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“When people get depression and anxiety it’s like the world is over, ending. People curl up under the blankets but when you learn remember how to breathe properly, depression and anxiety can clear up in hours, days. We don’t need drugs. We don’t need medication. We can access, initiate, instigate, activate so many chemicals in our body.”
So, depression and anxiety. They affect so many people but overcoming depression and anxiety is something that every single human being is capable of if they ever experience it. You don’t need anyone else to overcome depression or anxiety. If you have depression or anxiety or you know a family member or friend that has depression and anxiety you can share this video with them, and in this video, I’m going to share with you a very simple way to change everything. When people get depression and anxiety it’s like the world is over ending. People curl up under the blankets and some of them don’t see the light of day for days or weeks. Sometimes people can’t eat. People won’t leave the home. People move into deep fear through depression and anxiety.
But when you learn remember how to breathe properly, depression and anxiety can clear up in hours, days. I’ve seen people with depression of 20 years go in a day just by breathing properly. People with anxiety for 15 or16 years, gone in 48 hours. We don’t need drugs. We don’t need medication. All of the pharmaceutical drugs that we need are inside of our body. Our body is an incredible pharmaceutical factory. we can access, initiate, instigate, activate so many chemicals in our body. Now this one piece of breath work is going to change you and your life. Whether you’ve got depression or anxiety or not this breath will bring you into a deeper sense of calm, a deeper sense of the present moment. It will activate different chemicals in your body that will make you happy, give you more clarity, more focus, more balance.
So, what I want you to do is this. If you’ve got depression or anxiety or both the first thing you need to do is to make a commitment. You got to make a choice because this won’t work unless you make a choice. You’ve got to decide, “do I want to continue to do depression”, do I want to continue to do anxiety”, or “do I want to do freedom, do love, do sovereignty, do kindness, do passion.” Decide right now. You can continue on your path, or you can make a choice to change but only you can make this choice. I can’t do that for you now. If you’ve decided to make that change, I want you to go and lie down on your bed, on the sofa somewhere comfortable, somewhere flat, and I want you to close your eyes and I want you to breathe in through your mouth down to your belly and out through your mouth. Keep breathing. You’re going to breathe 30 times. Keep going in through your mouth, down to your belly, out through your mouth. Long and deep doesn’t have to be really fast. Just long and deep and powerful. Keep breathing until you breathe 30 times in and out 30 times. Keep going. It should be around 21 or 22 breaths, at the moment maybe a little bit more depending on your lung capacity.
Breathe your last few breaths. When you get to your 30th breath I want you to breathe out, eyes closed and hold your breath. Hold your breath for as long as it’s comfortable. Just be nice and still, and when you feel like you need to breathe in and hold your breath and just be still, and when you breathe out, you’re going to breathe out and in and do another 30 breaths. On the second set you’re going to hold on the out breath and the in breath and you’re going to do that for a third set. So, right now you can just open your eyes and sit up because it’s simple. You know what you’re in for. You’re going to breathe 30 times. When you get to breath 30 breathe out and hold for as long as you can. Try and stretch it a little bit and each time you do it go a little bit more. When you need to breathe in, hold for as long as you can. Three sets. Once you’ve done your three sets you continue with your day, and you’re going to do this in the morning. You’re going to do this at lunchtime, and you’re going to do this before you go to bed.
Now at any time during the day you feel a slight bit of anxiety, a slight bit of depression, you’re going to stop and you’re going to do this breathing. It’s best to lie down but you can always do it sitting, okay. You can always do it standing. If you want to you might find that you’re in a queue in a shop and you need to just breathe whilst you’re in that queue. If you really want to eliminate your anxiety and your depression what I would do is do this for five sets and do it six, seven, eight times in a day. You have to feel that out for yourself but the more you do it the more you’re going to control your breath and your consciousness. When you breathe into your belly you activate your calm receptors. When you breathe into your chest you activate your fear receptors, and it triggers the anxiety the depression.
When you breathe into your belly it activates your calm receptors and it brings you into balance and equilibrium, and be more conscious you are of your breathing, the deeper you breathe, the slower you breathe, the more powerful you breathe. Breathe into your belly. The calmer you become, the more mental peace is going to come through your body, your brain, your mind. You’re going to feel amazing. This is really simple. Now if you wanted to take it to another level you can do this breath work and then go to our website Download the Infinity app from the Android store, or the App Store, put into your playlist – ‘mental peace’ and ‘set your heart free’, those two meditations. Listen to ‘mental peace’ and ‘set your heart free’ after doing the breath work. Not every piece of breath work because you wouldn’t have much time in the day to do anything else but if you’ve got anxiety and depression, you probably aren’t doing too much else.
So, I would be putting all of my focus and attention into becoming healthy and happy. So do your breath work and then the two meditations. Even if you do that twice a day, three times a day, at least once a day, you’re going to see massive shifts, massive results and your level of mental peace and your level of clarity, your level of calmness will just get better and better and better. You’re powerful. You’re strong. You are amazing and you have all of these skills and abilities inside of you. You have all of this magic inside of you. You’ve just got to make a choice to access it. Maybe you want to chuck a little walk into your daily routine. Maybe you want to start eating healthy food. There are so many things you can do to be a healthy happy human. Surround yourself with good people. Get the naysayers out of your life. Get the energy vampires out of your life and surround yourself with people that raise your energy levels and lift your vibration.
Wherever you are on this planet, beautiful soul, go out and love your sisters and brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. Go to our website Check out Infinity. You got hundreds of meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, high frequency nutrition, cosmic mystery teachings on so many different subjects and topics. There are private groups so you can connect with beautiful souls just like you on this same ascension mission. The choice is yours. You can be a victim, or you can be a spiritual gangsta, and you can take control of your life. You can smile. You can laugh. You can be joy filled. Life is amazing. Choose to live an amazing life. I love you so much as my sister or my brother. I’ll see you again soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.
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