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“The calibre of this container is uncanny. I have travelled the world, studied with many healers. There is no healer as powerful as Jerry that’s charging less than seven figures a year.”
“I believe in Star magic. I believe in you. I believe in the team. I believe in the frequency that you bring and your love and thank you so much for all you do. Thank you for creating this container for us.”
“For you Jerry and Josh, and Dustin and Joe just coming and laying hands on me. The moments that we spent one on-one when you would come by and stop by were some of the most special moments in my life.”
“As soon as I walked in the house, I was so excited when I felt the energy.”
“I’m not someone who reaches out for help or anything like that and I want to thank all of you because every single one of the team helped me many, many times and I’m just really, really grateful.”
“All the facilitators here are just incredible, and the way that you guys operate just observing you and talking to you and I learned so much.”
“The money is totally inconsequential. You can’t buy this group of leaders.”
“Man, Jerry, it goes without saying what a powerful human being you are and how you just exude love, and everything comes from your heart and from love and so authentic, and everyone on the team as well, but it’s not until I came here that I really understood what kind of unit you are and how special you are and how powerful you are.”
“Thank you. Thank you, so much for the love and staying there and guiding me through it.”
“One of the greatest lessons has been just watching the facilitators, your stability, your energy. It’s just a lesson in itself. It’s just such a teaching.”
“The way that you guys operate as a team and your calmness and your steadiness and your non-interference and just the whole way that you operate is just like absolutely incredible.”
“I felt your love, your energy, you’re caring. We all felt it. They came and worked on all of us, and I think that was a $1,000 work right there.”
“Watch these guys, like watch their embodiment. Their energy is so potent for a reason.”
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