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Love Consciousness | Light Workers Get Out Of Duality


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“I have a message for all of you lightworkers out there. What on earth are you doing? Do you not realise that by calling yourself a lightworker, labelling yourself as a lightworker, you are in duality.”

I love you with my heart, with my soul, and with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? So, I want to talk to you about the fifth dimension, I want to talk to you about five D. I want to talk to you and share with you about love consciousness because love consciousness is this higher frequency band that we are moving towards, moving into, and wanting to be feeling 24/7 365. Okay, this is a part of ascension.

The main aim with ascension is to be able to change our inner geometry to be able to hold enough frequency to move through planetary, universal, or galactic stargates. But a massive great big, huge steppingstone on that journey to being in that space where these things can happen is being on the frequency of love. Ultimately, if you want to be on that frequency of love, the most important thing is to step outside of duality, and to merge dark and light, to merge feminine and masculine, into wholeness. This is mission critical, and I have a message for all of you lightworkers out there.

What on earth are you doing? Do you not realise by calling yourself a lightworker, labelling yourself as a lightworker, you are in duality. Why are you not a dark worker? Are you not a light and a dark worker? Because those people that are on a real mission, they understand on a deep, deep level that they must go into the realms of darkness, and I honour and respect them. As well as going into the realms of light and honouring and respecting that we must go into these different realms and bring them back to the zero point and anchor them, right here right now, through this physical vessel down into the Earth’s grids.

Dark and light are two polar opposites on the same spectrum of data, the same spectrum of frequency, and we must merge everything and realise that there can be no separation. By working in the fields of darkness, you’re living in polarity. By working in the fields of light, you’re living in polarity. By being an alchemist, an architect. a sovereign soldier, a true game changer, you become a master of dark and light. God and the devil – they’re just labels, right, for frequencies. Different types, different elements, different frequency bands, different frequency ranges. We must, if we’re going to complete our mission coming down here on this glorious green and blue ball, is to step outside of this polaristic situation and get on to this love vibration to have zero judgement and to own completely and wholeheartedly own all of us because in every single human being lies God and the devil.

You have an angel on one shoulder, you got Satan on the other shoulder, and neither are good or bad. They’re both just giving us opportunities to have unique experiences and if we didn’t know about darkness, we wouldn’t know about light. If we didn’t know about light, we wouldn’t know about darkness. So, both are important. We’ve come down into these physical avatar vessels which are incredible by the way. We get to do so much in these, but we come down into these amazing avatar vessels which enable us to interface you know as souls inside of them with other souls through other avatar vessels. We get to do so many amazing things.

It’s paramount that we step into a space where we can honour and love and respect every single human being on planet Earth. It doesn’t mean we have to agree with everyone. You know, we don’t have to agree with everyone, but we can allow everyone to do what they’re doing because we came into these vessels to get a little bit lost, so that we could find our way back home, and that is the magic within this reality. The universe itself is comfortable and then it gets a little bit bored so, when it expresses itself, Infinite Intelligence expresses itself, and it starts to create planets and different beings, and all those beings and planets seem to live in harmony.

So, it gets even more bored and starts to create duality so there can be fighting and oppression and arguments, and this just expands and expands and ripples. Eventually, we get so lost that we decide ‘enough is enough’. So, we search and eventually find our way back to the zero point in the centre of our chest, our cosmic heart, which is a stargate that leads to all possibilities and all potentials. Light workers, stop calling yourself light workers. You are light and dark workers because you’re never going to be able to achieve what you want to achieve by just being the lightworker. Let’s be everything workers – wholeness workers, wizards and witches, alchemists, architects redesigning, restructuring, dissolving transcending duality, and carving and reweaving out from the fabric of space time a beautiful new and harmonious world to play and dance and love and run and jump and hug, to make love and eat lovely foods and just dance around this great big green and blue ball.

Loving life seeing the beauty and the wonder and the excitement in everything in the blades of grass, in the rocks, and the water, in each other’s eyes. We are one unified frequency. We are geometrical code, banded together, weaved together, woven seamlessly, architecturally precise. Wherever you are on this beautiful planet, go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers. Love them fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never, ever be the first to let go. Remember to check out our website where you can get free access to all our ascension tools right now. Go and take our free seven-day meditation challenge and I will see you again real soon. You are a magical, awesome, electrifying being. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul.

Your life is about to grow new wings on a subatomic level, on a mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual level. This is where it starts beautiful soul by beginning our free seven-day meditation challenge. Each of the meditations inside this challenge will raise your frequency, amplify your vibration, heal you, expand your consciousness. Before you even get to the end of the seven days, you will experience notable differences. This is a real game changer. Click the link underneath this video and get free access now.