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Through The Star Gate, 16th – 22nd June 2025, Online

June 16, 2025 - June 22, 2025

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Through The Stargate

Price: £5555 discounted to £4444 for the 7 DAYS!

Seminar Training For Deep Frequency Encoded Meditation & Group Healing Workshops. This 7 day Training Experience is for Star Magic Facilitators that have been through the Multidimensional Lightbody Upgrade Training. You will embark on a seriously powerful and disciplined training, where you will be creating and practicing 24/7 – 365, remembering how to navigate the Universe.

Master Hologram

In this training you will be shown how to work on groups of human beings, through a central master hologram, whilst remaining completely energised, with zero interference from external forces. You will be shown how to guide larger groups of sisters and brothers, safely and intelligently on Cosmic Journeys, navigating dimensional spaces, frequency bands and portals.

Connection to your Star Gate

As well as facilitating Group Healing Sessions and Cosmic Guided Meditation Journeys, you will be guided to unlock the full power of imagination by connecting to your Star Gate.

The Star Gate is your planetary home and once you open up to the infinite possibilities that lie at your point of origin, you will unlock the natural and inherent ability you carry as a Star Seed, to facilitate Deep Frequency Encoded Meditation Seminars.  You will remember how to navigate portals and star gates safely and efficiently, ensuring your Tribe can move through time and space in a controlled and exploratory fashion, always returning back home. It’s in your DNA. You simply need to access it.

This ability will enable you to heal large numbers of people at once, stream lining the healing process, therefore enabling you to have a much bigger impact on the world, and in turn the Universe.

During the other trainings there is still a small element of logicalness. Here there is none. You will have to play and dance with cosmic star dust, by becoming it. You will fully submerge into the underlying reality beyond the world we live in.


During this Training you will be given a selection of Group Meditation Codes, designed specifically to make your life easier when Facilitating large groups of people. This is where you to truly step up and do the Real Work.

Everything you have remembered during Level 1 & Level 2 Training will now be solidified and used fiercely as you put your Elite Esoteric Training to the test.

You cannot hide in this Training, Its a small group of Tribe Members working solidly for 7 days. This is real hands on as you will be asked to practice, over and over in this safe environment, until you are bursting with confidence, knowing you can go out into the world and Facilitate Group Frequency Encoded Meditation Workshops of any size.

Biological Upgrade

You will be shown how to decipher what codes are good for your clients and which one are not, whilst you are guiding them through the ether. This will enable you to download healing codes into your Meditation Participants on the move, offering them the chance to receive biological upgrade after biological upgrade.

Price: £5555 discounted to £4444 for the 7 DAYS!


All 7 days: Training will start at 3pm(BST) and will end at 11pm(BST).

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