Life is positive and there are signs from the universe, everywhere you look. The fact is, you are actually winning in life and you didn’t even know it. The universe has your back. You have so much energy and potential lying inside you and you are an inspiration to others. These positive signs from the universe will inspire you to do more and become more, to express yourself and live your life.
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I love you with my heart, with my soul, with every fibre of my entire being. How are you feeling right now, beautiful soul, and that is the question isn’t it? How are you feeling?
A lot of people say well how are you doing that just keeps you in your head but when you ask someone how they’re feeling it brings them into their body. When someone asks me how I am, how I’m feeling, how I’m doing. I always say incredible. A lot of people say I’m not too bad, yeah, I’m okay, I mean what’s all that about? what is all that about? You know life is amazing.
I want to share with you today 11 signs, 11 positive signs that will show you that you’re winning in life because it’s so easy to get lost in the chaos and the mayhem and to think that life isn’t very good at all because there’s so much madness in the world. But you are a powerful being and you get to restructure and reframe your reality exactly as you wish.
When I wake up in the morning, the first thing that I’m grateful for is the fact that I’m even waking up, I’m the right side of the turf, the right side of the soil. I’m living, I’m breathing, I’m walking around and experiencing my reality. I see the blue skies. There’s sun, there’s trees. I’ve got family, I’ve got a pair of legs that I can walk with. I’m just grateful to be alive. Life Is Good, baby. That is a miracle because every single day hundreds and thousands of people are passing back to spirit. There are many people in hospital beds, there are many people sick, and I’m walking around breathing I’ve got all my faculties, well most of them. Anyway, life is good, baby it’s amazing.
The second sign that life is good is you’re able to breathe fresh air. You can get out into nature, you can go and walk amongst the trees, you can go and walk, and they experience the exuberating colours of the flowers and the smells that nature offers and brings into your space. Just the fact that you have a pair of lungs, and you have a nose and that you can breathe in that incredible oxygen deep into yourselves, that is a blessing.
Number three, you are more today than you were yesterday and in a few weeks’ time you’re going to be even more again. You are evolving. If you look back to where you were three years ago, five years ago, eight years ago, ten years ago. You’re going to see that you’ve transformed so much. You are your own revolution without the r, you’re your own evolution, spiritual, physical, mental, emotional, you are evolving in all ways and that is just incredible. You’ve got so much more to look forward to because if you look at the gap from where you are now to where you were, that gap’s going to increase a hundred-fold, a thousand-fold. In the next one, two, three, four, five, ten years you have so much to look forward to. It’s incredible.
Number four, you’ve got a roof over your head. I’ve got a roof over my head. There are people around this world right now that can’t even put food on the table let alone have a roof over their heads and a lot of us we piss and moan because we think life is crap, life is this, life is beating us up, we’re hard done by, but no you’ve got a roof over your heads and I bet you’ve even got a bed and a pillow to sleep on at night time. The roof over your head just isn’t just an empty shell. You’ve got a bed and a pillow and if you’re watching this video right now, you may even have some hot running water. There are so many things right there to be grateful for, but we’ll just call them one, okay, and that is a roof over your head that is the fourth sign that you are winning in life. Okay, if you can’t be grateful that you got a roof over your head something is wrong.
Number five is becoming aware of your own awareness. Do you know how much of a gift that is to be aware of your own awareness. Most people are lost in this crazy game. They don’t even know who they are. They don’t even know where they’re going, they don’t even know what to do with themselves when they wake up in the morning, but you have this awareness that you’re evolving as a spiritual being having a human experience. You’re aware of your nutrition, you’re aware of your body and exercise, you’re aware of breathing deeply and the importance of it. You’re aware of your own awareness during meditation. You can observe your own thoughts from a third-party perspective. These are real blessings, beautiful soul. These are so many things, vital things, to be grateful for so you can’t turn around look in the mirror and say you are hard done by buddy. No, you’re having an amazing life. It’s beautiful, it’s fruitful, it’s magnificent.
You’ve got food on the table. The sixth sign is you’ve got food on the table. There are people waking up today right now that haven’t eaten for days. There are some people that haven’t eaten for weeks and there are some people that won’t eat for a few more weeks, without a roof over their head, without fresh running water. They are riddled with diseases. There are people waking up in hospital beds today wondering if this will be their last day on earth. You can go out you can buy fruits and vegetables, you can put good foods into your belly, to nourish your body, to nourish your soul, to nourish your energy, to feed you full of vitality and enrichment, to elevate your vibration and shift you into higher dimensional aspects of consciousness. You are so blessed just to be able to put food on the table right now. That is a gift, be grateful for that gift.
Sign number seven, you have a vision, you have a purpose. It doesn’t matter how big or small that vision or that purpose is. You know where you’re going. When you wake up in the morning and you have a plan and that is amazing. Most people they wake up and they fall into their monotonous days. The universe takes them on this ride, the world beats them up, they bounce from pillar to post helping other people live their dreams and they don’t do what their heart is asking them to do. They don’t listen to their life’s compass; they don’t listen to this beautiful stargate in the centre of their chest that knows what is best for them and will always lead them in the direction of their dreams because they’re too busy judging themselves. They’re too busy worrying about what other people will think. So, they forget about their own vision and their light dims, and it goes out from within them. It becomes a small dose of embers in the in the belly of the beast and they never ever recover and never ever regain that divine spark of wisdom, of joy, of bliss, of divinity. But you’ve got that. The fact that you’re watching this video and listening to this right now tells you that you have a vision and a purpose that you want more out of life, that you’re searching and for as long as you are you’re searching, you’re growing and evolving, and life is beautiful baby. It’s beautiful truly and utterly magical.
Tip number eight. You are loved beyond measure. You are loved by angels, extraterrestrials. You are loved by people all over this planet and you don’t even know they love you. There are beings beyond the veil of illusion looking out over you, watching out for you. There are people in this world, friends, family members, that love you and even if you can’t see that beauty and that magic within your own self there are people that care about you. That is just awesome because there are people wandering the streets of this planet, wandering the deserts of this planet, the jungles of this planet, and they have no one to care about them. Yes, they have beings watching over them from beyond the veil of illusion but there are so many people that are untapped okay. They’re trapped into the 3D matrix, and they’re not tapped into anything beyond, over, within that the mystical realms of divinity. They’ve lost touch with it a long time ago. Maybe they never had touch with it. You are an inspiration in this physical reality. You’re aware, you know that there’s something greater beyond the veil of illusion and it’s always communicating with you, as well as having people in your life that you can go and have a cup of tea with, go and have a fruit juice with, go and take a walk with. You are loved, beautiful soul, you are loved and that is just a gift. Love is the key.
The ninth sign that you’re winning in life is that you’re an inspiration. The fact that you’re here on this planet, you’re the right side of the soil, you’re breathing in this incredible frequency that we call oxygen, light. You’re an inspiration to your fellow sisters and brothers. You have a light inside your body, inside your physical vessel. You have a soul, and it is brighter than you think and when you walk these earthly planes you are lighting people up from the inside and you don’t even know it. People look at you, people see you and they think wow you’re amazing. They look into your eyes, they look into your soul, they investigate your consciousness, and they are mesmerized. They are mesmerized at your inner beauty. They’re mesmerized at your wisdom; they’re mesmerized at the light that is shining through every single cell of your physical body. They see things that you don’t. You are an inspiration, beautiful soul. You got to know this. Just by you being here on this planet you’re giving other people confidence, you’re giving other people courage, you’re inspiring people to wake up every morning and do more in their life and that itself is just wonderful, beyond wonderful. It’s extraordinary. You should be blessed and grateful and know this in your own inner being.
The tenth sign is you have a biological computer and as you travel through life and you travel to other countries, towns, cities, your eyes, and your brain are taking snapshots. You’ve also got your phone you can take selfies; you can take pictures of what you see but your eyes, they tell you a vision the lands that you’re traveling, a lot etched into your consciousness. You get to look at jungle, you get to look at ocean. You get to walk on sand, you get to walk in the countryside, you get to experience snow, you get to experience sun you get to experience high mountain ranges, the Himalayas, wherever it might be. You get to experience relaxing destinations whether it’s the Caribbean, whether it’s Bali. You get to travel is my point okay. You have the ability if you choose to jump on a plane and go somewhere. You can travel this magical planet and see the wonderful, beautiful scenes that it has to offer you. There are magical moments everywhere.
I used to live in a place called Napier in New Zealand and the town had around 80 000 people. It was a small place on the north island on the east coast and its neighbouring town was a place called Hastings. I met a girl there once well not a girl a woman middle-aged woman. She’d never left Hastings, she hadn’t even gone to Napier, which was about I don’t know 10 kilometres away, probably less. She hadn’t even left her hometown and it was a tiny little town, a tiny little town okay. Some people don’t travel, some people don’t get to experience these things, but you have that choice. If you want to travel, you can travel. If you want to go out and earn more money to buy a plane ticket and visit somewhere you can. If you want to change what is important in your life stop watching Netflix, stop doing things that waste your money and put it towards traveling. You can do. That, you can do whatever you want but you’ve just got to decide and travel these magical lands and view the beauty that’s everywhere. It is everywhere.
Sign number 11. You have this energy inside of you and this energy has a desire. This energy wants to evolve and to grow and that desire is to be more tomorrow than what you are today. It is to grow and evolve that desire, to want to expand your consciousness, elevate your frequency and move into new higher vibrational states of consciousness of frequency, of vibration. This is a magical gift. There are a lot of people on this planet that don’t have that desire. They’re so lost in the matrix, so lost inside of their own selves that they can’t see the wood through the trees. They can’t see the beauty in a flower, in a blade of grass, in a simple interaction with a friend. They’re so lost, so lost, but you have this desire. You are not complacent. You know that there’s more inside of you and when you get to that next level you’re going to want to go to the next level. This is what’s helped me in my life, that is this is what has helped me grow and achieve. It’s that desire to want to achieve more. It’s not to better someone else in this world. No, I’m not interested in what other people are doing. I want to better me; I am my biggest competitor. I want to be more tomorrow than I am today, and a million times more next year than I am right now. That desire to do more, it will take you everywhere. Everywhere if you just kick back, follow your heart and trust.
You are an amazing being and I love you beyond measure. I love you with all of me. You and I are no different. All of us on this planet, we have this light inside of us and if we just venture into our own heart and realize we’re our own saviours, our own power, and we don’t look to the external world for help for answers because we know everything resides inside of us. We’re going to step into a new playing field, a new arena and life is going to grow new wings and we’re going to soar like golden eagles through the universe through the galaxy, through the multiverse. Life is amazing, beautiful soul. Go in here and discover your own power.
Wherever you are in this world on this planet, go out and hug tightly hug tightly and never be the first to let go. Love fiercely and ferociously and I’ll see you again real soon, beautiful soul. Remember to check out our website Go out and shine your beautiful light. One laugh, one heart, one human family. Peace out.