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“What we need to do to really empower ourselves as humans is wipe out all the crappy code and upload it with beautiful empowering programming that elevates and expands us and switches on our multi-dimensional faculties. This is how we step into our superhuman abilities and become the angelic superhumans that we were destined to become that we were born on to other planets billions of years ago.”
So today I just wanted to give you a really good piece of advice when it comes to healing or facilitating the healing of other human beings. I see this so much and it is so dangerous okay. I see people working on other human beings in individual healing practices, in group healing sessions, in meditation workshops, and you see another human being having a biological upgrade where they’re downloading frequency, uploading frequency, and their body starts to shake, their body starts to bend, their body starts to contort, and what a lot of people do when they’re inexperienced is they go into a little bit of panic or they think that this download or this upgrade isn’t quite 100% right, and what they do is they put their hands over the ankles of another human being and what they do is they try and run frequency through their body and they try and bring balance into the field of the other human being.
Their intentions are pure. Their intentions are good but what happens when you place your hands over the ankles you got energy streaming down from the stars through that human’s body and down into the Earth’s grids. You got frequency, magnetic code, flying up through the human out through their crown and up into the star grids. When you put your hand over the ankles, it blocks that flow of energy and it interferes with the download, and it’s not good to bring someone out of that download when they’re halfway through. It’s like downloading half a computer program into a computer. It’s no good. You need the full program. You need the full piece of code or sets of code that come inside the download. Those of you that out there in this healing world take heed of this okay. Don’t go into panic, don’t go into fear. Just allow yourself to be in the space with the human that’s having the download. You can sit next to them. You might want to support their head; you might want to put a pillow under their head if the floor’s a little bit hard okay. If their head’s banging up and down, you might want to support them. If they’re shaking from side to side, you might just want to be in the space with them and support them from either side, so they don’t bang into anything but don’t put your hands on their ankles. Don’t interfere with the download because you will do them more harm than good.
Hey beautiful soul if you like the content on this channel please subscribe. Remember to hit the ‘like’ button hit the bell so you’re notified on up-and-coming videos and please let me know in the comments section what takeaways you’ve got from this video and if there’s any other particular subjects or topics that you’d like me to speak on then let me know. We’ll put them in the list, and we’ll make sure that we speak on them. I love you. Thank you for supporting this channel and remember to share the video with your friends, with your family, with your loved ones.
We get people coming to us in Star magic that have been to other workshops that have had these downloads that have been interfered with. What we have to do is to go back and extract half of the program or a quarter of the program or 34% or 80% of the program and then reinstall it into them because it boots up their computer system. This body is a biological computer. The body and brain are always uploading and downloading information. The DNA is like computer code, uploads and downloads, frequency codes, data, information. it’s also like a server. It stores data too. You can get 35 million hours of high-def video on your DNA, 35,000 terabytes of data. That’s a lot of information, okay. Some of it’s great and some of it’s not so great, and what we need to do to really empower ourselves as humans is wipe out all the crappy code and upload it with beautiful empowering programming that elevates and expands us and switches on our multi-dimensional faculties. This is how we step into our superhuman abilities and become the angelic superhumans that we were destined to become that we were born on to other planets billions of years ago and were over the course of time our gene code got played around with but that’s a whole other story.
We’re here right now on this planet as sacred custodians, as stargate guardians, as angelic humans with 12 strand potential which is really 13 but we have the opportunity to plug those strands into the stargates, into our multi-dimensional Merkabah field, into multiple elements of our quantum architecture and remember who and what we truly are. These powerful multi-dimensional metaphysical beings that can travel inter-dimensionally, multi-dimensionally, that can phase out of one reality field and phase into one another, that can live eternally, that can communicate telepathically, that can use telekinesis to move objects. We have this power. You are amazing. But there’s no point me just telling you this all the time. You got to take a deep dive into your heart, and you’ve got to know this for yourself. Don’t think about it. Don’t believe in it. It’s dangerous. Thinking and believing are for amateurs. Real Jedi know who they are and when you know who you are, no one can force you. Nothing can touch you; nothing can derail you because you’re steadfast, locked and loaded in that zero-point frequency.
You are amazing, beautiful soul and I love you so much as my sister or my brother, maybe both, who knows. This human game is interesting. You’ve got to enjoy it, beautiful soul. You’ve got to love every second on this magical planet. We’re in Egypt at the moment and we are on a 16-day tour through these sacred lands going into all the sacred temples from the Giza King’s chamber, Queen’s chamber, to the Osiris Temple, to all of the temples all the way down Luxor, down the Nile, all the way down to the island of Philly. The Isis Temple at the end where we get on a boat at 5:00 a.m. in the morning, sail to the island, have the whole island to ourselves, watch the sun come up, go in and do our downloads and our uploads and have these beautiful activations as the star magic family, the star magic tribe. Maybe you want to join us next March. We come every single year and at the end of the tour, we go out into the desert to do psilocybin and have an awesome plant medicine ceremony. It’s off the chain, transformational beyond measure.
So, I’m going to love you and leave you right now and go and meet the rest of the team and go and have a fun day. Wherever you are on planet Earth go out and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Smile, hug them tightly, love them beyond measure. Never be the first to let go of a hug, beautiful soul. That’s the golden rule of hugging and it’s a wonderful medicine. It really is opening your heart, releasing that oxytocin, amplifying those nitric oxide levels through the body. It’s beautiful.
Remember to check out our website we got some of the best Ascension tools on planet Earth hundreds of guided meditations hundreds of light language transmissions light codes to alter your DNA activate your light body your Merkabah field your kundalini switch on that feminine hemisphere so you can be your superhuman self we got high frequency nutrition cosmic yoga hundreds of mystery school teachings on all different topics so you can get the knowledge and the wisdom to navigate this human game and evolve spiritually with ease and grace in the most formidable fashion. You’re amazing. I love you. Go and check it out at right now I’ll see you on the inside you get 7 Days access free. Check it out go and empower yourself and I’ll see you real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul. I love you.
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