“I feel you’ve got my message, beautiful soul. You’re amazing. Okay I know I’ve had a little bit of a rant today, but I needed to have this little bit of a rant and you needed to hear it because you wouldn’t be listening to me right now if you didn’t need to hear. The mission is balance, the mission is light, the mission is responsibility, the mission is you, me, we, right now on this planet drawing a line stepping over it and moving into a new era, a new age, a new vibration. That is why we’re here, beautiful soul, to carry this new vibration forwards and to bring and birth this new vibration into these earthly realms.”
I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul? This planet is just a beautiful planet to be alive on. Right now, we’re going through some turbulent chaotic times, but the message is light, the message is love, the message is the mission. The mission why we came here, why we set foot on this green and blue ball right here and right now and it is such a gorgeous beautiful, extraordinary time to be alive on planet earth and walk in these earthly planes together discovering each other again, discovering the power that lies inside of our own cosmic hearts once again because remember this isn’t a mission of discovery. This is a mission of remembering. This isn’t a mission of learning; this isn’t a mission of teaching. This is a mission of unification and remembering.
We have to remember the truth, the knowledge, the wisdom that lies inside of our own cosmic hearts because there’s so much of it and then it’s about you and me and we are unifying together. You see I respect you so much. I respect you for choosing to be on these earth planes at this time because you’ve been here so many times. You’ve incarnated for thousands of years trying to get this mission done. So have I. Millions of us have, but we’ve been in a spiritual war, and these are the end times right now which are the beginning times. I respect you for being beaten and rising again. I respect you for going through the personal and the collective traumas that you’ve experienced lifetime after lifetime and then saddling up and choosing to be here again for the final showdown.
You are a galactic titan from the stars, and you came to planet earth just like I did to share your knowledge and wisdom and to help your sisters and brothers remember because once we remember we can then start to unify and that unification is the solid bond that is going to help collapse the structure that is constantly and consistently and has been in place on this earth. It’s crumbling baby all around us right flipping now. It’s happening. We’re in the midst of it, we’re in the eye of the storm. This is where the magic happens. This is where the brave diamond spiritual warriors open their hearts and they ride this magical wave of truth of divinity, of connection, of energy.
One thing that is so mission critical for you to understand right now is that it’s all about you you’ve got to take personal responsibility and realize no one is coming to save you and it’s really important to use discernment as you’re riding these cosmic waves. There’s so much rubbish out there. There are so many energies coming into our space that are pretending or shape-shifting or coming through as entities that we feel that we should trust. You get certain energies coming through pretending to be angels pretending to be extra-terrestrials, and they try and kid you. Number one, people are bringing through channellings that are false. What you’ve got to do is not believe anything that you hear on the internet, anything that you read on the internet, anything that you see on the internet, especially what I’m telling you and everyone else to share in these videos.
Don’t just blindly follow the words that we say. Feel them in your hearts. You’ve got to decipher the truth for yourself because so many of us have different perspectives. So many of us connect to different sources of frequency and energy. None of it’s not right and none of its wrong but not all of it is good for you, and not all of it is good for me, and not all of it is good for all of us. So, what we’ve got to do is use discernment and reason. Realize there are imposter frequencies, imposter angels, impostor ETs, imposter dragons, imposter all sorts of frequencies that are coming through. Even if you see something that looks like pure white light that doesn’t mean that it’s a high vibrational being or a high vibrational energy.
You’ve got to question everything. It’s so, so important. Your heart will never see you wrong if you internalize these frequencies, if you bring them into your heart and your patient with them, you will always know the truth. So, trust yourself. Don’t trust anything outside of yourself. You’ve got to know this information is your truth and then once you know it’s your truth you can decide what you want to do with it. You can run with it you can shove it in the bin. Whatever you want to do is completely up to you. Whatever is happening on this planet right now, whatever you’re experiencing is the way that you’re supposed to experience it but what you’ve got to do is make conscious choices to step in the right direction.
We’ve been brainwashed and manipulated and corrupted for centuries but right now as I said this is the end time and it’s the beginning of a new era. I respect you for being here on this mission. I respect you for stepping up. I respect you for being brave enough to rise time and time again and we are banding together like sisters and brothers right now and all of this madness that’s unfolding around the planet COVID vaccinations, collapsing of financial institutions, the corruption and the manipulation, the poisoning of our foods, and the chemtrails and the nanotechnology, the crazy beings that have corrupted many humans and taken over their souls and their consciousnesses.
I respect you for being here knowing these truths and continuing to rise, continuing to open your heart and step up in the face of adversity and be courageous enough to fight this battle because it is a fight and I don’t really like to even use that term fight because you know when you kind of use and imply that term fight you kind of create this stuff sometimes. But the reality of the situation is we are in a battle, but this is a battle of free will, this is a battle of willpower, this is a battle that is fought with the heart and the frequency that flows through it is the most powerful measurable force in the entire universe. This power that lies within you and me and all of us created worlds, it created solar systems, galaxies, universes, and multiverses, billions of extra-terrestrial species beyond this universe.
The power that lies inside of you is so strong and all you’ve got to do is take responsibility and realize that it’s down to you. Open this great big cosmic heart and decide that you’re going to do everything that it takes to make this world a better place. It starts with you looking after the home of your soul, making your body strong, raising your vibration, creating vitality inside of you so that any kind of disease or anything that comes into your space just ricochets off you, it bounces off you, because you’re that high vibrational and your body’s so strong and healthy that nothing can penetrate your armour. Do your chi gong, do your breath work, eat clean foods, eat the photons, sun gaze, exercise, meditate, do the things that are going to make you a healthy harmonious happy human being, superhuman being.
When all of us take responsibility and look after ourselves in this way this entire human playing field that we’re on right now which is so freaking crazy, is going to change because we can up regulate and down regulate genes, we can signal new genes, we can go into our internal environment and create realities and our subconscious mind is going to think and believe those realities are real and it’s going to start to communicate through the fields, through the quantum fields, through the emotions of our hearts, through the frequency of our hearts, through the combination of the mind and the heart being in perfect equilibrium and sending out signals through the multiverse to create this new world at the same time.
We’ve got to take the necessary action. We’ve got to take off our masks and we’ve got to hug each other, and as I said look after our bodies. We’ve got to say no to those that want to enforce certain rules and regulations if we don’t agree with them. Then let’s not consent and if you shut your mouth you’re consenting. So, you’ve got to speak up, you’ve got to speak your truth, you’ve got to open your heart, you’ve got to pick up your sword and your shield, and you got to go to war in a positive way that isn’t by fighting with your fists, that isn’t by fighting verbally and shouting and screaming. This is by simply raising your vibration speaking your truth saying no and doing it with hundreds of thousands of other sisters and brothers on this planet. This is where the unification comes in, remembering and unification.
I feel you’ve got my message, beautiful soul. You’re amazing. Okay, I know I’ve had a little bit of a rant today but Ineeded to have this little bit of a rant and you needed to hear it because you wouldn’t be listening to me right now if you didn’t need to hear this. So, wherever you are on this planet go out and hug your sisters and brothers. Hug them so tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously. Start taking care of this vessel. Start saying no to what doesn’t feel right and start taking moves in the right direction and that direction is two directions okay. Number one is into your heart and number two is in the direction of a new and a free world where you’ve reclaimed your sovereignty, where you’ve reclaimed your life, where you’ve reclaimed your soul and that is by creating communities, that is by unifying with your sisters and brothers and creating such a force that we can liberate ourselves once and for all and take back control of our planet. It’s down to us. We the people.
I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Remember to hit the subscribe button, hit the notifications tab, and keep up to speed with all these videos and I’ll see you again real soon. Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on the planet, beautiful soul. I’ll see you again real soon. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out.
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