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40,000 USD in Debt to 1.2 Million USD a Year: Jerry Sargeant Testimonials


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Hi, my name’s Libby and I’m from Canada, and I just wanted to talk a little bit about what I have found with Star Magic’s abundance challenge. It’s so powerful. It’s so magical. It completely changed my life.

I own a business, and we hit a point where we were really struggling, and I turned to Star Magic. I started doing the Abundance Challenge and it’s so powerful. Within a few weeks, my business turned around to making over $1.2 million a year and has consistently for years. My business, where before I was thinking of laying off people, I’ve hired others. I’ve got support staff. I’ve got many full-time employees that I didn’t have before.

But Jerry and Star Magic gave me the keys to shift my life into unbelievable amounts of abundance, and I’ve listened to him for years. In fact, it’s funny. A few weeks ago, months ago, I should say. I was listening, and I listen to it again, and a new contract showed up for my business, which is making about $40-$50,000 more a month which is incredible.