Our Group Healing sessions are powerful. It takes a real brave soul to step into one of these containers, knowing your entire life is about to shift.
We have a number of Group Healings set up.
Click here for all Upcoming Group Healing locations.
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What happens at these healing experiences is off the cosmic chart. Men and women, children, elderly human beings, people from all different walks of life, everybody has travelled through our group healing events and the results are unreal. People are standing up from wheelchairs, people are taking hearing aids out their ears, people are recovering from bulimia. People’s eyesight is being restored, spines are being straightened, tumours are disappearing. People are opening their hearts and connecting to the frequency of love in a way that they’ve never experienced it before and it’s changing them at a super deep level.
“Hi, I’m Emily and I went to the group healing in Los Angeles about three weeks ago, and since then I’ve noticed a big change in headaches. It was daily headaches all the time every day. So, to be free from that has been so incredible.”
“I woke up today feeling completely transformed like a totally new different version of me. Everything that was locked up deep inside my body just came out.”
“I had a lot of pain in my stomach, and it got out because of the release of the trauma breathing.”
“Every single part of me was in pain. Some chronic pains that I’ve had that go off and on they all came up yesterday and my body was on fire. The energy of the whole room that got me to just breathe it. I woke up with all this healing that happened yesterday being part of me.”
“My lungs started cleansing. I really started cleansing my lungs. I felt because I’ve been smoking for a long time, and I came here with the intention to cleanse my lungs. So, there was this substance that was coming out of my mouth yesterday that my lungs are responding by cleansing themselves. I’m extremely happy, extremely light, extremely healthy.”
One thing I always say to everyone that comes into our group painting events is I hope that you’re prepared to die because you are going to strip away layers upon layers upon layers. Like a snake shedding its skin, you are going to move, you are going to shift, you are going to transform, you are going to change. You’re going to leave behind the old identity, and a new ‘you’ is going to be reborn out into the world. You’re going to be like a phoenix rising from the ashes.
This summer we’re doing something amazing. We’re traveling through the United States of America. We go into seven different states. In each of those seven states we’re going to do two group healing events with very different focuses. On day number one we’re going to focus on ancestral trauma, past life trauma. On day number two we’re going to focus on Kundalini and DNA Activation, and doing both group healing events together is going to be supersonic.
There are early bird discounts available. If you book onto both days, you get a further discount. You are going to feel such a deep frequency working through your body on a physical level, on a mental, on an emotional level. It’s going to drill into your system on a multi-dimensional metaphysical level and you’re not going to be healing just in this reality. You’re going to be healing across multiple time continuums, timelines, quantum spaces throughout the multi-dimensional playing fields in a space of wholeness. If you really want to change,
if you’re ready, to create a new life then come and join our group healing sessions, Book onto both events, join the star magic tribe, your fellow sisters, and brothers, and let’s create some magic together.
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