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Light Code Ascension Tour of Egypt, 18th March – 1st April 2025

March 18, 2025 - April 1, 2025

Calling all Planetary Guardians!

Are you ready for this cosmic adventure?

High-Lights of the Trip

  • 4 Hours Private Access in the Great Pyramid
  • 7 Private Access Visits
  • Inland Flight to Cairo-Luxor-Cairo
  • 4 and 5 star accommodation offering luxurious comfort and relaxation after each day’s adventures.
  • 7 nights sailing on the Nile with breathtaking cuisine and luxurious accommodation.
  • Transfers to and from the airport included.
  • Extraordinary Private Tours to the Inaccessible Sacred Sites, The Grand Egypt Museum (opening Spring 2024), Osiris Tomb, The Great Pyramid – Giza Plateau, Mysteries of the Sphinx, Osiris Temple, the Temple of Isis and more.
  • Spiritual Guidance of Local Egyptian Tour Guides who know all the most sacred places
  • Delicious meals featuring authentic Egyptian cuisine, showcasing the diverse flavors of the region
  • Optional excursions to nearby attractions, including hot air balloon rides over the Valley of the Kings.
  • Opportunities for personal reflection and rejuvenation amidst the breathtaking landscapes and serene atmosphere of Luxor.
  • Optional early morning Qi-Gong sessions with Jerry, whilst cruising down the Nile.

… and much more!

Secure Your Spot Now: Don’t miss out on the adventure of a lifetime with Jerry and the Tribe. Reserve your place at the Cosmic Ascension Egypt Tour now.

The Pyramids and Temples of Egypt have always been considered the Gateways to the Gods. The Ancient Egyptians were quite intentional in creating these megalithic structures. The precision of architecture aligns perfectly with major star constellations, and the hieroglyphic symbology expresses the intelligence of a once ancient cosmic civilization. It has been discovered that the electromagnetic field of the Great Pyramid is one of the most potent energy centers of antiquity. Just by being inside and attuning to the energies present, is enough to activate higher states of consciousness.

Planetary Grid Work

Every human being on this planet is carrying very specific coding and when we walk these earthly planes, we are always collecting and distributing these codes on a level of light and information, in a geometrical fashion. This Ascension Tour is for those souls that feel a strong pull to come. When you feel that pull, your spirit is calling you as a Planetary Guardian to travel to Egypt on this tour. You will be able to unite with the Star Magic Tribe, our Galactic Ancestors and those brave Light Warriors that have journeyed throughout time and space, working tirelessly to protect this sacred planet we call Earth.

As we travel these ancient lands we will be stopping at various sacred energy hot spots and distributing our coding deep into the planetary grid. This will assist with ascension and the bringing forth of the Golden Age. You will receive extremely powerful upgrades and downloads to activate the new planetary architecture that is opening up to us all.

You will be journeying deep into the cosmic fabric and expanding exponentially as you are exposed to powerful guided meditations, light language, high-frequency light and geometrically-infused vibrational codes.

Planetary Grid Work

Every human being on this planet is carrying very specific coding and when we walk these earthly planes, we are always collecting and distributing these codes on a level of light and information, in a geometrical fashion. This Ascension Tour is for those souls that feel a strong pull to come. When you feel that pull, your spirit is calling you as a Planetary Guardian to travel to Egypt on this tour. You will be able to unite with the Star Magic Tribe, our Galactic Ancestors and those brave Light Warriors that have journeyed throughout time and space, working tirelessly to protect this sacred planet we call Earth.

As we travel these ancient lands we will be stopping at various sacred energy hot spots and distributing our coding deep into the planetary grid. This will assist with ascension and the bringing forth of the Golden Age. You will receive extremely powerful upgrades and downloads to activate the new planetary architecture that is opening up to us all.

You will be journeying deep into the cosmic fabric and expanding exponentially as you are exposed to powerful guided meditations, light language, high-frequency light and geometrically-infused vibrational codes.


In addition to enjoying a great holiday, you have the incredible chance to create the life of your dreams. This tour is an opportunity for you to connect to deeper aspects of your inner wisdom as you unleash your authenticity and power, a space to express with like-hearted souls. You will be healing at a deep level. Throughout the tour, each one of us will be exposed to powerful healing frequencies and so you will be shifting through multiple layers of energy, healing, elevating and expanding as old traumas dissolve and stuck emotions are no more. Combining the Star Magic frequency with these ancient lands is an experience like no other.

Light code activation

In our first meeting, you will experience a powerful meditation and activation to infuse the Tribe’s energy and it will continue through the tour. As you journey through the sacred sites and high elevation areas with your Tribe, you will receive a number of very specific light code activations. Jerry and his Cosmic Team will facilitate these. Bringing through the Star Magic frequency upon these lands and infusing them with the local and cosmic grid networks will be some of the most powerful activations on Earth.

Breathwork and Qigong

As we travel down the Nile together, there will be mornings where we offer Breathwork, Qigong and exercise. These routines will help you integrate the codes and energies and keep your frequency balanced as you travel through these sacred lands.

Cosmic Dragon Ley Lines

Humanity is undergoing a forced awakening. It is an awakening that shall lead to Golden Age of Consciousness upon the Earth and thus, an age of Unity. Similar to the Golden Age of Ancient Kemet.

People all over the world are “coming online” and noticing gifts that they had not been aware of prior to 2017. There is a reason for this. From people experiencing physical discomfort such as ringing in the ears, heart palpitations, lack of sleep, too much sleep, pain in their joints all the way to gifts opening up such as Clairvoyance, Clairsentience and even Clairaudience.

Why is the human body undergoing such alterations so rapidly? The Human race is returning to its Origins and the entire Cosmos is supporting this spiritual and physical transformation. During this retreat, the harmony of the Earth Grids and the entire energetic system of the Earth shall be activated and in full resonance. During this time aligning with the cosmic influx of energy by being at sacred locations, your human light body will go through an extraordinary metamorphosis.

Cosmic Dragon Ley Lines

Humanity is undergoing a forced awakening. It is an awakening that shall lead to Golden Age of Consciousness upon the Earth and thus, an age of Unity. Similar to the Golden Age of Ancient Kemet.

People all over the world are “coming online” and noticing gifts that they had not been aware of prior to 2017. There is a reason for this. From people experiencing physical discomfort such as ringing in the ears, heart palpitations, lack of sleep, too much sleep, pain in their joints all the way to gifts opening up such as Clairvoyance, Clairsentience and even Clairaudience.

Why is the human body undergoing such alterations so rapidly? The Human race is returning to its Origins and the entire Cosmos is supporting this spiritual and physical transformation. During this retreat, the harmony of the Earth Grids and the entire energetic system of the Earth shall be activated and in full resonance. During this time aligning with the cosmic influx of energy by being at sacred locations, your human light body will go through an extraordinary metamorphosis.

Egypt and The Great Ennead

The Egyptian pantheon was filled with deities who inhabited the heavens, but whose influence was experienced on earth. The Egyptians regarded the sky as a dwelling place of their gods and a location connected to the afterlife. Just as their daily life depended upon the Nile River, the Egyptians envisioned this heavenly realm as a landscape that divine beings navigated to traverse the Afterlife.

The Ancient Egyptians were polytheistic and had 9 original Gods with which the creation stories are derived. The Ennead or the nine ancient Egyptian Gods and Goddesses associated with the creation myths of Heliopolis in Lower Egypt began the Egyptian Mysteries and along with that, The Great Rites. In the magical times of the Great Rites, there were the Mystery Schools of Kemet, where powerful rituals were practiced to exalt the Physical Body, Enlighten the Mind and Immortalise the Soul. These Mystery School Rites & Initiations were practiced in sacred places around the world such as Atlantis, Ancient Kemet (Egypt), the Himalayas, the mounts in the Middle East and other the underground caves, sanctuaries and temples.

Reserve your spot today and embark on this life-changing adventure with our wonderful heart led community!

Aligning with the Influx of Cosmic Energy

The expansive Plasma waves entering into the Earth’s orbit have already induced the mutation of the Earthly Body. This shall affect every human being on the Earth Plane and all sentient life forms.

There have already been great shifts in the Earth’s energetic infrastructure and electromagnetic field. We and our team, both on and off planet scientists, have been tracking these for many years.

As we have shared before, the anchoring of these grids and their energy origins have the potential to activate our DNA, alter the state of mind, shift brain wave patterning, expand heart/brain coherence and amplify light quotient distribution through every cell. This Cosmic Energy returning to the planet can have a tremendous effect on human organisms, activating Super-Human Potential.

Aligning with the Cosmic Energy Influx

The expansive Plasma waves entering into the Earth’s orbit have already induced the mutation of the Earthen Body. This shall affect everybody on the Earth Plane and all sentient life.

There have already been great shifts in the Earth’s energetic infrastructure and electromagnetic field. We and our team, both on and off planet scientists, have been tracking these for many years.

As we have shared before, the anchoring of these grids and their energy origins have the potential to activate one’s DNA, alter the state of mind, shift brain wave patterning, expand heart/brain super coherence and structure then light quotient through every cell. This Cosmic Energy returning to the planet can have a tremendous effect on human organisms to become supernatural.

icon Your Itinerary – 15 Days of Cosmic Activation!

Week 1

Day 1: Arrival in Cairo

  • Arrival at Cairo Airport.
  • Meet & Assist by the Star Magic Team.
  • Transfer to your hotel.
  • Dinner & overnight at the hotel.

Day 2: Tribe Meeting

  • Breakfast
  • Tribe meeting to go over the entire tour.
  • Late afternoon flight to Sohag.
  • Overnight in Abydos

Day 3: Osirion Tomb & Dendera

  • Sunrise visit to the Osirion (Osiris Tomb) for a private 2-hour tour
  • Return to hotel for breakfast
  • Drive to Dendera
  • 2-hour private visit to the Temple of Dendera
  • Check in on your Nile Cruise
  • Dinner & overnight on board

Day 4: Valley of the Kings

  • Visit the Valley of the Kings
  • Sail to Esna
  • Overnight in Esna

Day 5: Kom Ombo

  • Sail to Kom Ombo
  • Visit the double Temple of Kom Ombo
  • Overnight in Kom Ombo

Day 6: Unfinished Obelisk & Market

  • Sail to Aswan
  • Afternoon visit to the unfinished Obelisk and Old Aswan Market

Day 7: Abu Simble

  • Optional visit to the Abu Simbel Temples
  • Or a day or rest on the sun deck or local shopping

Day 8: Isis Temple at Sunrise

  • Sunrise 2-hour private visit to the Isis Temple
  • Return to hotel for breakfast
  • Sail to Edfu
  • Overnight in Edfu

Week 2

Day 9: Temple of Horus

  • Breakfast
  • Visit the Temple of Horus.
  • Sail to Luxor.
  • Overnight in Luxor.

Day 10: Luxor Temple

  • Optional hot air balloon trip over Valley of the Kings & Luxor
  • Visit Luxor Temple.

Day 11: Karnak Temple

  • Sunrise 2-hour private visit to Karnak Temple.
  • Return to hotel for breakfast.
  • Free day at the hotel.

Day 12: Egyptian Museum

  • Transfer to Luxor Airport for the flight to Cairo.
  • Visit the Egyptian Museum and Abu Serga Church.
  • Dinner & overnight at hotel in Cairo.

Day 13: Sphinx & Great Pyramid

  • Sunrise private visit to the Great Sphinx of Giza
  • Return to hotel for breakfast and rest.
  • Afternoon visit to the Giza Plateau and pyramids
  • Special private opening for Cheops Pyramids and meditation.

Day 14: Saqqara & Pyramids of Onas

  • Visit Saqqara necropolis and Pyramids of Onas.
  • Visit the Serapeum of Saqqara.
  • Dinner & overnight at hotel.

Day 15: Departure (April 1st)

  • End of program, fly back home.

Be on it!

This Ascension Tour is for those that really want to connect, elevate their spiritual journey and unleash the Egyptian Magic which lies within your DNA. Don’t think about it – JUST BE ON IT!


We will be staying in 4* and 5* accommodation as well as spending several nights cruising down the river Nile in style.

Morning Qi-Gong on the cruise deck

Hotel In Cairo

Delicious Dining in style

What did people say about our last ascension tour?

“Facing the biggest fear of my life turned into an unforgettable two weeks of magic in Egypt with the fantastic Star Magic team, my sisters and brothers from all over the world.

I feel love and gratitude in my heart for my choice and thank all those who supported me to make this decision.

From Cairo to Abu Simble we saw many many temples and pyramids: the Sphinx, the Cheops Pyramid, the temples in Abydos, Dendara, Luxor, Edfu, Kom Ombo, the Valley of the Kings… Each and every one of them is a masterpiece of its own. Although the real wonders of Egypt are hidden from the eyes. The energies in these ancient places are remarkable.

Facing and letting go to of my fears from previous lifetimes, meeting my well known friends from different planets and dimensions, as well as Isis, Osiris, Sekhmet…taking part in healing meditations, listening to heart opening singings, seeing Light Codes for the first time in my life, blown away from the Light Language. Reconnecting my Divine Feminine energies in the Isis temple were the steps to the shift and changes I am already experiencing after the trip.

Our Egyptian friends Hisham, Akhmed and Mustafa did everything to make sure that we saw so much from their country’s historical and cultural heritage. Huge thanks and gratitude for this.

Sailing on the Nile for a week, enjoying the sunshine and meaningful conversations as well as the delicious fruits, vegetables, Egyptian cuisine, the traditional music and dance, connecting with many many beautiful souls, healing Mother Earth together and receiving her healing through Mama Cacao were also part of the journey.

Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart to the Star Magic team Jerry, Claire, Trevor and the Tribe for organising the tour and holding the space for us. Just loved being among shining weirdos! Thank you Vincent for encouraging me to face my fears and being there for me all the time. Thank you all Beautiful Beings taking part in this trip bringing and sharing your Love and Light and being you!”
Love you all!

Premlata – UK

“Jerry’s facilitation of a group sound healing was incredible as energies of the group were threaded together and interwoven, healed, made whole. I felt the sensation of energy filling through my feet and codes rushing through my legs. The sense of warmth in the room by the end of the weekend was something you wanted to bathe in. Star Magic is a true connection experience inside and out, allowing you to explore in and navigate the vibrant startling depths of the youniverse.”

Natalie Passant UK

“Dear Jerry, I arrived back home last night and I want to say thank you to you. It was an Amazing Journey and an unforgettable experience for me. It was the longest trip in my life and I will never forget what I experienced. I cleansed myself of so guilt and control issues. I also have discovered how to love myself.”

Kelly (Xiaolin) China

“You are the most beautiful and inspiring being Jerry. Your energy is off the scale.

I have followed you around the internet for a year or two and could not have imagined in my wildest dreams that your workshop would be so so powerful.

I laughed, cried and uncontrollably trembled from head to toe. Words can not promote what you bring, it has to be experienced to believe and I am so pleased I came. The love I felt was off the scale, complete ecstasy.”


“I am back home to Taipei-Taiwan. This Egypt trip was an experience I will remember forever, a magical tour for sure. I benefited from the energy healing session at the start of the tour. Being energy cleansed was the best thing that could have happened to me. At first it was hard for me to get into the meditations but after 3 days I decided to open my mind, heart and body to your guidance. The visualizations came to me in the deepness of the meditation.

I then started going deeper and deeper and boom it started to take effect from thereon. Almost every session thereafter my head would start vibrating from the energy field that you were drawing across the room. It’s an amazing feeling to be connected to out of this world galactic meditations and light code downloads. Thank you. My life has changed forever!”


Ticket Price: £6999

To reserve your place, please pay £99, places are not guaranteed unless the full deposit is paid by 30 September 2023. Reservation fees and deposits are non-refundable or transferable to other events.

* Payment Plan Option Available

This will be like nothing you have ever experienced!

Get ready for the ride. Get ready to be empowered.

Payment Plan Information:

Deposit (non-refundable) of £1500 payable by 30 September 2024. A photo/scan of your passport will also be required for the Tour Operator. All Payment Plans must be complete by 15 January 2025.

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