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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now beautiful soul.
So, six-dimensional grids. People talk about moving into 5D and whilst we are on this ascension process moving through these frequency bands on this ascension cycle, there’s always elevation, there’s always inward movement, there’s always another level, and the 6D grids have been constructed and are still being constructed at the moment, and these 6D grids they comprise of the most incredible 111-sided shape made of fluid moving equilateral triangles that encompasses the Earth. There’s one around our physical body and we’ve also got one in our hearts and what we need to do is we need to link these six-dimensional grids up, the three of them, and through that they link to different Stargate systems and different multi-dimensional layers of architecture throughout our whole Earthly structure.
In life if we don’t keep growing, we end up getting stagnant and we slide backwards the same thing happens on this journey, this ascension journey. It’s very easy to slip down back through frequency bands, through vibrational levels, vibrational scales. You could be there one moment having a beautiful day, high on life, and then the next minute you’re feeling a little bit down, a little bit depressed, whatever it might be. Your frequency dips and this can happen on a grander scale. So, we always have to keep moving and that’s why even though we’re still kind of moving through the three to four 4 to 5D space we need to start plugging into this sixth dimensional architecture so that we can start to pull ourselves up onto another frequency band within the multi-dimensional playing fields.
So, what I invite you to do today is to come into this space with me so I can share with you a short light language transmission which is going to plug you into the earth, into the stars on a higher frequency band and it’s also going to activate this sixth dimensional grid template in your heart and start to link it to the one externally from your body which is around 11m in diameter and then from there plug it into the one around the planet. So, if you want to close your eyes just be and breathe and know that you are a supersonic superhuman and that you came to planet Earth to expand to grow to love to truly be the most formidable version of yourself that you can possibly be to live at a level beyond extraordinary to play this human game and thoroughly enjoy it to be in joy.
Close your eyes and breath into your body deeper and longer and slower and just know that we are sisters and brothers on this planet, mirrors of each other showing each other the way back to our own heart to reconnect to something that we’ve always been connected to and to realize that we were never disconnected in the first place. Breathe in through your nose all the way down to the pit of your stomach and back out slowly. Feel your body, feel the space around your body, open your heart and let’s connect brother to sister, brother to brother, heart to heart, light to light, consciousness to consciousness, soul to soul. Breathe and be and bring your awareness into your chest and allow these codes to flow into that sixth dimensional grid in your chest. These codes are intelligent. Allow them to work as they bring that sixth dimensional grid structure in your heart online.
Light language transmission
Breathe into your body as these codes activate this grid structure in your heart 111 streams of electrical energy flowing from the grid in your heart out past the boundaries of your physical body into the space connecting with that grid structure vibrating around your physical body feel your heart expanding and the love in your heart amplifying.
Light language transmission
Feel the frequency flowing from Mother Earth’s heart, from her own multi-dimensional Merkabah field, up through the rocks and the minerals, up through the surface of the planet, up through your body and into your higher heart space.
You’ll become aware of a powerful diamond light coming down from the Grand Central Sun bringing codes from The High Council of Light down through Mother Earth’s atmosphere, down through the skies, through the roof of your space, down through your crown, down through your body into your perineum locking into your genesis cells, the only cells in your human body that never change, the egg of the Kundalini.
As that electrical energy flows from the Grand Central Sun into your Genesis cells switching them on, activating them, you become aware of a diamond and blue sapphire Merkabah field spinning in your perineum, the top tetrahedron clockwise, the bottom one anticlockwise. This frequency and code flows back up through your body, into your heart, from your heart out into that sixth dimensional grid around your body, and from there that sixth dimensional grid vibrating around your body sends 111 streams of electrical energy out through the planet up, through Mother Earth’s atmosphere into space connecting to that sixth dimensional grid around the planet. Feel your heart expanding and the love growing.
Light language transmission
As the energy flows from your higher heart up into your alpha transmission centre, from your alpha back down through your body, through your Earth star and into your omega bringing your multi-dimensional architecture online. Be in this space and feel. Be in this space and breathe into your body. You are amazing, we are amazing. We really are a team, a tribe, a family working together. It is the only way, creating together is the only way to truly make a difference.
I recommend you come back and do this light language transmission every day for 13 days locking in the number of that divine sacred feminine goddess anchoring it through your higher heart, your heart, and your sacred womb space giving birth to new realities here on Earth.
Open your eyes. Whenever you’re ready come back into this space and just be I love you, beautiful soul. Wherever you are on this planet we’re always connected, every single one of us. Separation is an illusion. You know this. Live from your heart not from the dangerous place of your head. This is quite good for certain things. If you want to meet someone at 2:00pm on Tuesday afternoon, you might end up getting there for logical things. But for this deeper work, for that true connection to the external world beyond this 3D reality and the internal world beyond this 3D reality, the multi-dimensional playing fields full of geometry, code, magic operate from your right hemisphere, the female hemisphere. operate from your heart. This is where the magic happens, this left male brain is kind of restrictive.
Remember you came to Earth to be an alchemist, an architect, a superhuman. So, it’s time to unlock these multi-dimensional abilities. This transmission will help you and assist you so be sure to lock it in for the next 13 days. This is number one. You got 12 to go. If you want to increase it and continue you can. It’s only going to take you into higher states of consciousness, more magic, more bliss, more joy, more fun, more exploration because that’s why we’re here on this planet – to enjoy this human experience.
Remember go out into this world and love your sisters and your brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never, ever, ever be the first to let go. That’s the golden rule of hugging and check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. Right now, you can get free access to hundreds of guided meditations, light language transmissions, light codes, cosmic yoga videos, nutrition, qigong, breath work, so many master classes. There is so much there to help you become the most incredible version of you and to be truly empowered and supported. So go and check it out now, and I’ll see you again real soon beautiful soul. I’ll see you real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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