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Maria: “Thank you so much. All I hear, we are all so grateful. That’s all I keep hearing. Thank you from all of us.”
Jerry: “You were in an ayahuasca ceremony.”
Maria: “My body is just really expanded and vibrating.”
Jerry: “As a young boy, you died in your ceremony. The interdimensional being that took this little boy’s soul is also coming in as well. It’s like it wants to. It wants to repent. Like I’ve never experienced this with a demon before.”
Maria: “So, I need some insight or some ideas of support in the sense of when I, all meditations I am great with, except when we get to the words ayahuasca, whatever the words, whatever the names you were calling it, it’s literally like a door goes down in front of me and I shut everything down. So, I’ve had an issue. I’ve never been really able to drink wine or anything. I’ve had a puff of smoke once when I was 10 and I turned green and threw up. So, there’s these, there’s something about, I’ve never been to an ayahuasca or any of your events. There’s something that holds me back from going fully in and having that experience. I’m wondering if you have. I can lose myself in oneness with source, but as soon as we start working with these energies, I’m challenged. So, I’m wondering if you’d have any suggestions in how I can navigate that as we go through these?”
Jerry: “Yes, so, if you want to close your eyes for a moment, I’ll help you sort it out. So just breathe. What happened in a past life is you were in an ayahuasca ceremony, okay, as a shaman and just trying to figure out if it is a boy or a girl there, a young boy died in your ceremony, okay. So, we’re going to go back into that and just bring that into healing, all right, because that part of you is still kind of stuck in that.
You know that these things happen. We have many experiences as many different beings, humans, ETs, like different forms of beings to have experiences through this whole kind of diverse game that we’re playing, and I’m just going to set up a huge chromium octahedron around you and I’m going to rotate it clockwise and just fill it full of violet lights, okay. So just be in this space. The shaman that you are/were in this other reality is masculine, a male, 62 years old, a really gentle older gentlemen from some tribe. I just see it in the jungle like it’s very green, it’s quite damp and yeah, I’m just seeing him sat there like he looks very depressed, heartbroken.
So, I’m going to bring this piece of your soul into this octahedron just to be in front of you. He’s coming in there. I’m just going to wrap him in chromium lights and just clean him and make sure there’s nothing inside of him energetically that can disturb you in this reality. I’m going to run some frequencies through. Yeah, he’s completely clear, completely clean. Okay, I’m asking him if he wants to come into healing and he’s saying, yeah, okay. He’s desperate to come into healing and the interesting thing is, okay, this little boy that died in this ceremony, they were playing around with some interdimensional beings that came in and the little boy, the little boy got entangled with this being and the shaman couldn’t control it, couldn’t deal with it, and they ended up kind of grabbing the little boy’s soul.
Okay, so the little boy is coming back in, and this is really interesting, okay. The interdimensional being that took this little boy’s soul is also coming in as well. It’s like it wants to repent. I’ve never experienced this with a demon before. I’m just going to stick the entity and the little boy’s soul in a chromium icosahedron and just run frequency through it for a minute. Just give me one minute. So, I’m putting the code in. I’m running the entity through a portal that I’m creating in the smoky quartz pyramid, which is now encoded. So, it’s gone, and it’s gone back to where it needs to go. It’s gone back to source actually, which is pretty cool. Sometimes they go to different dimensional spaces. I’m going to close down the smoky quartz pyramid. So now we’ve got you and this other version of you, the shaman in this other reality. So, are you ready to reconnect?”
Maria: “Yes.”
Jerry: “So, just allow your heart to open and as you open your heart, just ask this other version of you if there’s anything he wants to share with you before he kind of comes home.”
Maria: ”I guess there’s just a fear of it repeating again. So, there’s a holding back of stepping into that power again or that wisdom.”
Jerry: “It’s only him that’s feeling this, not you. You’re feeling what he’s feeling. So, if he’s ready to let it go, then it’s going to release from you too. I mean, let him know that he doesn’t need to feel this guilt anymore. He doesn’t need to feel this pain anymore and in the grand scheme of the cosmos, everything is perfect, everyone’s learning lessons. The child that passed on, the child’s parents, everyone, himself. It’s all one big remembering experience. Just reach out and give him a hug. Then let his light dissolve into you and bring him home and as he comes home, just feel the shift in your frequency. Feel that huge release and I’m also going to activate a rainbow plasma Merkabah field in your heart space just to release some pure frequency, which will just flow through you now, and start to recode your cells and just shift their frequency and just open your heart even more. So just let yourself be for a moment.”
Maria: “I just feel like I just did the 45 minutes of breath work we did in the FT1. My body is just really expanded and vibrating.”
Jerry: “Just be for a moment. Just breathe long, slow, deep breaths. Just let your body recalibrate. Let it do what it needs to do. Love you, sister.”
Maria: “It feels like the energy is flowing freely like there’s no blockages, the blockages are dissolved. Spaciousness, just vibrating and spaciousness. It’s interesting because I’m walking around in my 62nd cycle in this lifetime. So, it’s interesting the timeline I guess on his 62nd round trine (?)”
Jerry: “Everything’s so precise you know
Maria: “Yeah, thank you so much.”
Jerry: “You’re welcome.”
Maria: “All I hear, we are all so grateful. That’s all I keep hearing. Thank you from all of us that we were all a part of that experience.
Jerry: “Love you. Thank you so much. Thank you for speaking up and honouring yourself.”