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No.1 Energy Healing Training: With Jerry Sargeant


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“Yesterday, I had a massive experience. I’ve never witnessed, felt, or experienced whatever anything like it in my life. I had emotion come up which was sort of sadness and not nice feelings, and the tears come but then my heart opened. I’ve never experienced anything like it. My body was shaking. The power I felt within that moment was just immense. I felt so powerful that I never felt anything like it in my life.

“The fear that’s been released this week. The understanding of fear on a different level, a deeper level, and our capabilities it’s immense. It’s like I’ve reconnected with my body and my spirit in a way I’ve never done before. It’s absolutely amazing. I feel like a different person.”

Jerry: “For us as human beings to really change this world, we’ve got to love fiercely. When you’re in your heart and you’re just breathing and you’re feeling, it’s just vibration.

You are here to flourish and to express yourself and let your uniqueness shine. Raise your vibration, hold it, and keep elevating and let others rise too. This is your mission. I’m not going to show you anything new. I am simply going help you remember something that has been locked away inside of you since the dawn of time.

Every single human being has the capacity to love. When you’re able to step away from your mind and into your heart and live from this space of unconditional love, you see and feel the world differently.

You have two choices, love or fear. It’s up to you. Your soul always chooses love, the ego chooses fear.”

Well, you know I’m committed to change. I’m committed to helping people. I’m committed to making this world a better place and over and above everything else, I’m committed to showing you that this power lies within you.”

“It’s transformative. You will never be the same and I know that I certainly will never be the same.

“You can’t put it into words really. I do not know what to say, just thank you, thank you, thank you.

“So, anyone out there who’s trying to figure out whether they should come, I would say yes, heck yes. If you’re looking for more than this is way more than you can ever imagine. So, thank you.”