Healing Divine Feminine Wounds & Integrating The Masculine

{"playlist":[{"title":"Healing Divine Feminine Wounds & Integrating The Masculine","artist_name":"PART 3: For thousands of years, the Divine Feminine has been persecuted, suppressed and de-humanised on a grand level. Men have been in fear of the colossal energy and supreme wisdom that the feminine brings to the worldly stage.The Lioness, the Goddess, the Feminine, has the strength and power to crush the structures of greed, envy, power and control and unify humanity with the divine expression birthed from unity and love.The divine feminine is wild and strong and balanced within the wildness of its motherly embrace. The Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine are within every human being on Planet Earth. Accepting, honouring, embracing, healing and merging both elements is of the utmost importance. These 3 meditations recorded at a monthly live interactive, will give birth to a new frequency within you. Your Goddess will rise and rise in a formidable fashion and your Inner Lion King will step up and into balance with your Inner Goddess, protecting, honouring, and loving the intelligence offered from the merging of both energies into wholeness. Please stay hydrated. ","audio_file":"","a_name":"","a_ext":"","poster_image":"https:\/\/starmagicorg-1cf69.kxcdn.com\/wp-content\/uploads\/2022\/06\/Interactive-med_Healing-feminine-wounds-part3.jpg","duration":"","playlistid":"playlistid-2","audid":110574}]}