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“Other people are going to have the opportunity to do energy exchange. So, they can come, they can stay for free, get all their workshops, training, retreats, whatever, and in return, they can help on the land.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? I wanted to share with you and dive in a little bit deeper into why we are building the healing centres and communities that we’re building through star magic. Number one, we’re building them so more people can be healed. So, we have a centre built on a sacred site connected to the grids, and in a unique way so that we can pull in energy, bring it up through the land, through the healing centre, and have this phenomenal epicentre of divinity where souls can step into, and we can facilitate their healing.
Another reason that we’re building these centres is that we’re building 13, by the way, and we’ve got land in Romania, Madeira, and the UK and we’re currently looking at other sites. We’re going to build 13, the number of the divine feminine. There are also 13 constellations in our zodiac. The first one we’re building is called Ophiuchus which is in Transylvania, and Ophiuchus links to the human nervous system, the most important part of the body. Each constellation links to a body part, internal and external, and some constellations, multiple body parts, multiple internal organs, etc. We’re starting with the nervous system in the mountains of Transylvania.
Now, another reason that we’re building these healing centres is for the children. Okay, there are so many incredible children on this planet, and more are coming, and they’re going to keep coming in droves, and these children are supersonic. They have so much knowledge, wisdom, abilities inside of them, and they’re coming here to show us how to use certain faculties of our angelic human template, which we’ve forgotten. But these children are in sync, plugged in, activated. Some of us, older, wiser, humans are less activated than some of these new children, but the thing is that children are children, and until they get a little bit older, they’re vulnerable.
So, what we must do as, as a collective, as an aware species is to get together and create safe havens, spaces where these kids can have a foundation a platform to create, discover, rediscover, and dive into themselves and allow these abilities to rise to the surface so they can show us adults, how to use them what to do. You see, in a few years I have this vision of children in the classrooms at the front, an adult sitting in the chairs listening to these incredible star seeds share knowledge and wisdom about how to activate our original templates. Some of us have got bits of knowledge, some of us have got a lot of knowledge, but the children are going to bring it all through and catalyse all the stuff from the seeds that we are sowing right now. They are going to catalyse and weave that fabric into something seriously special. Currently, some of these kids are getting put into homes, some of these kids are getting put on certain medications, dumbed down, messed up, and we need to create something where they are going to be safe so our healing centres are a place for that to happen.
The other thing is the grids. Okay, another reason we’re building these is because of the grids. The first bit of land we’ve got in Romania has a portal on it. There are some other kinds of mini vortex centres but there’s one very potent portal and all the sites that we’re buying up have got high frequency vortexes, portal systems running through them. Now, as we build out these healing centres, which are all going to be built geometrically at Crystalline frequency geometry. We’re going to link all these things through the grids, through the ley lines, through the vortex systems, and create this potent like beautiful, powerful new matrix. Okay, matrix means mother, and through this grid system, we are going to allow the divine feminine to birth in all its glory. As we allow the divine feminine to birth in all its glory and merge potently in whole wholeness with the divine masculine, it’s going to create this cascade of love, this cascade of vibration, which is going to ripple through our planetary body, and it’s going to expand consciousness so quickly.
The other reason that we’re bringing people together and building these healing centres is this community factor. All our healing centres are going to be run in a certain way. So, to start with, we’re going to run training and workshops and do healings and have all sorts of different retreats and stuff. Some people are going to pay to come, and some people are going to be able to come for free, those that can afford it are going to pay and those that can’t are going to get the opportunity to come because everybody needs this work. Other people are going to have the opportunity to do some kind of energy exchange. So, they can come, they can stay for free, get all their workshops, training, retreats, whatever. And in return, they can help on the land with the permaculture with the horse healing centre, the library meditation centre in the gym, they can give up a little bit of their time to help us manage the place, maybe do some cleaning, maybe do some paperwork, I don’t know but there’s going to be several different options for different people with different skill sets.
So, you can come for a week or five weeks and in return, you can give up 16 hours every week to help. And if we’ve got 15 people at any one time, 20 people at any one time, all giving up 16 hours of their week, that creates a strong workforce, getting a lot of stuff done. Eventually it’s going to be a centre where people can come and it’s going to be pure energy exchange, but we’re not quite there yet, but we will be, and these centres are going to be the forerunners creating freedom and sovereignty for mankind. Love consciousness is the key, merging dark and light into the zero point and grounding it through these grid systems so, we can bring extra-terrestrial stuff to Planet Earth safely and effectively without blowing people’s consciousness because if you bring these light codes in too fast, they can shift people too quickly.
If you go to any mental hospital, people in straitjackets, most of them are there because they’ve had an awakening, and they’ve seen beyond the veil, and they’re freaking out a little bit. That’s all. They’ve not gone nuts; they’ve not gone crazy. They’re just expanding, and their hearts are opening, and their pineal glands are popping. Those crystalline geometries are resynthesizing their Geometry, their mathematics, and then that is having a recalibration effect throughout the multi-dimensional playground affecting planets, stars, celestial bodies throughout the multiverse. You see, we as humans, angelic Humans carrying this original 12 strand template have the potential and the opportunity to catalyse supersonic change. Supersonic change. Every single one of us carries radical uniqueness in every cell of our body and when you apply the right energies, and the right frequencies, and the right codes to any human being’s energy signature, they start to remember how truly powerful and formidable they are.
If you’re interested in being a part of our healing centres, if you’re interested in in any way, shape, or form, maybe you’re interested in coming and working then, maybe you’re interested in helping with the funding. Maybe you’re interested in facilitating healing then get in contact with us. Support us at If you’re interested in training in Star magic in preparation for when these healing centres open because the one in Transylvania is not that far away, then go to and check out our training online and offline, in person, in house events, live. Go through our training programme, get in contact. We are a human family and the only way we’re going to change this planet is if tribes come together. There are 12 Essene tribes on this planet, and we’ve been here for a very long time, each one of us carrying very different DNA codes.
When we catalyse and unify and solidify and merge and weave the fabric of our own genetics together, we bring superhumans to life. That is why we must join. That’s why we must become allies. There’s too much separation in this spiritual field. You know this. So go into your heart and reach out if you feel the call. I love you, beautiful soul. You are a pure magic man. My sister, my brother, wherever you are on this beautiful planet. This glorious green and blue ball is hovering somewhere in space. Go out into the world and love your sisters and your brothers. Love them fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never, ever, ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging. You know that. Remember to check out and support star magic if you’re interested in being involved in what we’re up to. I will see you again very, very, soon.
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