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“I’m going to give you a code, a very simple code and when you place this code into a blue sapphire sphere, and you place the blue sapphire sphere into your heart, it’s going to activate this electrical and magnetic connection.”
You are amazing but it doesn’t matter how amazing you are. There are always days when things come and try and intercept. There are always energies that try and infiltrate. There’s always frequencies that try and slide in through our thought forms, in through our emotion, and try and access this biological computer that we call a body and brain. When that happens and you’re unaware of it, it can manifest inside of you and your thoughts can become negative, your feelings can become negative, and it’s like having a virus running inside your system. So how can you clear this out? How can you shift this very quickly? How can you stop it happening in the first place? Well, first of all, it’s really important to keep a high level of self-awareness so that if something changes within your own frequency, you realize that something’s changed and then you can ask good questions. You can ask, “Why am I feeling this way? What has shifted in the last two hours, in the last 60 minutes? What has entered my field that I was unaware of?” Be still, find out what it is, change it, shift it. Go in and unplug from that data stream.
Now, I’m gonna give you something today that is gonna change your life, that is gonna enable you in a very simple way to keep your frequency high and your energetic template clear. Down in planet Earth, Mother Earth, she has a heart. Her heart is a Merkabah field, but she also has a multidimensional Merkabah field as an overlay, along with a Kathara grid structure, a God seed atom, and multiple levels of architecture. What we’re gonna do with the exercise that I’m gonna share with you today is plug directly into Mother Earth’s multidimensional Merkabah field. Up in the stars, you’ve got the cradle of Lyra. Within the cradle of Lyra, you’ve got Avian, you’ve got Vega, you’ve got Lyra, the Aromatina gateway. You’ve got Stargates 10, 11, and 12. What we’re gonna do is plug into Stargate 12, the Aromatina gateway, which gives us direct access through the primary light and sound fields to the God worlds to source.
So, I’m gonna give you a code, a very simple code, and when you place this code into a blue sapphire sphere, and you place the blue sapphire sphere into your heart, it’s gonna activate this electrical and magnetic connection. It’s gonna pull frequency down from the Aromatina gateway. It’s gonna pull frequency up from Mother Earth’s multidimensional Merkabah field into the sphere in your heart. The sphere is gonna start to rotate, and the code is gonna be released, and the sphere is gonna expand out past the boundaries of your body and into the space so it’s three meters in diameter. At the same time, a second holographic structure of the same sphere is gonna stay in your heart and that’s gonna spin ever so fast in a clockwise direction, pulling the diamond light down and the diamond light up.
As the sphere fills up inside of your heart, the frequency is going to flow into every cell in your body. It’s gonna ignite tiny little, microscopic diamond fires in every cell and each one of those flames, those fires, is gonna communicate with every other flame, every other tiny little, microscopic diamond fire in every cell in your body. So, you’re gonna have 75 to 100 trillion plus or minus cells all vibrating with these diamond flames, all communicating with each other. A very specific, intricate highway, a communication network inside your body will be activated and this code that I’m gonna share with you is gonna hold this in place. Now you’re gonna need to tap into this and initiate this code every morning when you wake up, every night before you go to bed. It takes 90 seconds maximum.
You’re gonna do this every day for 33 days. Okay, by the end of it, you will have locked this into the fabric of your energetic template. It’s gonna be firing just on the first day. But when you keep going over it twice a day for 33 days, it’s gonna lock and load this. You might need to come back every now and again after the 33 days just to fire it up a little bit more. But after a certain period of time, it’s just gonna be there. Now what you’re gonna do is this. It’s very, very simple. You’re gonna visualize a blue sapphire sphere, about nine centimetres in diameter and you’re gonna place a code into that blue sapphire sphere. The code is ‘KS369’. Now this code, KS369, is interwoven with a whole other load of geometrical code. If I was to share that, it’s too much to remember. So, I’ve simplified it and I’ve entangled KS369 with the original template that I’ve constructed.
So, take the sphere, place the code KS369 inside of it, push it into your heart space and just leave it for a moment. It’s gonna start to vibrate. It’ll start to rotate clockwise, and a frequency will shoot up and down, up through space-time, through the Aromatina gateway and into the God Worlds. Remember, consciousness travels at 34.7 billion miles per second. So as soon as you activate this thing, boom, it’s plugged in. It’s also plugged into Mother Earth’s multidimensional Merkabah Field. Those crystalline diamond light codes are flowing up and down into your heart, into the sphere. The sphere is filling up with the codes.
The sphere is now replicating into a second one. The second one expands out past the boundaries of your body and into the space. It’s three meters in diameter. It’s gonna vibrate like crazy. You’ll notice electrical energy flows from the top of the sphere into your crown and from the bottom of the sphere up into your perineum. This is gonna charge your spinal column. At the same time, you’ve got this sphere in your chest, the original one spinning clockwise, still pulling in the crystalline code down and up. The electrical energy flowing down, the magnetic frequency flowing up. Just feel it. Be in this space and feel it. It’s rapid action. It doesn’t take long. Now, as this sphere fills up, the code is gonna start to flow into every cell in your human body and these diamond flames, these diamond fires are gonna switch on in every single cell. Then electrical energy will flow from each diamond flame into every other diamond flame in every cell and from all those other diamond flames into every other diamond flame. So, you’ve got 75 to 100 trillion electrical streams flowing out from every cell. It’s mesmerizing. This is gonna charge the inside of your body.
Just sit in this space for another 30 seconds. The job’s done, easy-peasy. You’re gonna do this every morning when you wake, every night before you go to bed because in dream time, souls that don’t understand how to navigate dream time, that is when we get infiltrated. That’s when the psychic attacks come in. That’s when our soul is out of our body playing in other multidimensional playing fields and other beings, they slip in, they slide in. This is gonna keep you clear on a multidimensional level because if your soul comes out of your body, you’re gonna take this construct with you. If you start playing in multiple frequency bands, wherever you’re having an experience, you’re gonna be plugged into this architecture. It’s a no brainer, it’s very simple. This is a game changer. It’s very, very simple. These are the kind of codes that we share with Star Magic.
We’ve got codes for this kind of work where you’re keeping your space clear. I’m not gonna say protection because you’re a gangsta, a spiritual gangsta, and you don’t need protection. It’s called intelligence, laying down these layers of architecture so you can bounce around, have a bit more fun, playing, being free, knowing that you’ve got these layers of architecture in place, stopping any infiltration, just in case your awareness slips for a second. Not that you should allow your awareness to slip too often. No. But every now and again, we’re humans. We might focus on this; we might focus on that and just for a split second, our awareness dwindles. With this architecture in place, you’re locked and loaded, beautiful soul. Remember, 33 days, twice a day, and then after that, you come back and revisit it. Maybe once a week, maybe twice, once every two weeks. You’ll know, you’ll feel it. If you’re ever out in public in a cinema, a restaurant, there’s lots of people walking around with entities attached to them. When your light is bright, they wanna latch in, they wanna get in, they wanna siphon, they wanna suck, they wanna drain you. When you’ve got high level architecture in place, they can’t. You’re amazing and I love giving you these amazing tools.
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