each and every one of us to do our own work and to find that balance within because without that balance the external world, the external reality, is just going to keep mirroring back to us the chaos, the confusion, the rejection, the lack of love, the healing that needs to take place. It’s all always an inside job, beautiful soul and your heart is the stargate to enable you to make this happen.
We’re here on Earth School to remember how to travel multi-dimensionally in our physical bodies, to reactivate that ancient Gene code, that ancient DNA code and to bring our full superhuman potential back on, our light. It’s simple to bring our consciousness, our light out from our body and to travel through the multi-dimensional playing fields to pick up data, to pick up knowledge, to pick up wisdom, to connect with other beings from beyond the veil but to dematerialize your physical body and rematerialize it somewhere else it’s a whole another thing. Or, to take your body through a stargate that takes you to another planet in another star system that’s a whole other thing. But we have the opportunity to reconnect with those abilities. We have the opportunity to activate our multi-dimensional Merkabah field, that 12-pointed star, which gives us access to all dimensions within this Matrix, within this construct in physical form. We don’t have to leave our physical bodies behind when we go traveling right now. We do because we’ve not reached that stage of human evolution. But we will and that’s another reason that we’re here.
We’re here to remember that we’re creator beings and we’re being upgraded. We’re going through Earth School, through this incredible ascension training boot camp to prepare us to be creator beings, to go back out into the universe and create new worlds, new universes, new galaxies, new systems. If you can find your way back home in this reality, if you can navigate all the manipulation, if you can remember the abilities of your inner quantum architect and you can do it here, you can do it anywhere. It’s another reason that we choose to come to this planet because it is so tough. It’s not easy but it’s challenging and it’s worth it, more than worth it, because if you can overcome all of the trials and tribulations here on planet Earth you can do it anywhere. It’s the toughest training ground in the galaxy. It’s the toughest training ground in the universe and you’re a Jedi.
We’re coming around in one of those 13 cycles when the stars and the planets align right now on planet Earth this is the rebirth and return of the Jedi, just like in Star Wars. We are the Jedi that are waking up, that are recoding ourselves, recoding humanity, remembering how to travel through stargates multi-dimensionally, how to access multiple reality fields from beyond the veil with powerful beautiful souls. We’re here to reestablish Earth to her former glory, that Christed planet, that high frequency God spark flowing through every human, every plant, every fish, every flower, every bird. So that Christ Consciousness is empowering the whole game here on this planet so we as a species can finish the cycles of time and then move on to the next part of our process, the next stage of the game. Some of us are going to stay here and we’re going to help the next species that incarnates on earth when they start to go through Earth school and enter the incarnation cycle. Maybe they’re here for millions, billions of years but we’ll have done our work by then. We’ll be Jedi game masters so we can support those from beyond the veil just like some of our multi-dimensional selves are supporting us from beyond the veil right now.
Ultimately, we are part of the ocean of consciousness. It is one great big universal ocean and just like the ocean breaks into waves and those waves end up on different beaches, different countries, different Islands, ultimately when those waves hit the shore they’re going to get dragged back into the ocean, back into the whole, and all of our souls out here in time and space in physical vessels are experiencing humanness. Our souls are experiencing being in these physical avatars and interfacing with other human beings through them. It’s beautiful, but ultimately, we all came from the same place, that vast universal ocean. At some point our souls are going to break on the shores of time and space and be drawn back out into the universal playing field to reconnect as one consciousness, one code, one love, one energy back in that void space, back in the universe which is really the known that we all know and love so well. It is game over when we’ve just forgotten about reconnecting to that place, that space whilst we’re in these physical avatars.
Wherever you are on planet Earth, go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever be the first to let go. It’s the golden rule of hugging. We are the AI, we’re more powerful than AI. Our soul is a living breathing technology that can travel multi-dimensionally. It’s just a deep remembering, beautiful soul. Remember to check out our website and all of those ascension tools, the best on the planet. Get access right now free for 7 days all of our meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, mystery school teachings, high frequency nutritional recipes, breathwork, private groups you can connect with souls on the same high frequency ascension mission just like you. We meet every Monday for 30 minutes for the frequency spa, every Wednesday for 90 minutes for our galactic weekly meditation, every second Sunday for 90 minutes for fearless focus. All of this stuff you can access right now free for 7 days. Check it out at and remember you’re a Jedi powerful beyond measure and life is a great big cosmic joke. I’ll see you again soon, beautiful soul. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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