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The Savage Man, 1st July–13th July 2025, HOLLAND

July 1, 2025 - July 13, 2025

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This programme is just for men and gives the opportunity for men to become real men.

Join Us Brother!!

We are preparing for our second Savage Man Training and we have been calling lions to join us. If you are reading this it is no accident; you have heard that call deep within your soul.

We want this group of Spiritual Gangstas that emerge from Savage Man to form a potent group of focused humans to pave the way for other men to follow in their footsteps steps.

We would love for you to join us on this Savage Man Training and be a part of the R-Evolution of consciousness on Earth and the stepping up and stepping forward of the Warrior God Consciousness on Earth.

The brothers who will blaze a fearless trail for other men to walk down.

It’s time to unite and step into our masculine and feminine power in the most balanced and trusted way.

We have an opportunity to redefine how men operate on Earth as we rebirth the Savage Man.

A man who is raw, kind, fierce, compassionate and a man who is strong, courageous, fearless and ruthless.

A man who loves himself fully and brings that self-love into the world and loves the feminine equally, supporting and nurturing the feminine in every way, creating a beautiful and boundless foundation that honours the feminine within and without.

It takes a real solid soul to accomplish this level of wisdom and put it into action.

Are you ready to step up, expand, shift, elevate and step into your full masculine?

Are you ready to unleash the lion?

Are you ready to bring the balanced Savage Man back to Earth?

Join us brother!

The Savage Man

It’s time for conscious leadership and this begins with a choice.

The Savage Man will take you into the deepest darkest parts of your psyche. You will uncover components embedded within your own architecture that have been buried for centuries.

The Savage Man will also take you into the highest realms of creativity and inspiration, unleashing magic from within that you never knew existed.

You will develop a mind-set that makes it easy to create abundance in all areas of your life. You will connect to the energy you require to develop a successful business, to make your relationships harmonious, your health and vitality tip top and your life fully joy filled.

You will cement an unfuckwithable mindset that ensures you are never disrespected, trampled on or taken for granted, knowing your boundaries and enforcing them. You will develop a level of balance that enables you to be compassionate, kind, gentle and supportive of your family, friends and loved ones.

Your level of self-respect will rise to dizzy heights, yourself love will be second to none and every other person will feel this at a deep level.

Your life will grow new wings as you rise like a phoenix from the ashes.


Most men in this so-called modern world, are lost. Human beings have become soft. The world community has become disorientated, manipulated and brainwashed into thinking that only love and light will solve the world’s problems. We live in a world presently where there is good and evil and whilst love is mission critical for our human evolution, unleashing and alchemising The Savage Man with The Loving Man, what’s needed right now.

To harness your power, you must alchemise the dark and light within you and merge the two aspects into wholeness. This alchemical process requires discipline and determination.

A masculine operates at his best when he is fiercely supported by the divine feminine who has stepped into full mastery. The same goes for the feminine operating at her best when she is fully supported by the divine masculine, who has stepped into full mastery. Right now on planet earth, most men do not respect the value the woman brings to this planet.

During this training you will regain huge respect for the feminine and the feminine within. You will remember how to truly treat a woman and develop the most incredible bond.

No Easy Ride

We live in a world that will beat you to your knees if you let it. We also live in a bountiful and rich world that has a wealth of abundance for everyone. The choice as to which planet you live on, is down to you.

Men have become soft. We are not discussing gentle soft because the man must be soft and gentle. But a soft and gentle man, that has it all balanced out mentally and emotionally, still carries that warrior, savage mindset.

Most men have lost the savage lion, hunter-gatherer mentality and want the easy ride. Most men do not understand how to respect and love themselves, which makes it impossible to respect and love the feminine in a way she can feel valued, supported and held in a nurturing space so she can fully express her creative essence.

The world requires men who are willing to stay focused on their mission and not get distracted.

Sneak Preview

You will embark on a journey that will break you down and rebuild you into a strong, courageous, fearless, kind, generous, loving super-human.

You are going to be tested in every way. You will be taken into the depths of your heart. It will be ripped wide open and as you deal with old trauma you’ve bottled up or were unaware of.

You will be shown how to connect to the deeper parts of your inner workings so you can re-engineer yourself from the inside out. This is for the brave not the weak.

You will be taken through physical exercise that will harden you, mind-strengthening circuit training that will make you unbreakable, as well as taught boxing skills. You will get the opportunity to jump in the ring, face off against one of your team members and go toe to toe. This will build confidence and courage that is second to none. You will be able to take this into every area of your life.

You will be shown listening and communication skills which will give you the advantage in business and enable you to be truly on point in all relationships.

You will be shown how to live a daily lifestyle that ignites the fire in your belly, energises you beyond measure, creates freedom in your world, and keeps you fit, healthy, calm and full of vitality.

You will be shown how to be fully present in all situations, choosing response over reaction, which in turn will create a layer of formidable armour in your consciousness that keeps you full of energy.

Most men carry huge amounts of anger. It’s stored deep in their system. This anger and deep rage will be released during the process.

The version of you that embarks on this training will die. A new and upgraded version of you will leave with an elite skill set that will last a lifetime.

Grand Finale

To conclude the training, we will journey together on Psilocybin, over two different days. This medicine is an ancient shamanic plant medicine and has been used to heal wounds and expand consciousness for centuries. An experienced team of Facilitators will guide you on this journey of a lifetime. After being broken down and rebuilt, over and over, this is the perfect way to end the training. You will discover things that will blow your mind and heart wide open.


Higher level of fitness

Mental Strength

Mental Stability

Emotional Stability


Inner Peace

Increased Levels of Love



Communication Skills

Deeper Understanding of Self

Deeper Understanding of the Feminine

Deeper Understanding of the Masculine

Deep Respect of the Feminine

Deep Respect of the Masculine

Ability to Always Take Action

Activated to Be Honest & Truthful Always

Fearless Attitude Towards Life

Higher Levels of Fitness


You will have a 5* vegan chef on site for the 10 days preparing all of your food.


You do not need to have experienced a Star Magic workshop before coming to this retreat. It is for every Man.

Total Price: £5,555

Price Includes: Food, Accommodation and plant medicine. Everything apart from flights.

All Star Magic Retreats and Workshops are run by Jerry himself. No one else is authorised to run Star Magic Retreats or Workshops. If its not on our website and run by Jerry it is not a Star Magic Retreat and Workshop.


Join Us and Change Your Life Forever!

This programme is just for men and gives the opportunity for men to become real men.

Book This Event Now


July 1, 2025
July 13, 2025
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