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You are a metaphysical being in a physical body and this body is powerful. You came to earth to express all of who you are and be ready for every situation. Being prepared for battle is mission critical whether that is the daily challenges life throws your way, the curveballs that move onto your path in business, the balancing of energies in personal relationships, the gym session you must crush, or the mountain you set out to climb. Have no doubt inside of you that you were born to overcome, created for greatness, birthed to play at levels beyond extraordinary.
Keep moving, keep lifting, stay focused and sharp as the diamond nectar of life fills your cells and fuels your life. Never back down, never give up, keep reaching, keep soaring, and keep climbing. You have infinite energy to maximize your potential and optimize your output. Feel the fire of controlled fury in every cell of your body. Feel the passion of pure energy in every bio photon of your being.
You are dazzling, you are dangerous, you are a multi-dimensional being electrical in nature. There are huge volumes of energy pouring in through your crown and up through your roots as you are being fuelled by the cosmic and planetary grids. Massive firepower lives in every cell of you bursting with infinite energy ready to generate electrical and magnetic currents of untold firepower and unprecedented precision.
Optimum output is readily available with a simple choice, the choice to be great, the choice to be strong, the choice to be unbreakable and active in the pursuit of your goals and dreams. Never wait for the stars to align. Act now and make the stars move for you. You are the centre of the universe and you created yourself so you could have this human experience. Never forget that you have the potential to birth heaven and hell from the depths of your own consciousness. The world reflects you. Start alchemizing reality right now and be the quantum architect you came to earth to be.
Breathe deeply, breathe, and optimize your energy, optimize your output. This is action stations, and you are a galactic titan on the playground of life. Start playing the game by your own rules. You decide how it is going to happen, how it will go down, how you will take on this task and crush it. If life comes up with something to test your patience, your ability to not derail your supersonic train, then you will smile in the face of adversity. Breathe into your mighty belly, centre yourself and then move towards that which carries the potential to test you, smash you and destroy you.
You will wake up every day like a rocket ship waiting to leave a NASA space station for the moon full of joy, inspiration, compassion, wisdom, truth. You will move through the difficult times with ease and grace and soak up the knowledge and wisdom offered to you freely, mining the gold from each situation, collecting the power and the energy that is always there, fuelling your own fire of passion with more raw cosmic energy.
Your mind, your body, and your soul produce optimum output. Your soul carries infinite potential. You are soul technology. When the mind feels and the heart thinks, the magical door of truth opens and the river of wisdom flows. Know your power, stand in your truth, and live out your earthly experience with no regrets. This is the school of excellence, the best training ground. It’s for elite sovereign soldiers; those that graduated after millennia training on other planets preparing for this earthly ride.
Move forwards beautiful soul, move forwards now, with your heart wide open and your awareness resting in your cosmic heart. You are immeasurable, unquantifiable. You are a lion, a lioness, merging dark and light in the zero point of existence stepping fully into your power and owning your wholeness, loving your shadow side, transmuting pain and turning it into massive firepower.
Optimum outputs optimum potential. Know that you put your heart and your soul into everything you do. When your earthly transition time comes, know that the only experience left for you to experience is the transition into everything and nothingness. Most of the best inventions, books, ideas lay six feet under in the graveyard because men and women live in fear. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of losing their money, fear of rejection is not you. The universe blessed you with talents and gifts and the world is waiting eagerly for you to share them.
Now is the time, now is the moment, now is all that you have and it’s all that you will ever have. So go out and make your mark, blaze your trail, carve your path, and set the record straight beautiful soul. Breathe in optimum energy, circulate the life force, and fuel yourself. You are incredible, extraordinary, a galactic titan from the stars that came to blaze a new trail and set the earth alight. Go out into this world and be all that you can be. Never hold back, give it everything this is your life. This is your time. It’s on you. No one is coming to do it for you. Take responsibility, create your dreams, live your most extraordinary version.
How would you like to wake up every single day with joy as your natural default state bouncing around this planet loving every second. It’s easy when you follow a certain set of protocols. It’s time for you to step into your power. You’re a lion, you’re a lioness, a god, a goddess. Right now, you can access our free seven-day meditation challenge. You will activate courage, confidence, connect to source, and feel love in your heart always. You will generate a wave of enthusiasm that will flow from your heart always as you merge the divine masculine and the divine feminine frequencies into wholeness into the zero point. Click the link, access these short, powerful, and potent meditations and kickstart a new way of operating in this human reality.
You are amazing, beautiful soul, amazing, extraordinary, phenomenal. You have so much magic, knowledge and wisdom locked inside of you and these meditations; this short meditation challenge will bring all of that to the surface so you can activate your superhuman potential. Click the link and I will see you on the inside. I want you to thrive, to shine your light and express your divinity, to speak your truth always, to live your truth, to stand in your power and make up your own rules of this human game. Go out into this world. Love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. I will see you on the inside. Click the link now. Let’s do this.
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