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“What should we as high frequency beings, more evolved higher consciousness beings, is to teach our children. The first thing that we should teach our children that your body can self-heal. We are consciousness. Death is an illusion. Be willing to take risks. Don’t give a f*** about anyone else’s opinion. Make your moves. Live your life, do what feels good for you.”
So, what are the five top things that we should teach children. Our children are taught a false history. They’re taught how to hand their power over and how to be subservient. Children are taught that they shouldn’t speak their truth, that they should shut up and be dictated to, that they should be good little boys and good little girls and go to school and go through the educational system to get a job and a mortgage and pay off their student loans and their debts and hopefully at some point in the future pay those debts off and get a couple of years to enjoy themselves once they’re old and incapable of having an amazing fully active life anymore. How should we change this? What should we as high frequency beings, more evolved higher consciousness beings, is to teach our children.
The first thing that we should teach our children is that they can self-heal. Their body is designed to self-regulate. It’s designed to recalibrate. It’s designed to heal itself and that you don’t need to hand your power over to some external force. All the chemicals that you need are inside your body. Your body is amazing. We need to teach our children how to activate these chemicals through breath work, through meditation. We need to show our children what beautiful, amazing foods to put into their bodies, intermittent fasting, the importance of good sleep, nature time, all of these things that help the body stay strong and fit and healthy. Activate the chemicals so the body self-regulates, self-heals, and you never need to hand your power over, go to the doctor and get some kind of pharmaceutical drug that is only going to poison your body. That’s number one. Your body can self-heal and this is how you look after yourself.
Number two. We are consciousness. We are not our bodies. Don’t identify with your body. Know that you are consciousness, frequency, energy, and you operate this avatar. You’re not confined to this physical body. You have the ability to leave this physical body whenever you want. You can leave it and re-enter it. You can astral travel. You can communicate telepathically. Don’t be limited by these bodies. At the same time understand these bodies are phenomenal, amazing, extraordinary as the consciousness that’s operating these physical avatars, these physical vessels that we get to interface with other physical vessels in this human reality through. There’s so much you can do with them. They’re supercomputers. Show children through meditation how they can move around the inside of their body to understand that they are not their body and there’s something separate from it. Teach children how to bring their light, their soul, their frequency out from their body and travel through the multi-dimensional playing fields at will and return when they feel like.
Number three. Teach children that death is an illusion and there is nothing to be fearful of. The physical body may decay at some point, but the consciousness will keep moving, keep living. Energy never dies. It moves out from form into no form back into form again. Sometimes it stays in no form and these physical bodies are a temporary house for us to enjoy being human for a little while because we get to experience things in these physical bodies that we don’t get to experience when we’re energy, when we’re spirit. So, you don’t need to fear death. Death is not death. It’s a transitionary period and when we get to that point of passing on we should be excited, ready, because we’ve left our body and return so many times, that this is a new experience to leave it behind and go somewhere onto the next stage of the journey, another planet, maybe to be frequency for a little while, maybe to have an energetic holiday vibrating in the fields of consciousness somewhere.
Number four. Be willing to take risks and understand that there is no such thing as failure. There’s just stepping stones on a journey. There are obstacles, there’s hurdles. You climb over them. You move through them. You navigate them and you grow from every single situation. There is no such thing as failure. Failure is when you fall down, and you don’t get back up. We need to help children understand that the falling down part is a part of the process because every time you fall down, and you get back up you get stronger. This way there will be no victims on this planet, just legends that take control of their own reality and enjoy this human experience fully in every which way.
Number five. Children don’t give a f*** about anyone else’s opinion. Make your moves, live your life, do what feels good for you, and however anyone else responds or reacts to what it is that you do, that’s cool. Smile, laugh, keep moving. Do your thing. Don’t give a flying f*** about anyone else’s opinion. It’s what makes you happy. You’re a radically unique human and you came to this planet with gifts and talents and a mission that may be way different from other people. When you go out and you rise and you climb, and you shine, your frequency is going to affect other people because they’re not ready for such a bright light but that doesn’t mean that you diminish it. It doesn’t mean that you flatten your edges so you can fit into a box that other people want you to fit into. No, you do what you want to do because that’s why you came here. To blaze a trail that no one’s ever walked down.
When we start teaching these five things to children the world will be a much better place. This is the educational system in a nutshell. There isn’t really much else you need to teach children because everything else is common sense. Get them into nature, a bit of exercise that comes after number one, looking after your body. It’s not rocket science, beautiful soul. If you’re a parent a grandparent, a niece or a nephew, teach your children these fundamentals and let’s make this world a much better place. Wherever you are on this planet, on this incredible green and blue ball, I love you. You’re amazing. Go into the world and love your sisters and brothers fiercely and ferociously. Hug them tightly and never ever, ever be the first to let go. It’s the golden rule of hugging. It’s a beautiful medicine. Another thing we can teach our children but that comes under number one again. A 10-to-15-minute hug every day does wonders for the body, wonders for the mind, wonders for the spirit, wonders for the soul.
Remember to check out our website We got some of the best ascension tools on planet Earth. Hundreds of guided meditations, light language transmissions, cosmic yoga videos, and mystery school teachings on a variety of different topics to help you raise your vibration and become a more empowered human. We got private groups so you can connect with beautiful souls just like you on this same high frequency mission. We’ve got high frequency nutrition, breath work, everything that you need to be a superhuman. So go and check it out. You get 7 days free right now at I’ll see you real soon, beautiful soul. Speak your truth, shine your light, and dampen your sparkle for no one. I love you. We’re sisters and brothers. One love, one heart, one human family. Peace out, beautiful soul. See you soon.