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I love you with my heart with My soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
How do you overcome fear? How do you never be fearful? How do you stay on a high frequency? how do you keep moving forwards? It’s simple. You stay active, you stay focused, you stay busy, you make your mission a lifestyle. We train people to heal with energy but that isn’t what star Magic’s about. Star magic is a lifestyle. It’s not just about the healing, it’s about the preparation to be the most incredible facilitator that you can ever be. This way of being, this way of living, it falls into every mode of life, every business, every sport.
Regardless of what your endeavour is, regardless of what industry you’re in, regardless of what your focus and your mission is, the lifestyle that we live is great for everybody. It’s a disciplined structured lifestyle that gives you freedom. When you wake up in the morning and you exercise, you have your cold shower, you fast 18 hours a day, you eat clean nutritious foods, you drink your own urine. Urine therapy is amazing. When you stack all these components you add in a little bit of breath work, meditation, qigong. You don’t give any room, any space, for fear to weave its way into your life. You see everybody has these repetitive thoughts that go on in their mind every day but when you’re acting and you’re focused and you’re driven, those thoughts, they don’t get the opportunity to weave themselves into your consciousness like weeds in a garden overgrowing and taking over the garden of the mind.
It’s not possible when you go to the gym, and you push yourself into the depths of hell because the workouts so vigorous. Your Heart is bursting through your chest, your heart’s up in your brain, your blood’s pumping. You’re on the verge of puking or you are puking when you start to take and push your body into these realms where it’s tough. There’s nothing in life that can phase you. It’s all about preparation. When you get into bed early at night-time and you wake up early and you stay disciplined. When you’ve got this way of lifestyle and you stick to it, and you stay focused, you take control of your whole life and then it doesn’t matter what life throws at you because you’re prepared and driven. You’re focused, you’re fit, you’re healthy, you’re strong you’re everything that you need to be. You’re mentally sharp ,you’re emotionally stable because you’ve broken yourself down so many times by living this beautiful lifestyle that nothing else can break you.
When you push yourself in all arenas, in all areas, and you bring all of these elements together all of these components, the health sprints the burpees the circuits the heavy squats when you go into meditation and your mind is going crazy and you stay disciplined and you don’t listen to your mind and you overcome yourself in that moment you break barriers down you burst through to the next dimension. You can do this with everything. When your friends invite you out for a meal and they’re all eating, and you stay focused and the next day you wake up feeling amazing because you didn’t shovel that into your body, and you’ve broken through to the next dimension. When you live your life like this, you’re not boxing yourself down, you’re not having to sacrifice in painful ways.
What you’re doing is sacrificing in ways that give you freedom. For me the pain in a workout, the pain when you’re overcoming your mind, is not really pain. It’s just simple, it will challenge that was laid down before you by yourself as you’re creating your own game of life and all you’ve got to do is climb over, navigate through and on the other side your fit, you’re healthy, you’re strong, you’re clear. Your heart is open, your mind is calm, things in your external reality can’t bother you anymore. Fear diminishes and if it ever does pipe up inside of you, you’ve overcome it so many times. It is like a daily walk in the park.
When you’re sitting around idle when you’re waiting for life to just happen and you’re not going after it. Then it’s easy for fear to kick in. It’s even easy for those weeds in the garden of the mind to take control and drag you down into the depths of despair where you think that you’re useless and worthless and if you go down this road it’s not going to work out or if you go down that road someone’s going to cheat you or if you try this you might lose your money or if you go over there maybe you’ve not got the skills to continue on that path. The mind will trick you left, right, and centre.
So, make it a challenge to overcome you every single day. take a disciplined approach to your life whether you’re in business regardless of the business, whether you work for someone else, whether you’re a painter, a creator, an artist, a healer. Maybe you’re a stay-at-home mum or dad. Maybe you’re a fireman, a doctor, a lawyer, it doesn’t matter you can adopt these principles into your lifestyle and challenge you everywhere you are in any given moment. When people say things to you that would normally make you angry you smile, you open your heart, you laugh you tell. Them that you love them. When your mind inside is screaming to retaliate or to react, overcome yourself on a daily basis in all ways and life will be magical and mystical. It will elevate and expand.
Be grateful for every experience there’s gold to mine from every situation. You have to reframe reality and make it work for you have the power of choice. The power of choice enables you to respond, or react, to get mad or stay calm, to go deeper in or pull back. It enables you to push yourself in the gym or hang back when it’s getting a little bit tough. The power of choice enables you to open your heart and love more when your husband your wife your children is saying everything to bring you down and put you down. They’re challenging you to go deeper into love and not to go into anger. Everything around you is beautiful and you’re beautiful ,intelligent, wise, kind.
If you want to check out the star magic lifestyle and see how we run things intricately from morning till night, then go and check out Infinity. Come to our fearless Focus sessions every second Sunday, go to and check out infinity now. There’re hundreds of meditations, master classes on all different topics from breath work to pineal gland activation to relationships, everything in between. We’ve got light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, qigong routines, a nutrition section, a private Telegram group to connect with light-hearted souls just like you. We have a frequency Spa every Monday, a weekly meditation every Wednesday, and as I said Fearless Focus every second Sunday where we focus you fearlessly to step into life to lean into life and be the supersonic superhuman that you came to planet earth to be.
You are amazing, beautiful soul. Do you really know how truly amazing you are? Go in here and get to know yourself. Go into the world and shine your light so bright. Never dampen your sparkle for anyone. Speak your truth, live your truth, be all that you can be. Unlock that wisdom and that potential that lies in every cell of your body. I love you. You are amazing. Go and be amazing and I’ll see you again real soon. Live fearlessly, be fearless. I’ll see you again on the flip side.
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