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21 days and you will feel amazing. I am telling you beyond amazing. 21 days if you accept the challenge. It’s easy-peasy.
I love you with my heart with my soul with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul?
Oh my gosh I’m surrounded by trees. I’m in the middle of the Transylvania mountains baby and life is beautiful. I want to challenge you today. I want to challenge you to get yourself out into nature because when you’re in the city or you’re in a town and you’re surrounded by the wi-fi and the chaotic frequencies of everyone else’s thoughts and emotions. It really plays a toll or takes a toll on your consciousness. It really strips pieces of you down. It brings your vibration down and when you go out into nature you can replenish, you can rebuild.
So, I want to challenge you today to get out into nature for 21 days in a row, for one hour, okay, a minimum of an hour. You can stay longer if you want but the minimum amount of time you can go out is one hour. Now there are some rules. I don’t like rules but we’re going to put some rules in place for this because these are good positive rules that are going to raise your vibration and elevate you and expand you and open your heart and replenish and revitalize you. So, these are good rules. Normally I would not say the rules, but these rules are good, beautiful soul.
So, the rules of this one hour a day in nature. You’ve got to have your bare feet on the earth not on the grass. Gotta be on the earth, or it could be on the sand, you know buried into the sand right down near the shoreline. You can put your bare feet down into the kind of wet sand at the bottom. Okay, that counts, and then you’ve got to be there with no phone. You’ve got to close your eyes ,you’ve got to go within, and you’ve got to soak up your environment now. If you’re down by the beach you can have the water running up over your feet or if you wanted to you could be sat a little bit further so the water’s coming up around your ass, and maybe up over your waist, up over your hips. If you’re not down by the beach you’ve got your bare feet on the earth, and you want to be near a tree. The aim of the game is to hug that tree or lie against that tree, so you’re connected to the tree and connected to the ground or connected to the water and the sand. Okay, no phone, one hour, eyes closed, soaking up your environment.
Now what you can do if you’re thinking about how long and how I am going to be able to measure my time, you could bring your phone. Put it in airplane mode and just set an alarm for one hour or you can completely surrender to experience and stay there for as long as you feel like it which could be two hours, three hours, four hours. You might get lost in the magic. Now when you completely surrender to an experience like this, your body becomes the environment, and the environment becomes your body. When your bare feet are on the earth, mother nature starts to replenish you with zinc, selenium, white gold, yellow gold, potassium, a lot of these minerals that are rich in the ground that aren’t so rich in our bodies anymore because we’ve lost that connection with the ground.
We wear shoes and flip-flops and trainers, and you know we’re not really supposed to. We’re supposed to walk barefooted on the earth. You know that they’ve stopped our connection, or they’ve given us tools that we think we need to wear to make us look cool or because it’s comfier but if you look at the aborigines. They walk through the desert; they walk on sharp stones and stuff and their feet have become acclimatized and accustomed to the hard ground. They don’t need shoes, but we’ve got soft over the years. You know we’ve been turned into fanny, and I know some people don’t like that word, but it doesn’t matter. I’m not referring to women’s genitals. When I was growing up a fanny was someone who was a little bit weaker, a little bit softer, and when I’ve mentioned that word in videos before people get a little bit pissed but that’s for you to deal with if it makes you a little bit pissed or if it triggers you in some way because I know my intention and what I mean with that word.
Anyway, back to what we were saying. The aborigines, they walk through the desert, burning hot ground. It doesn’t bother them. There’s an amazing book that I read a couple of years back maybe a bit longer called Walkabout. It’s about a lady that gets a calling to go and meet some aborigines out in the desert and she leaves her passport, her jewelery, her watch, all her clothes. She’s a city girl. She leaves it all in an apartment in Australia and goes walkabout. They burn her clothes, they burn everything. She’s naked and for the first few weeks she’s getting calluses in her feet. Her feet are cracking open, they’re burning, they’re blistering. It’s horrible but after a little a little while her feet become acclimatized to the environment, and they toughen up they harden up. We’ve lost all of that because we wear shoes and other items on our feet, you know, flip-flops and trainers and sandals and all this sort of stuff.
We’ve got to regain our connection to the planet okay. Now with our intention and our energy we can connect to the magnetic frequencies of the planet, the electromagnetic frequencies of the stars and we can bring them through our body. When our feet are on the earth it does something magical to us. When we hug a tree, it does something magical to us. When we’re out connected in the sand and the ocean that salt water it does something to us. Â Many years ago, when human beings were crystalline before we entered that lower dimensional, third frequency, third dimensional frequency or third density space, we didn’t have iron core blood flowing through our veins. We had saltwater flowing through our veins. Okay, when we connect with the salt water, it does something to us. It replenishes us, it revitalizes us. A lot of people say that that salt is bad for you. It’s another one of those myths that the so-called powers that have tried to install into our consciousness because salt water is good for us in balance of course. Putting Himalayan salt into water, having a tablespoon of that a day every other day. It cleans out your system. Salt is good for our bodies, okay.
Anyway, 21 days. What have you got to lose? Absolutely nothing apart from 21 hours of your time and most people squander the hours and minutes of their day playing around on their phones, on their laptops, reading magazines that are full of garbage. I challenge you 21 days starting today or tomorrow. It’s entirely up to you. Go out into nature for one hour minimum with your shoes and socks off, your phone in airplane mode or you leave it behind. You need something to set a timer, so you stay for a minimum of an hour and you’re just going to breathe deeply into your body. Your bare feet are on the earth or in the ocean and you’re just going to be. What I want you to do when you’re in this space is expand your heart. I want you to expand your heart, I want you to consciously bring your awareness into your heart and open it baby. I want you to open it and open it like a beautiful lotus flower, a diamond lotus flower opening and opening 360 degrees and flowing out into the space and allow your heart frequency to connect with the trees and the ground and the ocean and any animals that are in your environment, insects.
I want you to feel the frequency and the energy of everything in your environment and as you do that you’re going to start to melt into your environment. The first day or two, or maybe three or four days, your ego might be playing havoc – this is a waste of time, I can’t feel anything. That’s okay. Whip your ego into shape and make it. Stay there, observe it chattering away. Don’t try and shut it up. The best way to shut it up is by not giving it any attention and eventually it’ll start to go quieter and eventually it will just zip shut up. Okay so this is your challenge 21 days, beautiful soul.
I want you to put your feedback in the comments underneath this video. Come back daily, come back at the end of the 21 days but please share your feedback, inspire other people to get engaged in this and I can pretty much guarantee you this. After the 21 days you are not going to want to stop. You’re going to want to get more and more of nature. It’s going to recalibrate your whole system in a massive way. You’re going to start to love the trees more than you do, human beings you’re going to start to love the ground because it’s like being plugged into the most powerful battery that has ever existed and your whole system is going to be like fizzing non-stop.
So, beautiful soul this is my challenge to you for 21 days. Accept it or decline. It it’s your call. I love you. You’re amazing. Wherever you are on this planet go out and hug your sisters and brothers. Hug them tightly and never be the first to let go, beautiful soul. Love fiercely and ferociously because the world is chaotic right now. You’ve got to love fiercely and ferociously. It’s so important.
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Infinity is the ultimate ascension toolkit. Your mind body and soul will be brought into perfect alignment. It is completely life changing. Infinity is a one-stop shop for your healing and ascension requirements. see you on the inside, beautiful soul.
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