I am a child of the universe bringing forth my 5th density frequency for 5th-dimensional living. I know how to raise the vibration and now I am sharing it with you. Be ready to expand your consciousness beautiful souls.
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“Play like a little kid crazy as ever. This is the way you got to be in this world, beautiful soul.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
So, you are a child of the universe, and you know what children do well, don’t you? They have fun, they stick their hand in the toaster not that it’s much fun but they’re curious as ever and they just play around and explore whatever is in their space. If you can reconnect with your inner child, connect with that life force inside of you, connect with that little you, that little two- and three-year-old you, and give them a great big hug and love them and say welcome back, beautiful soul. I’ve missed you so much. Allow them to come through you and start being like a little kid again.
There’s so much madness on this planet, so much chaos. Imagine if we all remembered what it was like to be two, three, four, five, six, years old and we just loved life. We just started exploring, we just started loving, we just started having fun. We started imagining that we were dragons and unicorns riding through the blue and pink and violet skies having fun with our fellow sisters and brothers on their dragons and their unicorns. Let’s get back to that state, that inner state of being where you’re completely and utterly childlike where you don’t think about things. You just see things and you go for it. You feel fun, you feel joy, you feel laughter. You experience all these things because life is just one big adventure at that age. We’ve been conditioned as we’ve grown up and we’ve got too serious about life, beautiful soul. Life should be fun baby. We should be laughing, joking, dancing, climbing, expressing our creativity in any which way we can.
Yet most of us are plugged into the television worrying about the coronavirus. It’s crazy. We’re worrying about something with a 99.96% survival rate okay. We’re worrying about something that has pretty much zero chance of harming us, but people are messed up walking around like Hannibal Lecter. It’s nuts man, and they’re arguing with each other taking it seriously. The government told us to stay two meters apart. What are you all about man? Why are you listening to the mind control. Get your masks off, start running around, get some paint and some colours. Start painting and drawing. Get your crystals out go for a ride on your invisible unicorn or maybe you’ve got a real one like me. Can you see her, okay? This is Audrey, my violet and gold unicorn. She’s got a diamond horn with a chromium tip on the end. She comes everywhere with me. I love her. Audrey, she’s awesome, beautiful unicorn man. Anyway, I don’t know whether you can see her but she’s there and she’s real and she comes everywhere with me. I’ve also got Alana over here. She’s a multi-coloured unicorn with a golden horn but anyway this is another story.
You’ve got to get into that mould where you start to experience life and explore life and explore this space and have fun with everything that’s going on around you. Realize it’s just an illusion. It’s a complete and utter illusion. It’s a program that is breaking down. You’re a child of the universe. You’ve explored so many galaxies, so many star systems. You’ve explored so many universes and then you come to this green and blue ball called earth and you let someone stick a mask on you and tell you what to do. What is going on baby? Now I’m sure that you’re not wearing a mask because you probably wouldn’t be watching this video and listening to this information if you were wearing a mask because your vibrations too high for that stuff because you see beyond the veil and you know the truth and you know that it’s all a lie and it’s all a manipulation process.
It’s all about humiliation, taking the lambs to the slaughterhouse ready for the old Bill, what he wants to do and his crew. It isn’t happening, beautiful soul. Well, it might happen to some people because they’re indoctrinated into that program. But that’s their choice. If they can’t wake up and smell the coffee or wake up and smell the unicorns. It’s okay because we’re all playing our parts perfectly on this planet as a child of the universe, as this big, gigantic galactic shape-shifting titan that can transform into any magical or mythical being, can go invisible as a human, can teleport, can use telekinesis, can heal at distance, can use telepathy. All these skills that are locked inside of our DNA deep in our consciousness that being triggered by these extra-terrestrial light frequencies that are coming from off planet right now waking us up, helping us realize that we’re superhumans.
You’re this galactic highly conscious child of the universe with all these abilities. What are you going to do? This is the magic that you are you. It’s not even that you’ve yet to discover it because you are ripe. You’ve just simply forgotten. So, let’s start meditating. Let’s go into our hearts – qigong, light language, breath work, eat clean, eat mother nature, eat the photons, sun gaze, high vibrational foods. Put it into your system, fast 16 to 18 hours a day, fast 24 hours once a week two days every month. One week every year regenerate and rejuvenate your system. You’re powerful, you’re amazing, you are beyond extraordinary, and I just want to jump through the camera and give you a massive hug. I’m sending you so much love, beautiful soul, feeling these high vibes, these energies. They’re everywhere and there is no time, distance, or measurement in the quantum field.
So right now, beautiful soul, I’m giving you a big hug. Feel this. Give me a hug back. Let’s connect in this space for a moment. It feels beautiful you know. Whether you’re a man or a woman, old, young, it doesn’t matter to me. You’re my sister or brother. You know you’re another galactic titan from the stars just like me and I’ll hug you to the ends of the earth. I’ll hug you to the ends of the universe and back. Your magical, beautiful soul. Start being a little kid again, make up your own rules and your regulations in life and I guarantee you that everything will unfold in the most harmonious fashion but it’s down to you. You’re the power, you’re the boss. I can’t tell you what to do and nor can anyone else. You make your own choices so let’s make conscious ones, let’s make choices that are going to elevate our frequency and the easiest way to do that is to be a little kid. Go into meditation, connect with your inner child, and remember what it was like to be two years old and start acting that way and don’t give a f*** about what anyone else thinks. That’s one of the hardest things to do but with practice it becomes easy because I don’t give a f*** what anyone thinks of me. I just have fun; I just love life and so should you.
Wherever you are on this magical planet go out and hug tightly. Never be the first to let go, beautiful soul. Love fiercely and ferociously because you’ve got to love fiercely and ferociously to bust through the craziness that’s around now because the craziness will do everything in his power to dampen your light and dampen your sparkle into nothing, so you disappear. But that isn’t you because you’re a child of the universe. So, get out there and light yourself up from the inside out. If you’ve not subscribed to this channel, please do so. Hit the subscribe button. Do it now, right now. Then hit the notifications tab and you’ll be up to speed with all these latest videos, okay.
Remember check out our website starmagichealing.org. We’ve got some of the best ascension tools on the planet. I’ll see you again very soon beautiful soul. Infinity is the ultimate ascension toolkit. Your mind, body, and soul will be brought into perfect alignment. It is completely life-changing, and your vibration will rise as you connect deeply. Infinity is a one-stop shop for your healing and ascension requirements. See you on the inside beautiful soul. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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