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6000 Year Old Text – Jesus & the Mystery Schools – Jerry Sargeant


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“How are we going to raise the vibration on the planet? How are we going to activate our superhuman potential? You can rise above the game. You can operate from your heart. You can focus on your health and your fitness. You can get your mind clear, and you can reactivate that mathematical code and switch on your multi-dimensional architecture and become multidimensional angelic humanoid beings. The choice is yours. You can play small, or you can play gigantic.”

So, how are we going to raise the vibration on the planet? How are we going to activate our superhuman potential? How are we going to bring back the level of consciousness that we once embodied as multi-dimensional angelic humanoid beings. We played and lived the game of life on so many planets throughout the cosmos. The last time that we were fully activated properly we were on a planet called Tara where they had the same kind of crystalline grid structures that we have here, and that planet ended up being blown up. There were wars over these crystalline grids just like there’s wars over the crystalline grids on planet Earth right now. If you want to know where the stargates are on planet Earth all you’ve got to do is look to where the wars have taken place. Somalia, Iraq, different places around the world. Everywhere there’s war there’s a stargate.

The catastrophe in Lebanon a few years ago. Beirut got blown up. That was over stargate control. Nothing to do with religion. Nothing to do with money. All of those things are just byproducts for some of the human minions that work for some of these off-planet beings. Jesus ‘Esus’, in Romania, they’ve never called Jesus ‘Jesus’. They’ve always called Jesus ‘Esus’. That’s his real name. The Romanians are tapped in. The Romanians know the truth. The grid systems in Romania are off the chart. The original triangulation, the original three crystalline pillars that were powering planet Earth, one of them was in Romania, one was in India, one was in America. They got taken down many, many years ago but Romania is returning back to where it once was. It’s a powerful country, powerful sacred land.

I was in Ethiopia recently, part of a sacred grid work mission where we were laying crystals for the new seventh dimensional grid systems for the dragons, and I went to a monastery. The monastery was called the Debre Dammo Monastery, and it was on top of a hill. Well, not on top of a hill. It was on top of a mountain and to get out to this mountain you had to rock climb. So, I went out the side of this mountain with one of our guides and got to the top, went to the monastery. When I went into the monastery. They had this book. It’s an over 6,000-year-old text and in this text, I mean this book was huge. Inside this book there were multiple pictures and there was one page where they had a picture of Esus leaving to go to the pyramids in Egypt to the ancient mystery schools to learn to remember to activate that Christ Consciousness within. When Esus was here, he was here to restore Christ Consciousness on planet Earth into the human race. But it didn’t go too well.

It’s not this Christian Christ, it’s k r y s – krystalline, the crystalline codes from the Kathara grid, the 45° rotation out from the zero point this Kryst Krystalline consciousness which we right now on planet Earth are remembering. This book 6,000 years plus, it depicted all of this. It depicts the truth. The bibles that we’re reading from. Now all of these different books they’re full of BS. There are little elements of truth in them. There are little codes and if you know how to decipher them you can extract a little bit of magic and alchemy. But most of the stuff is a false doctrine. When I went up to this Monastery the place was amazing and the guy that was with me. He told me that no one has ever touched one of these books and the priest turned around to me and gave me the book and I was holding it and the codes and the frequencies in this book I was just uploading. Ancient information was just streaming and activating my consciousness. It was amazing.

I asked the guys when I was there. He said he was the first person that came to this place. There’s no way up this mountain. There are no cave systems. I asked how he got up here and they said to me, well legend says it that a great big snake took him up, and when you go to the top of this Monastery. Outside the monastery to the left, you see this great big snake lifting this guy at the side of the mountain. But what was clear to me it was this guy’s activated alchemical code, that kundalini frequency. He activated that sacred Kryst Consciousness, and he activated those dormant abilities, and he was able to ascend up the side of the mountain and he thought what a great place to build a monastery, and it’s been up there for thousands and thousands of years, and something like 250 monks are up there 24/7, 365. It’s an amazing community on the top of a mountain that you can’t walk up.

I went up to another mountain in Ethiopia where there was another Monastery. This was even higher. You had to literally rock climb and climb. We got to the top of this rock walking along tiny little ledges, hundreds and thousands of meter drops, and there was a front door into a cave, amazing place. These sacred monasteries up in the mountains are just a whole other level. Ethiopia is a special place and these guys that are in these monasteries they know the truth. They’re teaching the truth to the people that want to listen, to the people that want to take it on board in these Western countries, the UK, Europe, America. They just feeding people a whole heap of ****. But that’s okay. It’s part of the game.

Part of the game is to decipher, work your way through the madness, and then discover the truth. When you discover the truth that’s really in here, that God spark, that divine spark, that diamond spark, that divine potential, that plugs you into the god worlds, then you have access 24/7 365 to untold knowledge, to untold truth, to untold wisdom, and you can reactivate that mathematical code and switch on your multi-dimensional architecture and become superhuman once again switching on that 12/13 strand DNA template because we all know that the number 12 it’s not about that at all it’s always about the number 13 always.

Jesus isn’t telling you through some of these sacred texts that he’s coming back to save you. No, what he’s trying to do is help you to inner stand that inside you have this Christ Consciousness waiting to be activated and that we’re all just as powerful as each other. Some of us have forgotten some of us have remembered but the potential lies within every single human being and you’ve got to ask yourself do you want to play in this field, that we call the matrix, being bust up and squeezed, or do you want to exit the matrix, break down and crumble the matrix and play a whole different game. Where do you want to be? The choice is yours. You can play small, or you can play gigantic. You can play like a human, or you can play like a superhuman.

We all get the same choices in life because everybody is smashed left, right, and centre, because that’s the way the game is designed. But you can rise above the game. You can operate from your heart. You can focus on your health and your fitness. You can get your mind clear. You can take action every day on your goals and your dreams, and you can step up and step forwards leaning into the process of life or you can get bashed up beaten down to your knees and crumble and be like most other human beings on planet Earth. The choice is yours. I know where I’m headed. I know where I’m going. Magic and alchemy flow through my life because that’s what I decide every single day when I wake up. You can do the same. We’re sisters and brothers, a powerful, beautiful, supersonic family but whilst we’re isolated, we haven’t got a hope of changing the game. So, what you going to do? Stay small? Or play gigantic? I will see you on the other side Beautiful Soul

Remember to go out into this world and love your sisters and brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never, ever, ever be the first to let go. It’s the golden rule of hugging. Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth. Hundreds of guided meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, health, nutrition, breath work, mystery school teachings, everything you need to be a high frequency being. We meet every Monday, Wednesday, and second Sunday online for powerful activations, meditations, supersonic life-changing transmissions.

We’ve also now got our affiliate program up and running so you can go to and bring your sisters, your brothers, your family, your friends into this ecosystem, upgrade their lives, and at the same time earn real good money and bring more abundance into your reality. You deserve it, beautiful soul. Go and check it out. I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul. Speak your truth. Live your truth. Be un-fuck-with-able.